Hideshi came late today. When he came, most of the people came.

Looking at the time to start soon, there are only three people in the seats off the court, namely Hideshi, Konan, and Satō.

After a while, the big screen starts to light up, and now we are drawing lots. The one who draws a bye among the three people can go directly to the final, while the other two people need to play against each other. Only the winner can compete with the bye. People compete for Champion.




The big screen must be. Everyone looked at the screen a little surprised. Hideshi’s expression was a little surprised. With such good luck, this time it’s me who is bye.

But everyone did not feel unfair, Hideshi itself has the strength to win the championship.

Next, Satō and Konan compete for the spot in the final.

Konan and Satō glanced at each other, as if invisible Ember was growing in the air.

Hideshi has already begun to smell medicinal smell, and two people are on stage at the same time.

After getting ready, the referee started to announce: “Now Satō from Class 2 is playing against Konan from Class 3, and the two sides are fighting a 2 vs. 2 Pokémon battle. Please release Pokémon from both sides.”

“Go, Combusken”

“Go, Horsea”

Huh? Konan saw that Satō was not using a Pokémon frowned that Youngster had never used.

This Horsea Attribute restrains Combusken, which is not good for her.

Hideshi off the field was surprised when he saw that Satō was not using Electabuzz, but he also knew what Satō meant.

Satō didn’t want his main player, Pokémon, to consume too much energy in the previous game, so he prepared several Pokémon.

Horsea, Dragon Pokémon

Attribute: Water

Characteristic Trait: Swift Swim, Sniper

Implicit Characteristic: Damp

Horsea is a columnar Pokemon, most of the body is blue, and the front abdomen and back fins are shallow yellow.

Its iris is red, with three spikes on the left and right sides of the head, and ink is sprayed out through a long cylindrical mouth.

The tail is curled forward and counterclockwise.

Hideshi opens Royal Bug Eyes, and it is another Pokémon with Excellent Aptitude. The level is not high, which is also the Veteran middle stage.

“Start of the game”

The referee gave an order and the game officially started. Don’t look at Satō’s Horsea. It looks like harmless to humans and animals, but the start is nothing. Not cute.

Various Water Type Ability is very skillful. Hideshi guessed that this Horsea’s Characteristic Trait should be Swift Swim. Under the command of Satō, Horsea almost turned the entire site into a river, Combusken Action has become very difficult.

In this way, under the control of Satō, Combusken lost its combat capability under the water cannon attack of Horsea.

Konan looked a little ugly, put the Combusken away, took out the second Poké Ball and released her strongest Pokémon Cloyster.

Konan is under a lot of pressure now, and Horsea does not seem to hurt much at all.

The competition continues, Cloyster is the Pokémon of Water Type and ice attribute, so the current environment is also very favorable for it.

After some battle, Horsea couldn’t break through Cloyster’s defense and was defeated by Cloyster’s blow Blizzard.

The two are almost there, each of them has lost a Pokémon.

Satō put away Horsea and took out his second Pokémon Electabuzz, which turned out to be Electabuzz, and Electric Type restrained Water Type’s Pokémon.

So the probability of Konan’s turnaround was too low. As Hideshi thought, in electricity, it can be said to be a very good conductive place due to too much water vapor. Electabuzz easily defeated Cloyster.

The moment Cloyster loses the combat capability, Hideshi knows he should be. After Satō defeated Konan, he glanced at Hideshi and then went to rest.

After the battle, Satō has a 15-minute break.

The time passed in this minute, and now it’s the final final.

Hideshi got up and walked onto the stage. At this time, Director Liu and Teacher Jacob were watching the game again in the audience.

At this time, Director Liu said: “You will be old, who do you think can get Champion.”

Jacob looked at Hideshi’s back and said: “I think Hideshi, Little Brat, is still It will bring us surprises.”

Director Liu said with a smile: “I also think Hideshi will win Champion.”

“I think Satō will win Champion.” The voice is Coming out of Director Liu, it turned out that there is another leader who is also watching the game today. He is Vice Principal.

Director Liu said: “Principal, do you think Satō will win Champion!”

Vice Principal said kindly: “Yes, Hideshi’s Beedrill and Scyther are very strong, But the Attribute was restrained by classmate Satō, and Hideshi still used Pokémon like Beedrill.”

After Vice Principal said this, Teacher Jacob and Director Liu were both silent.

On the battlefield, Satō and Hideshi face each other, and Satō said: “Finally I can have a good fight with you. I am a little impatient.”

Hideshi: “Me too”

“Now Hideshi from Class 1 is playing against Satō from Class 2, please release Pokémon from both sides.”

“Go, Scyther”


“Go, Electabuzz”

Electabuzz, Thunder Shock Pokémon

Attribute: Electricity

Characteristic Trait: Electrostatic

Implicit Characteristic: Vital Spirit

Electabuzz has a Black electrical symbol on its abdomen. It also has some Black skin throughout its body, just like Old Hu. There are two things like electrical conductors on its head. Can Help it store electricity.

“Game Start”

“Electabuzz, use Discharge”

Electabuzz put your hand on Ground and the arc flashes on the palm.

“Scyther, Vacuum Wave”

Scyther rushes to Electabuzz, and there is water on the Ground. The electricity of Electabuzz is conducted in the water, and it reaches Scyther’s feet in one go.

Scyther was beaten completely unprepared and was instantly injured.

Hideshi: “Not good, Scyther, fly up”

After being hit by Thunder Shock, Scyther flew into the air immediately.

Satō is a good tactic. Let Horsea turn the entire combat environment into a favorable environment for his Pokémon battle.

Be careful next, I don’t know how many tactics Satō has prepared for its Beedrill and Scyther.

After flying into the air, Scyther continued to rush towards Electabuzz.

“Electabuzz, harsh sound”

When Scyther rushed over, Electabuzz made a very harsh sound from his mouth very calmly. Scyther, the nearest to Electabuzz, was immediately affected. It descended quickly.

“Electabuzz, Thunder Wave”

Electabuzz grows his mouth and sends out a kind of Thunder Wave movement, just recovering from the harsh effects and then paralyzed by Electabuzz’s Thunder Wave Up.

He descended from the air and fell onto a water stand on the ground, splashing water all over.

Hideshi secretly thought is not good, this is troublesome.

After seeing the success of a series of abilities, Satō’s mouth raised an arc and began to let Electabuzz attack.

“Electabuzz, Thunderbolt”

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