Little Xin can definitely feel that the previous Delphox did not hide any strength, but made all-out efforts, so why over time, this Delphox not only did not use too much energy Instead, they became weaker and attacked more and more fiercely. In the end, even Arcanine in the quasi-royal state of Little Xin could not stop them, and Togekiss and Ninetales had been taken back to Poké Ball by Little Xin.

Of course, it was because of the serious injury that was blown up by Delphox’s Mystical Fire. The wind speed of the opponent was not enough before, and it was even weaker. I felt the enemy’s more and more powerful attacks. Little Xin I bit my lips tightly, I don't know what to do. There is no fourth quasi-royal realm on Alliance who can send out to resist Lin Yu. Once I lose, the consequences will be disastrous.

With the passage of time, Lin Yu’s expression is obviously a bit hideous, it should be said that it is crazy. The dark Pokémon was originally grown by absorbing the dark power of the owner. If a person has a strong obsession in his heart, Extreme thoughts are easily contracted to Diablo Pokémon. For the same reason, Lin Yu’s situation is that she has some paranoid thoughts in her body, but now she has fallen into a deeper level. This is definitely related to Xuanyuan Yufeng’s death. Xuanyuan Yufeng’s position in Lin Yu’s heart is definitely different. Although it was not shown before, and even some were competing, Xuanyuan’s death was too much for Lin Yu, causing Lin Yu’s dark side to become more and more intense. When it comes to fighting with Little Xin, this is how it shows up.

Delphox unfathomable mystery is getting stronger and stronger with the battle. This is the performance of Lin Yu’s obsession. This obsession makes Delphox stronger and stronger, far more powerful than Venerable Lei and Langdon by retreating. Coming soon, in Little Xin's unbelievable expression, Delphox stopped attacking, and then the imposing manner on his body became stronger and stronger.

"How is it possible? This is no longer the strength that Pokémon in the quasi-Royal realm can show. This is a breakthrough." Little Xin's tone was obviously a little unbelievable. I didn't expect Lin Yu to be this way. It’s weird. It’s a quasi-royal breakthrough to a Royal circumstance. There are few examples of this kind of thing even for Alliance people. All the people who make Pokémon's breakthrough are lunatics. Ye Hao fought Ghost King at the beginning. At the time, Mo Ling was on the breakthrough, from the top of Top Tier breakthrough to the Outstanding realm, it was already amazing. Now Lin Yu, the quasi-Royal breakthrough to the Royal realm, is even more incredible. For Pokémon, the breakthrough needs one. The best thing about a stable environment is that all impending breakthroughs are very dangerous for Pokémon itself. If one is not careful, it is easy for the breakthrough to fail or burst into death, so few people do this.

Although Little Xin is surprised, she also knows that Delphox breakthrough is definitely not possible at this time. Once Delphox breaks through to the Royal realm, it means that the people of 9th Heavenly Layer will have an expert in the Royal realm. , But at this time, the Pokémon under Little Xin is only Arcanine. Togekiss and Ninetales have been seriously injured and recovered Poké Ball. Even Arcanine is also seriously injured and injured in many places. Some immunity, but the flame of Delphox is too different. It will explode. The formidable power generated after the explosion is too difficult for Arcanine to avoid damage, especially after losing the support of the other two Pokémons. Delphox's Confusion has repeatedly restrained, resulting in multiple injuries on his body.

But even so, Delphox cannot make a successful breakthrough.

"Arcanine, quickly use the Extrreme Speed ​​flame car to attack with all its strength, must at all costs organize Delphox." Little Xin has obviously saved it. In this world Pokémon is protected by law, although in this world This kind of law protection is weaker, but Pokémon does not allow any Pokémon to use Ability or artificially disturb during breakthrough or evolution. For any Pokémon, this kind of moment is sacred, so there is usually a law. The protection of the law, whether it is an attack or other interference, will be invalidated under the protection of the law.

Of course, once an external attack exceeds the upper limit of protection of the law, it can block Pokémon breakthrough or evolution, but once it does so, it will easily cause energy to run away. Under the explosion, everything around Everyone and everything are impossible to survive. It can be said that attacking Pokémon that is breaking through or evolving is a stupid behavior. Either failure will only increase the laughter, or the energy will get out of control, perish together.

So few people did this. The Ghost King did the same. He watched Ye Hao’s Mo Ling successfully break through. He didn’t have the courage to bear the consequences, but Little Xin did. She Knowing how serious the consequences of appearing a Royal realm on the battlefield are, and only being able to perish together with the opponent, this is the best way Little Xin can think of.

But Little Xin wants to do this. Others don’t want to see her being so stupid. This kind of thing is not a joke. Lin Yu’s expression is still so crazy. For her, Arcanine’s Attacks are nothing, no matter what, she is not afraid.

At this time, Arcanine has a firm expression. As a dog Pokémon, she is far more loyal to her owner than other Pokémon. She knows what the result will be, but she still executes it meticulously and gets a mess on her body. The crimson's flames were wrapped up, and the whole body was no longer visible, only an illusory shadow could be seen vaguely, and the body had turned into a huge crimson Fireball.

Driven by Arcanine’s Extrreme Speed, Fireball has become a blazing flame channel of action. It’s really because Arcanine’s advancing speed is too fast, and the flames behind him have not disappeared. The flame channel formed by this trick is It is Arcanine's most perfect combination of tricks. After Little Xin and Arcanine's multiple uses, it has been able to be used perfectly. Formidable power is Arcanine's strongest trick, combining the perfect attack of flame special power and speed Physical attack.

If this trick is a hit, although I don’t know that it can break the protection of the law, Arcanine will definitely be hit hard under the backlash of the law, and even his life will not be saved. Little Xin's lips are bitten, and there is already something on his expression. Decisively, Ye Hao's name was chanted silently in his heart.

At this time, a blue and white sound and shadow suddenly appeared in front of the flame channel. The green protective cover protected the Pokémon. With a violent rumbling sound, the blue and white sound Blocked Arcanine's suicide charge.

At this moment, Delphox’s imposing manner reached its peak. The flames and Confusion all over his body erupted together, and the illusory shadow of flame and the appearance of Confusion distorted space appeared in the air. .

Delphox is still successful. It successfully breaks through to the realm that most Pokémons have been impossible to reach throughout their lives. Royal Realm, in the same race, can become Royal Pokémon, a rare synonym, what Pokémon in the wild can reach highest realm.

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