Mark's shooting speed is extremely fast.

According to Flaming's estimation, Mark's shooting speed can even be compared to that of a King-level fighting elf, the kind of fighting elf who is good at speed.

So when Flaming realized what was happening, Mark had already reached through the cage, grabbed Hu Di's neck inside the cage, and at the same time punched Hu Di's head continuously with his other hand.

boom! boom! boom!

After three consecutive punches, Hu Di collapsed on the ground and fainted.

"This Hu Di should strengthen his defensive training." Giving a casual suggestion, Mark looked at Jirachi next to him and said: "It seems that he doesn't have any trump cards. I thought he could use the power of the forest in his body. , to restore the fighting strength of one of his elves, or to use other means."

After speaking, Mark squatted down, walked to the astonished Flaming, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, opened the package, took out one, and put it on Flaming's mouth.


An electric current appeared between Mark's thumb and index finger, igniting the cigarette in Flaming's mouth.

Mark said: "Although you asked for cigarettes to get rid of Ling Liushu, the fact that you mentioned cigarettes accidentally means that you probably like smoking and drinking Coke.

Considering your physical condition, I won’t give you Coke. As for cigarettes, I can give you all this pack.

So, can you tell us about your future plans and information about your subordinates?

Or, can you answer why your will is so strong? "

Following Mark's words, Fleming's pupils narrowed.

It was already obvious that all his plans were seen through by Mark.

He thought he had a chance to escape, but in fact, this chance did not exist at all.

Flaming struggled to control his expression, tried to smile at Mark again, and then continued to refuse to answer any questions as before.

This time, however, Flaming found that he couldn't laugh.

Flaming looked at Mark with a stiff expression, and inexplicably found a trace of disappointment on Mark's expression.

This is also true, Mark is indeed a bit disappointed.

Mark sighed softly: "It seems that your will is weaker than I thought, and you are a little shaken. Forget it, let's fight a few times first."

Following Mark's words, Ling Liushu, who had gone looking for cigarettes before, came over.

Ling Liushu held a brand new bottle of memory potion in his left hand and a small silver gun in his right hand, and then handed the small silver gun to Mark's hand.

Flaming didn't pay too much attention to the memory potion and the small silver gun in Ling Liushu's hand, but just observed Ling Liushu's expression.

The other party's expression was the same as before, and there was still a feeling of intimacy.

In addition to being close, it also gave him a special feeling.

It was as if Ling Liushu was persuading him, persuading him to calm down and accept all this.

do not know why.

Flaming inexplicably recalled Mark's game in the Royal Vs. Battlefield, and recalled something the commentator said at the time.

——Without the slightest chance, there is nothing we can do against the Mark player Rose Elf Academy.

There is nothing that can be done about it, and it’s not just the Rose Elf Academy!

Without letting Flaming continue to think, Ling Liushu had already removed the half-burned cigarette from his mouth, and then drank the memory potion.

Consciousness gradually blurs...

Qingxi Forest, on the shore of Qingxi Lake.

Flaming, who was sitting on the stone, opened his eyes. He grasped his palm in confusion, and then reached out to touch his whole body.

"Why do I feel like all my bones are broken?"

Flaming shook his head and looked at the blazing roaring tiger not far away and the young man next to him.

"Johnny? How long have I been asleep for?"

Johnny blinked and was thinking about what time he should make up more appropriately, when he saw Flaming wave his hand and said: "Forget it, how is John's investigation going?"

Following Flaming's inquiry, John from the front flew over on a self-destructing magnet: "Boss, the target is two kilometers away. He seems to have some defenses. Do we want to continue?"

Flaming nodded and said: "This opportunity is rare, we must kill him and take away the treasures from him!"

Flaming frowned slightly as he spoke.

Speaking of which, what is that treasure?

While thinking about it, the giant needle bee suddenly came out of the elf ball and persuaded Flaming.

"Escape from here? You said we just experienced a battle?" Flaming shook his head: "Aren't we all recovered? This is a very precious opportunity, we can't miss it!"

The Needle Bee continued to persuade.

However, under Flaming's insistence, the giant needle bee finally gave up.

Elves are not humans, so memory potions cannot take effect.

However, the intelligence of elves is not as good as that of humans, and most of the elves such as the Giant Needle Bee fell unconscious quickly, so they are even more confused about the situation.

So soon, Flaming led his men John and Johnny to launch a surprise attack on Mark's location.

A familiar scene appeared.

The Spade Farmer and Magnemite mechanical arm was generated on Mark's back, which knocked his super steel snake to the ground. After continuous hammering, a [Electromagnetic Cannon] blasted it away from the distance.

And during the fight, he was caught by Mark again, crushing many bones in his body.

Why again?

Flaming lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he vaguely saw Mark pouring the memory potion into his mouth. At the same time, he saw Jirachi clasping his hands together and using [Prayer] to heal his elves...

Soon, Flaming launched a second raid on Mark.

The third raid...

The fourth raid...

Starting from the fifth time, considering that Flamin's elves were resistant to raids, Flamin's raider settings changed accordingly, switching from offense to defense, and setting up traps to deal with Mark's raid.

The fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth time...

Due to the significant improvement in the treatment level and energy recovery methods, Flaming fought a total of nineteen battles with Mark throughout the night.

The first five battles can be regarded as real battles, while the remaining fourteen battles can only be regarded as actual combat exercises as Vlaming's will to fight has wavered.

But even so, Mark also gained a very good harvest.

Unfortunately, this kind of practical training cannot continue.

Because the written examination for the Emerald Foundation's researcher recruitment was about to begin, and he had to leave for the Emerald Islands of the Roma Federation...

Deep inside the base of Tianchui Mountain.

Flaming, who was wearing a white coat, suddenly stood up from lying on the table, and then looked around suspiciously.

For some reason, Flaming felt very sick, but there seemed to be nothing in his stomach, and he couldn't vomit even if he wanted to.

Not far away, Ling Liushu was wiping the table with a rag, and Flaming also came to his senses.

It has been three years since he became Mark's assistant. He and Ling Liushu have been doing similar work.

Today, because Mark had to take the Jade Foundation's written examination, the two of them stayed behind at the base.

Without thinking much, Flaming quickly got to work, picking up a broom and cleaning the nearby ground.

Then while Flaming was cleaning up, he saw a familiar Yeeb.

The little guy is very smart and keeps sliding on the screen with his paws, seeming to be watching online TV.

After swiping a few times, Yeib finally settled on an "Elf Adventures" cartoon. But just when he decided to watch it, a human finger suddenly swiped the screen, switching the screen to the previous one. on top of the news.


Yeyibu turned to look at the reformed big bad guy, Flaming, in confusion, and saw Flamin's stunned expression.

"Pompei was selected? Agreement No. 73, is the Shia royal family crazy?"

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