In other words, the results of several seniors may not be as strong as Hideshi.

Everyone has graduated. They have been in the Academy for several years, and Hideshi, a freshman in the first grade, beat them.

I don’t know if it will leave a shadow in Senior’s heart.

But from this Indigo conference, you can see the gap between yourself and Hideshi.

“I see…”

Then he hung up the phone. Cameron, who was on the other side of the phone, saw Satō hung up and looked confused.

Mumbled to myself: “Maybe it is too exciting, but it feels so good. I will call Konan again to stimulate her, hehe.”

He dialed Konan’s phone again.


At this time, the entire Silver Academy is still very quiet. School has not yet started. People in the Academy Still very few.

Director Liu came to the administration building alone. The administration building of Silver Academy is where the leaders work.

There will also be some important guests in the administration building.

The style of the entire building is rectangular, and the color is gray, which has a serious tone.

Director Liu walked in, and the staff inside would greet Director Liu.

“Dr. Liu, early!”

“Well, early”

Director Liu responded, pressing the elevator and walking in.


The elevator door opened, Director Liu walked in and pressed the button on the fourth floor.

The elevator door is closed, and then you can feel the shaking of the entire elevator.

A few seconds later, the elevator stopped, the elevator door opened, and Director Liu went out.

Go straight to the right, the entire 4-Layer style is white and solemn.

Director Liu walked to the middle room, and there was a sensor on the door.

Take out your identity card, swipe the door handle, and enter it.

This is a large Conference Hall, with a huge circular Black metal tabletop in the middle of the room.

There are already a dozen people sitting in it, all of whom are familiar silhouettes, the deputy head of the township, the second-grade and third-grade director.

Professor Kanter, Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, and other senior management.

Standing behind Vice Principal is a female staff member who is the secretary of Vice Principal.

The leaders and senior leaders of the Academy are sitting here.

But one of the most important people is missing, and that is the Principal of Silver Academy.

From the beginning of school to the present, Principal has never appeared, as for the reason why it is unknown.

“Koyanagi is here!” Vice Principal shouted.


Director Liu sat down on the empty seat next to Professor Kanter.

After sitting here, you can see that there is a big screen directly in front of the conference table.

After a while, when everyone was there, Vice Principal coughed and said:

“Since everyone is here, let’s start our meeting, everyone. Look at the information on the table first, and discuss it in five minutes.”

In tone barely fell, everyone picked up the white document on their seat.

The entire Conference Hall is quietly terrifying.

Director Liu turned it over and knew roughly what the theme of this meeting was.

Five minutes later, the Vice Principal began to speak:

“Everyone is finished, I’ll talk about it.”

“Because of Alliance and Hoenn Region, Sinnoh Region The relationship between the people is constantly deepening.”

“In order to evolve and increase communication, Alliance decided to arrange for our Silver Academy and Lily of the Valley Academy in Hoenn Region to exchange students.”

“Although it is not the first exchange student program, this time is different, and more people are needed.”

“This batch requires 120 people, unlike the first one, which only had 30 people. Four times.”

“I propose to allocate 120 places to grades one to six.”

“20 places for each grade, of which 20 places include combat majors . Breeding Department, including three majors in research.”

“Okay, I’m finished, do you have any suggestions?”

After the Vice Principal has finished speaking, everyone The eyes shined, they all know what it means to exchange students.

Go to someone else’s school to learn knowledge that your school doesn’t have, and to see different things.

“I have a question” Professor Kanter opened the mouth and said

“I want to ask, some things still need to be discussed, such as how to select these 20 people? “

“And three majors, how many places are there in each major?”

Professor Kanter finished speaking, everyone else was nodded, and very much agreed with Professor Kanter’s words.

Vice Principal said with a smile: “You don’t need to discuss this with you.”

“Well, let’s discuss the allocation of three majors first.”


“I have a proposal, 20 places, 9 places in the combat major, 7 places in the Breeding Department, and four places in the research major.”

After that, the director of the research major Just opened the mouth and said:

“No, I don’t agree with this proposal. Why do we have four research majors.”

The leaders of the other research majors also Many openings expressed their dissatisfaction.

Then Vice Principal assigned several places in the combat major to the research major, and suddenly the combat major was not happy.

One after another, they expressed their dissatisfaction, so the Vice Principal moved the Breeding Department’s dissatisfaction again.

Professor Kanter disagrees for a moment.

So the Conference Hall started a fierce debate just for those places.

In the Conference Hall, only Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy are sitting in their seats, watching the three professional leaders arguing.

Anyway, they are only members of the Senate Council, and the exchange student matter has nothing to do with them.

They just came to make up the count.

After an hour of intense discussion, it was finally settled. Both the combat major and the Breeding Department have seven places, and the research major has six places.

That’s what happened, and it’s over.

Next comes the second question, who should I give this place?

Someone suggested to give the best scores directly.

Someone disagreed as soon as they finished speaking, and everyone started to discuss fiercely.

Finally, I came up with a compromise. First, if you want to go, you can register yourself, and then participate in the assessment together. The few with the best scores get the places.

In the end, no one had any opinions on this proposal, so it was decided.

Then the next question, when, transportation, and almost all other things must be discussed.

In this way, the meeting went from eight in the morning to one in the afternoon, for five hours.

Director Liu was a little tired, walked into the elevator hungry, and went downstairs.

I came to the cafeteria, packed a set meal, and bought a coffee by the way.

Go back to his office and sit down, eat and read the documents. He has been so busy lately. School is about to start and there are a lot of things that he needs to deal with.

Being busy is dizzy, took a sip of coffee, cheered up, and kept busy with myself.

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