In the morning, the broadcast started to inform that the 16th entry and eighth officially started, and the contestants were asked to buy seats next to the battlefield and wait.

Hideshi is the fifth game, so first watch Cameron and Leaf from the seats next to the venue and wait.

Cameron is the sixth game and Leaf is the third.

Now the rhythm of the game is obviously much happier, and soon the First Stage is over.

At the beginning of the second game, Hideshi said to Leaf: “You will be here soon”

Leaf was silent in front of him, his whole body tense, and Leaf turned his head and said:” Squad leader, I’m a little nervous.”

Cameron comforted: “Relax, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you’ll be fine.”

Because Cameron changed the subject, Leaf is not so nervous anymore.

In a blink of an eye, the second game was over. It was Leaf’s turn. Leaf got up and was ready to play. Hideshi encouraged: “Leaf, come on”

Leaf firmly said: “Yeah”

Then she walked to the class battle field. After she was on the field, her opponent also came up.

What’s interesting is that Leaf’s opponent is also a beautiful girl. The referee announced: “Leaf from Class 1 is playing against Konan from Class 3. Please release Pokémon from both sides.”

What! Konan? Off the court, Hideshi and Cameron secretly thought not good. Yesterday Hideshi and Cameron only looked at who their opponent was and forgot to ask Leaf.

No wonder she is so nervous. Cameron said with a solemn expression: “Leaf’s probability of winning is too small.”

Konan is the monitor of Class 3, second only to Hideshi, you and Satō of.

And also one of your Viridian trio.

Hideshi’s face solemnly said: “Leaf is dangerous.”

The two parties began to release Pokémon, Leaf used Umbreon, and Konan used Combusken.

In Hideshi’s Royal Bug Eyes, Umbreon and Combusken’s Aptitude are both Excellent, and both Levels are Veteran, but Umbreon has just entered Veteran, and Combusken has reached the middle stage.

After some fighting, Cameron said on the stage: “Hideshi, have you noticed that Leaf’s combat ability has become stronger.”

Hideshi: “I found out, Leaf at first combat ability is not strong, she can know from the actual combat assessment only 32 points when she enrolled.

However, she has made rapid progress in these short months. It should be achieved after not knowing how much effort. Yes.”

Cameron nodded agreed, and the screen returned to the battlefield.

Even if Leaf has made rapid progress first, there is still some gap with Konan. Umbreon lost to Combusken and lost the combat capability in Ember’s attack.

Next, Leaf released her second, Kirulian.

After half a month’s efforts, Cirulian’s Level has also reached the Veteran middle stage.

In the previous battle with Umbreon, Combusken spent a lot of physical strength in the battle, so now facing Kirulian, she is quickly defeated, but before losing the battle strength, Kiruli also Consume a lot of physical energy, panting on the court.

The form is now very unfavorable for Leaf. Konan puts away the Combusken and released her second Pokémon, Cloyster.

Hideshi used Royal Bug Eyes to see that Aptitude is Excellent, and Level is also a Veteran middle stage.

This Cloyster looks imposing manner from the outside. It is well-breed. The expression on Leaf is very solemn.

Cameron off the court is also watching the game of Concentrates One’s Mind. Then Leaf moves first and uses Confusion, but Cloyster is indented in the shell, which is useless at all. Instead, Cloyster counterattacks Water Pulse and hits the odds. On Lulian’s body, the effect is remarkable.

In this way, you come and go, Leaf is a little anxious, loses his calmness, can’t think of a way to break the enemy, and finally is hit by Cloyster with an Aurora Beam and loses the combat capability.

“Chirulian lost the combat capability and Cloyster won, so the winner is Konan of Class 3.”

Leaf put his head down and put away Kirulian and moved Give the two Pokémon to the medical staff and sit in place.

As soon as I sit down, Cameron is comfortable: “It’s okay, isn’t it just a game, let’s start.”

Hideshi is also comforted: “You have done well. Great progress”


After a period of comfort, Leaf’s mood improved a lot.

The game is still going on, now it is the fourth game, and it will be Hideshi soon.

After about fifteen minutes, the game is over, and then Hideshi.

Hideshi got up, Cameron: “Go on”

Leaf: “Go on”

Hideshi: “Yeah”

Then he played , Hideshi’s opponent this time is Asong, the monitor of Class 8. He is the last in Class 8. Then their class was wiped out. He met Hideshi for him.

As soon as he played, Asong asked: “You are Hideshi”

I am not Hideshi, why do I play against you?

A Song continued: “I will definitely beat you to prove that our Johto Region is the strongest.”


The judge estimates I can’t stand it anymore and immediately announced: “Now Hideshi from Class 1 is playing against Asson from Class 8, please release Pokémon from both sides.”

“Go, Scyther”

“Go Bar, Croconaw”

Croconaw, Pokémon

Attribute: Water

Characteristic Trait: Torrent

Implicit Characteristic: Forced


Croconaw is like a blue crocodile. The beige pattern on the belly is like an eggshell, and the beige jaws have amazing bite force.

Red bone plates are distributed on the head, back and tail section.

Open the Royal Bug Eyes and take a look. Aptitude is outstanding and Level is Veteran Early-Stage. Generally speaking, it is ok.

“The game begins”

A Song is the first to launch an attack

“Croconaw, use Water Gun”

Croconaw is very fighting spirit A jet of water was ejected from the mouth, and the target was Scyther. Looking at the scale of the jet of water and the level of Croconaw, this Water Gun Ability should only be proficient.

“Scyther, Spark dodged.”

Scyther turned into a green lightning to dodge the Water Gun. After dodging once, Croconaw continued to spray the Water Gun in a dense, one after another. But it didn’t work, they were all avoided by Scyther.

Seeing that this trick was useless, Asson continued to give instructions,

“Croconaw, Mud Sport”

Blue began to shake constantly, and mud began to appear around. Then there was more and more mud, and it turned into a quagmire.

When Scyther came over, Croconaw kept pouring mud on Scyther. Mud splashed on Scyther’s body.

“Scyther, Double Team”

In an instant, Scyther turned into a dozen Avatars and surrounded Croconaw. After seeing this, Asong said: “Double Team, let me break you.”

“Croconaw, Rock Slide”

Croconaw pressed his hands on the ground, the mud on the ground instantly turned into pieces of Rock, Croconaw got up and shook the ground, splashing countless four pieces of attack To Scyther, all the Scyther Avatars that were attacked disappeared, leaving only one Scyther.

Satisfied: “You are left, Croconaw, Crunch”

Hideshi didn’t say anything, so he let Croconaw open his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bite towards Scyther .

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