Bohai, Sky.

Dominick curled up in pain, he had never felt such a strong pain, almost tore him apart. Dominick didn't feel the pain even if it showed the most real form and consumed each other with Arceus. This is simply hitting the limit of Dominick willpower.

He faintly, a little unbearable.

Solgaleo looked coldly from above, did not take Serena away as Ling Huang said, but looked at Dominick with indifferent eyes. He didn't care about Serena's life or death, he just followed the order of his father, Arceus, to bring Serena and Xerneas. It is Xerneas who is really responsible for Serena's safety. Solgaleo doesn't know if Xerneas can save Serena, but he doesn't mean to help.

It has nothing to do with him.

Also, Arceus did not say.

"But," Solgaleo thought to himself, "If Xerneas and that girl really can't hold back, it's okay to save them a little bit."

Xerneas looked coldly at Struggle. , Dominick, who was struggling with pain, looked very calm. He took Serena and slowly moved away so that he could dodge the next Dominick attack. Xerneas didn't want to attack Dominick at all. He knew he didn't have that ability. All he needed to do was to keep evading according to Arceus.

Don't put Serena in danger-even at the expense of himself.

In fact, he did that too. When Dominick got rid of the strange pain for the third time, he was finally bitten by Dominick and devoured thoroughly. In just an instant, the blood corroded by the strange Black air current in Dominick's abdomen was not left.

In that dark space.

Ling Huang "watched" the elk-like Super Divine beast fell beside him and was corroded by the Black air current. He began to fall into contemplation. He always felt that the thing that disappeared immediately after the other end appeared, was a bit familiar.

What exactly is it?

His power began to fluctuate again, even more weird than ever before. He wandered more and more actively in this space, and the Black gas couldn't cause him any harm.

Thinking hard.

He suddenly saw that the top end of the Dark Space was like White Qilin's Legendary.

He suddenly remembered something.

Elk? Qilin?

Game, handheld...AR...Reality...Olympics...Pokémon Century: GO?


"Damn! Damn! Damn! Why is Ling Huang still conscious, how can he still have memories!!" Dominick gritted his teeth, hardly Believable.

He knew very well that he couldn't digest those Psychic, even Ling Huang's body. He only targeted Pokémon, like humans, especially Earth humans, which are not in his diet at all, and eating them will only cause indigestion.

But he still couldn't help but want to eat.

He also has the confidence to swallow. Although he can't digest Psychic and Earth's body, Dominick can erase the memory contained in Psychic. As long as the memory is gone, Ling Huang is no longer Ling Huang, just a psychic. After he really digests and refining Arceus, he can completely absorb the Psychic. Even if it doesn't help, you can still vomit.

Dominick is fearless.

But he suddenly realized that he was wrong. Why didn’t heaven knows Ling Huang’s memory disappear? Where did he come from such a solid willpower!

What the hell... is he clinging to?

Dominick can't wait for Ling Huang to die and dissipate immediately, but he can do nothing.

For the first time, he tasted this helplessness. A strong regret is hitting his brain. The most violent is the pain that follows the shadow, and it gets worse and worse. He has no time to look after him, just curled up in the air, gritted his teeth and endured it.

As for the girl who fell into the sea?

He doesn't want to eat anymore, he has no appetite anymore.

Stomach hurts.

The real chicken has a stomachache.

At this moment, Solgaleo suddenly flickered, using Psychic to stabilize the falling Serena and put it on his back. He flew slowly in front of Dominick, feeling the very faint breath of Arceus on Dominick.

And-the familiar Psychic fluctuations.

"Ling Huang, he is not dead." Solgaleo said.

In Serena's godless eyes, a touch of color suddenly appeared.


In a quiet and dark space.

The memory in Ling Huang's mind keeps pouring in, but it keeps being erased. Recovering memory and erasing memory form a delicate balance, which causes Ling Huang's Psychic body to fluctuate more and more.


The most direct response to this kind of fluctuation is the turbulence of the entire space, and Dominick's pain is even with it.

Of course, Ling Huang doesn't know what Dominick is doing now. As the memory he recalled increased, Ling Huang's obsession with acquiring his own memory became more profound, even faintly overwhelming the speed of memory disappearance. But Dominick would not let Ling Huang do so easily, and endured the pain again to increase the intensity of erasing memories. The two sides once again formed a balance, and even Ling Huang was suppressed.

Suddenly, Ling Huang heard some thin voices again.

"Ling Huang, I know you are still alive."

Is someone calling me?

Ling Huang recalled carefully, but could not recognize the owner of the voice. His current memory is only about the handheld and the information about Pokémon, but he can't remember it even half a person.

He couldn't remember the owner of the voice, but he couldn't help but listen to those voices. He felt a sense of familiarity.

"Do you remember, when we first met. I was the Gym Leader of Wizeant Gym. Although I was the Gym Leader, I was able to suppress those little Players who were new to Pokémon at the time. . My winning streak was ended by you. To be honest, I don’t approve of your battle method very much, but you did win. Although I am angry and dissatisfied, I can only give you Badge. This is the rule. I gave it. Badge is your first Badge."

Ling Huang gradually recalled a few fragmentary incidents.

The sense of familiarity grew stronger.

"Who is she?"

Now Ling Huang faintly feels that the owner of the voice is someone who is very important to him. He didn't know how important it was, but just listening to the voice felt very suffocated and owed.

"After you traveled to other cities, I was still dealing with Gym's challengers. Their strength increased day by day, but I was almost standing still. I was a little tired, so I wanted to give up Gym Leader You. You accepted. We played another round. This time I am not so angry, but I am still a little unconvinced. But-you are already the Gym Leader, and the first Player Gym Leader in the world."


"In the future, I will depend on you. I know that you are deliberately keeping a distance from me, because I don't even have a body that can touch this World. When I finally understand this, I have already chosen to leave you. Although I still feel a little bit reluctant, it doesn't matter."

"You are getting stronger and stronger, from Elite to champion, and now to the whole World's Mightiest. You have a girlfriend, you get married, I watched it silently. I didn’t want to disturb you, but I can’t let you go."

"If I didn’t know you were in danger, maybe I didn’t I won't come to see you again. When you fade out of public view, I can finally forget you."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help me. I'm sorry."

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