Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 395 The Ghost in the Library of Riel Elf Academy (Part 2)

The video footage is from a bird's eye view, in which a soldier from the Royal Guards is on daily patrol.

The soldier patrolled very casually. He looked around, took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, and started smoking.

Not only did he smoke it himself, the soldier also released his own double-bomb gas.

I smoked first-hand smoke myself, and then gave the second-hand smoke to double bomb gas.

It must be said that this soldier is very smart.

In this way, it not only solves my addiction to double bomb gas, but also solves the smell of cigarettes. With this damaged monitoring blind spot, it is simply an excellent way to smoke and be lazy.

The second prince paused the video and asked in confusion: "So, this is the truth about the ghost in the library? Is this the soldier who is playing tricks and smoking secretly?"

Jon shook his head: "No, this soldier is not smart at all, but stupid. Your Highness, you can look at his cigarette butt and pay attention to the distance between the cigarette butt and the double-bomb gas."

"Cigarette butts?"

The second prince looked at the video and suddenly realized something.

He only noticed that the soldier was puffing on the double-bomb gas, and noticed that the double-bomb gas absorbed the second-hand smoke.

But one very important thing was ignored.

——There is no essential difference between this soldier smoking in front of double bomb gas and smoking in front of gasoline barrels or leaking gas cans.

In the surveillance video, the soldier seemed to be smoking casually and comfortably, but he did not notice that the cigarette butts and double-bomb gas he was waving in his hand were getting closer and closer...

"It's interesting. Is this going to explode?"

The second prince smiled.

Although the idiot soldier in this video was his subordinate, and logically he should be angry, but at this moment he only found it amusing to watch the idiot soldier's actions.

The second prince said, patting Jon on the shoulder.

After watching the video that Jon gave him, his tense mood relaxed inexplicably.

Jon shook his head: "Your Highness, you'd better watch the surveillance video. Things are not what you think. I'm not showing you this video to make you happy..."


The second prince continued to play the paused scene, and saw that the cigarette butt in the hand of the idiot soldier kept waving as he smoked, and twice even faintly grazed the body of the double bomb.


The double-bomb gas exploded, but it didn't explode completely.

"What's happening here?"

In the video, the double-bomb gas expanded rapidly with the fire in the blink of an eye. The idiot soldier sat on the ground in panic, and the expanding and exploding double-bomb gas was confined to a spherical space with a diameter of about 1.5 meters.

If the second prince could describe it, it was like suppressing the explosion with his telekinesis.

"Someone noticed what this idiot soldier was doing and stopped the explosion?"

The second prince was thoughtful when he saw a young man in the video who looked about twenty years old and was wearing a white coat walking over. Behind the young man was a big white upright cat floating in the air.

Then next to the big cat, there is a Mimikyu Q holding Magikarp Coke.

Mimikyu Q is a ghost-type elf wearing a Pikachu coat. Because the second prince also bred one himself, he knows that the one in Mimikyu Q's coat is a little shadow-like guy, which looks dark and deep.

At this time, the color of Mimikyu Q, who is drinking Coke in the video, is a bit wrong inside the coat. It seems to be white and yellow.

Not only the color, but also the behavior of this Mimikyu is not quite right.

The corners of the Second Prince's mouth twitched slightly.

In the video, this Mimikyu first twists the Coke away and then puts the Coke in his mouth.

After that, he saw the little thing in the video shaking the Coke violently with his hands.

Soon, the little guy reaped the consequences and Coca-Cola gushes out.

Then, the second prince's pupils shrank slightly.

Although the little guy sprayed out Coke, the sprayed Coke did not spray everywhere, but hovered in mid-air, and then gathered into a Coke ball, which was sucked into the little guy's mouth.

In the video, Mimikyu Q, who swallowed the Coke ball, quickly hit the wall, and the young man in the white coat in front also put an exquisite silver pistol back into his pocket.

Silver pistol?

Mimikyu drinking Coke caught the second prince's attention, so he didn't pay attention to the human young man and the upright big cat floating in mid-air.

The second prince quickly dragged the video progress bar and saw that while Mimikyu was inserting Coke into his mouth, the young man also took out a small jar of potion and inserted it into the mouth of the idiot soldier.

Then, the young man took out a silver pistol, fired it at the head of the stupid soldier, and said something at the same time.

Because there was no microphone in the surveillance, he didn't know what the young man actually said.

As for the upright big cat floating in the air, he picked up a book at some point and continued to flip through the book at an extremely fast speed.

The video recording continues.

The double-bomb gas injured by the explosion was hovering in mid-air, and suddenly a burst of starlight appeared in the sky. The injuries of the double-bomb gas were being repaired visibly to the naked eye.

After that, an elf ball flew out from the unconscious soldier, the red light flashed, the double bomb gas was put into the elf ball, and then the elf ball returned to the soldier.

The Mimikyu Q jumped over, picked up the cigarette butts on the ground, and threw them into the trash can not far away along with the finished Coke bottle.

The young man touched Mimikyu's head and walked forward along the passage. The two elves quickly followed. Not long after, one person and two elves disappeared from the video screen.

The second prince looked at the video and took a deep breath: "What kind of elf is this upright big cat? And why do I feel like I have seen that young man somewhere before?"

Jon said: "The upright big cat is recognized as the mutant cat boss by the World Elf Alliance. It is a mutant elf bred by Mark. The young man who appears in the video is also Mark."

"Mark?" The second prince was slightly stunned, thinking of something and said: "It's the one who lied about his age and claimed to be 12 years old. He only played a few games in the Academy Cup and was praised by some people as the strongest new generation in Shia and a future champion... No, is it Mark, the future legendary trainer?”

Due to limited access to information, different people pay different attention to Mark and attach different importance to it.

In the eyes of the fourth prince, Mark is a genius with great talent.

In the eyes of the second prince, Mark was a young man who was overly praised and was being praised.

Jon said: "Yes, that's Mark."

The second prince wondered: "Didn't he be taken back to Haake City in the Fallen Leaf Province by that cautious Dean Cao? Why is he here?"

"have no idea."

Jon shook his head, he really didn't know.

Without thinking much, Jon continued to slide his phone towards the second prince, switching to another video at the back.

Jon continued to explain to the second prince while playing the subsequent video.

In the past five days, Mark appeared a total of twenty-seven times in the footage of the damaged lens.

Sometimes there is a mutant cat boss behind Mark, and sometimes there is not. The same goes for Mimikki, sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not. And sometimes, Mark is accompanied by green caterpillars and mutant flaming rabbits.

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that except for this camera with circuit problems, Mark will not appear in the picture of other connected cameras at all.


The screen on the mobile phone quickly played the time road map of patrol soldiers and scientific researchers produced by Jon. The second prince also discovered something based on this road map and the time and actions of Mark's twenty-seven appearances in the camera.

The second prince was shocked and said: "You mean, Mark always ducks away when others approach, so he is not discovered by anyone. So, the so-called ghost in the library is him?" (End of this chapter) )

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