Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 523 Dark Celebi’s continuous collision with the wall

In fact, Mark felt this feeling of trust and intimacy from Celebi when he traveled back in time three thousand years ago.

However, after the one hundred days of training in the Land of Plenty, due to the difficulty of actual combat training and the fact that Celebi was not an elf who liked fighting, Celebi was not satisfied with his attitude during the actual combat training. The feeling of closeness gradually faded away.

Mark thought that Celebi's attitude towards him would always remain at this level.

But as the time travel ended and he returned to Qingxi Village, Celebi's closeness to him reappeared.

To be precise, it not only appeared, but also became much stronger.

In contrast, Celebi was a little lukewarm towards Xiaomi Yang.

It's not that the relationship with Xiaomi Yang is not good, Celebi still regards Xiaomi Yang as his friend.

Just friends, there are levels.

In some ways, Mark also became a friend to Celebi, and became an even more important friend.

After returning to the village, Celebi often hangs around Mark, occasionally playing with Jirachi and Mew, and sharing some of his favorite snacks with Mark, but there are not many of them near Xiaomi Yang.

If Mark can describe it, it is somewhat similar to Jirachi, Victini, and Mew who recently took the initiative to get into the elf ball.

Yes, if this continues.

Mark felt that this Celebi might also become his elf one day in the future.

Without letting Mark pay too much attention to the little guy on his shoulder, Dark Celebi, who had been in a daze, suddenly started to take action.

Dark Rabbi's eyes showed some fluctuations, as if he recalled something.

In the ruins of Iron Tower Town, Dark Celebi floats in mid-air, constantly shuttling back and forth.

Mark did not interfere and led Mi Yang and the elves to follow Dark Celebi.

Mi Yang said: "Actually, I have some impressions of the ruins of Iron Tower Town. Around May, a wave of chaotic elves broke out here. It was probably Tang You who found a group of fire-breathing dragons and rescued the last batch of residents. .”

Mark raised his eyebrows: "Has the tide of chaotic elves in northern Shia spread here?"

Mi Yang shook his head: "It's not the tide of chaotic elves in the north. It's the entrance to chaotic space that appeared in Mount Rinkang. In fact, there are many chaotic spaces appearing in various parts of Shia, but the scale is not as large as that in the north, and the threat level is not very high."

"Why are there no residents left in this town?"

Mi Yang said: "Of course it's because of my father.

In fact, both the people saved by Tang You and the remaining people here flowed into Tiannan Province under my father's control.

These people would then be screened by my father.

Unqualified people will be sent to work in factories, while qualified people will be given elves and managed like a military. In the eyes of my father, these people are not human beings, just cold numbers. In this process, there are too many. people died, which was one of the reasons why I always wanted to stop my father. "

Mark nodded slightly: "I see, no wonder there is no similar situation in my world."

It may be due to the butterfly effect he caused, or the unique world line of his parallel time and space.

In Mark's parallel world, although the tide of chaotic elves broke out, the situation of the outbreak was somewhat different.

As far as Shia is concerned, the outbreak of chaotic elves in the northern Desert of No Return and the eastern part of the Desert of No Return is stronger than what Mi Yang described, but the small-scale chaotic elves in various parts of Shia are slightly smaller.

This was the case in Iron Tower Town where they were located at this time.

Mark actually happened to browse the news of Tower Town some time ago.

Although Iron Tower Town was once attacked by the Chaos Elf Tide, it did not become such a ruin at all. There are also many residents in the town. At this time, under the leadership of the local gym, they are undergoing post-war recovery from the Chaos Elf Tide.

The discussion was not continued.

Dark Celebi's flying speed is not very fast, but it is not slow either.

Not long after, Dark Celebi flew away from the ruins of Iron Tower Town and entered the forest to the north of Iron Tower Town.

Then, as Dark Celebi moved on.

——Dark Celebi hit the wall.

There seemed to be a wall that could not be seen in the void. Dark Celebi seemed not to see it and kept moving towards the wall mechanically, only to be bounced off again and again.

This is a wall that belongs only to Dark Celebi.

Neither Jirachi, Mew, Green Caterpillar, nor Mark and Mi Yang can feel this wall, nor will they be hindered by this wall.

Only Celebi felt something, but Celebi couldn't describe exactly what he felt.

It didn't leave Mark confused for long.

Soon, Mark discovered the culprit behind all this.

About two kilometers ahead, there was a human and an elf.

The human is Fleming, who has an aging face and gray hair, and the other elf is a light green little guy.

One person and one elf were lying on the clearing in the forest, looking at the sky with confused eyes.

It was Flaming and Celebi who traveled through time and space trying to save their son.

To be precise, it was Fleming and Celebi who traveled through time and space for the last time to try to save their son.

After traveling through time and space this time, Celebi, lying in the open space with empty eyes, will transform into a dark Celebi and lose the power to travel through time and return to the past.

Concealing his aura, Mark did not disturb Flaming and Celebi.

Knocking out the dark Celebi who was still hitting the wall, Mark and the elves headed to the direction of the Stone Gate Forest, to be precise, to the location of the Sacred Tree Space.

Mark didn't know where Chaomeng was at this time.

But Mark knew very well where the dream was, and it should be in the sacred tree space of Shimen Forest.

Then, when Mark and others arrived near the Stone Gate Forest, the unconscious Dark Celebi hit the wall again, and this time the hit was even more intense than the last time.

When he hit the wall before, Dark Celebi would only be bounced half a meter away, but this time he would be bounced three meters away each time he hit the wall.

Mark soon found out why.

In the forest, Mark met another Celebi.

This Celebi was very anxious and seemed to want to go deep into the Shimen Forest, but in front of this Celebi, there was also an invisible wall.

This Celebi kept hitting the wall, with despair written in its eyes.

If Mark's guess is correct, this Celebi is the Celebi following Mi Yang.

In the parallel world No. 57, Mi Yang and Celebi met earlier, so when Mi Yang died, Celebi used his power to go back to the past and try to change Mi Yang's death.

The obvious result is that nothing should have changed for this Celebi.

Mark quickly continued the action, leading Dark Celebi and the other elves around the wall, to the depths of the Stone Gate Forest, and ushered in Dark Celebi's third collision with the wall.

Deep in the Shimen Forest, Mark saw the combination of Xiaomi Yang and Celebi.

Two days later, Xiaomi Yang here will meet his death in that battle.

However, meeting Xiaomi Yang is not the point.

The point is that Mark's team has an uninvited guest - Dream.

Dream in the parallel world No. 57 discovered Mark and his group... (End of this chapter)

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