Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 236 Abnormal Organization

"This is the base of the Bizarre Investigation Team in Danya City. We have four similar bases in the Emerald Islands, but this one is the largest..."

Although his sister warned him not to say much, as he became familiar with Mark, Johnny unknowingly introduced the strange investigation team.

The so-called strange investigation team base is not a mysterious base like the Thunder Regiment and Amakusa Society. It is located in the mountains and underground, and there are no equipment facilities or armed forces inside.

The base of the Bizarre Investigation Team is located in a building in the southwest area of ​​Danya City, on the sixth and seventh floors of the building to be precise.

More like a company than a secret organization.

Mark quickly got into it, led by Johnny.

In general, Mark's first impression of this mysterious investigation team was that it was a fan club organization set up by a group of weird enthusiasts. The organization seemed very loose, and the internal personnel were also diverse.

There were children who looked to be less than ten years old, and there were also aunts and uncles who were older than Uncle Qian.

Everyone is very interested in strange events and has a high level of enthusiasm.

When Mark just stepped out of the elevator, he saw a pair of elders and aunties discussing the slashing and sabotage incident on the news with their mobile phones. Next to them, there was a Pikachu dressed as a detective who interrupted from time to time.

Normally, the scale of this kind of fan club organization is usually very small. Usually a dozen or so people are good. However, it is not normal for it to grow to several hundred people and have several bases.

But after all, it was the Roma Federation, whose customs and customs were not well understood, or an extraordinary world full of elves, so Mark didn't pay too much attention to it.

Soon, Mark was following Johnny for a test to join the Oddity Investigation Team.

The examiner for the team test is named Tang Hui, a middle-aged man with a mustache and a leader of the weird investigation team.

Captain, vice-captain, team leader, key members and ordinary members.

Like all organizations, the Oddity Investigation Team has a hierarchy of members.

Examiner Tang Hui is equivalent to the middle-level cadre of the weird investigation team, and Johnny is equivalent to the senior member.

As for the onboarding test, it’s more like checking in than testing.

After checking and registering with Mark's trainer qualification certificate, Tang Hui gave Mark a test paper, which was probably a detective reasoning type test paper.

Originally, Mark wanted to give a serious answer. After all, he was very interested in this kind of detective reasoning question.

But just as Mark was about to answer, Johnny secretly gave him an answer.

Not only Mark, but the other two newcomers who were taking the team test with Mark also came up with their prepared answers and copied them quickly.

In the end, the team entry test was successfully passed.

Thanks to the official trainer qualification certificate, Mark became a reserve member of the mysterious investigation team.

If all goes well, in three months he will be as much of a skeleton crew as Johnny.

The other two people who participated in the test with Mark became trainee formal members because they were not trainers. They could not become full members until three months later.

As for Mark's specific work, because Mark joined the weird investigation team through Johnny, he temporarily followed Johnny and became Johnny's subordinate.

The first thing Johnny arranged for Mark was to take Mark to a restaurant to celebrate.

At the dinner table, as Mark successfully joined the weird investigation team, Johnny's true nature also recovered. He was no longer reticent and took the initiative to talk about various things.

While Mark was listening, he was holding a white key pendant-like thing and looking at it.

Mark looked at the pendant several times and asked Johnny: "If something strange happens, this pendant will sound an alarm. What does the alarm look like?"

"It will emit green light and tremble slightly, but not all weird events will react. It must be something special. You will know when you encounter it."

As Johnny said something, he suddenly thought of something and showed a mysterious expression: "Actually, this pendant also has a special function..."

Mark wondered: "What's the purpose?"

Johnny smiled mysteriously and said: "It's not a secret. When you sleep at night, putting this pendant next to you will have the effect of assisting sleep. You will also feel energetic after waking up. Everyone uses it this way."

The hot cat on the side nodded continuously. Not only Johnny, he also felt refreshed and very comfortable after sleeping next to the pendant.

"Oh? Does it still have this effect?"

Johnny smiled, greeted Mark with chopsticks and said, "You will know if you put it next to you when you sleep today... Don't talk about this, eat vegetables, eat vegetables, the beef in this store is very good, you must eat more Yes, and the beer here is pretty good.”

Johnny said and drank half of the drink in his hand. Mark saw this and drank half of the glass with Johnny.

Not only Johnny and Mark, but also Hot Cat and Green Caterpillar also picked up the wine bottle and tasted the taste of the wine.

The green caterpillar didn't like alcohol very much before it evolved, and it still doesn't like it very much after it evolved. However, the hot cat liked it very much. He shook his head on the table and meowed while drinking.

Seeing Hot Meow drinking happily, the invisible Jirachi and Victini also tasted it one after another. Jirachi took a small sip and immediately spit it out. Victini did not vomit, but it was also painful. Face, obviously doesn't like the taste of beer.

One person and one cat don't drink very well, and it didn't take long for Johnny to become drunk.

Drunk Johnny became noticeably more talkative.

Mark also learned from Johnny's mouth the reason why Johnny brought him to the restaurant.

There are two reasons.

One is that Johnny pulled Mark into the weird investigation team, received a reward from the organization, and finally had some spare money in his hand.

Another reason is that Johnny thinks Mark is a nice person and worthy of his treat.

In the process of Johnny's narration, Mark also learned more about the organization of the Weird Investigation Team.

According to Johnny, his reward came from Captain Bunt, the founder of the Bizarre Investigation Team.

Bunt is 26 years old this year and is the grandson of Bond, the veteran king of the Roma Federation. It can be said that the funds for the entire weird investigation team are provided by Bunt.

As long as they can attract people to join the organization or find clues to some strange events, members will receive rewards provided by Bunt...

Johnny's words didn't stop and continued.

Maybe he drank too much, or maybe he had some inner emotions that needed to be expressed. Johnny unknowingly started talking about his past and started crying.

He is a loser who has accomplished nothing since childhood.

After finally getting a Yusanjia elf, he was unable to evolve into the blazing roaring tiger known as the best in the universe, and was stuck in the hot cat.

Well, like Johnny, Hot Meow is also a loser.

He failed to pass the trainer qualification test and was unable to enter the elf academy. His attempts to join the gym were repeatedly rejected.

Johnny finally resigned himself to his fate and engaged in an ordinary person's job. As a result, he made a major mistake just after he started working. He owed nearly three hundred thousand yuan in debt and had to sell off his property to pay off the debt.

Then, just when Johnny felt that he had accomplished nothing and had no hope in life, two years ago, Johnny met the Weird Investigation Team...

Listening to Johnny's story, Mark pinched his chin and said, "So, you were not interested in these weird events two years ago?"

Johnny nodded, then shook his head.

Under the influence of alcohol, Johnny was a little confused.

"She must be interested, I can't remember exactly..."

As he spoke, Johnny suddenly felt something and took out his key pendant. At this time, the key pendant was flashing with green light, which obviously indicated that a strange incident had occurred nearby...

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