Ling Huang came back to his senses, but instead asked Serena: "Why are you here?"

"Go back, this is not what you should be staying here."

Serena pursed her lips, not knowing what to say for a while. Looking at Ling Huang's stern expression, she felt more and more that she could not just leave like this.

"Arceus said...I can help you."

"This Xerneas was also sent to you by Arceus?" Ling Huang looked cold. This Arceus is always doing For unnecessary things, the dog is nosy with the mouse.

Xerneas stared at Ling Huang, and the secretly thought was exactly the same as the legend. He said in a low voice: "Originally Arceus sent me here, and then I took the initiative to become her Pokémon. That's all."

Ling Huang coldly snorted, and left the sentence "Don't hinder me" After that, he devoted more attention to the battle with Dominick. The reason why he is so indifferent is just to keep Serena away from the battle. With Serena's strength, even with Xerneas Help, as long as Ling Huang's defense is breached, even if Arceus appears, Dominick will have a chance to come forward. When the time comes Serena's fate can be imagined.

Ling Huang can't protect her at all.

At this time, Ling Huang feels his weakness even more.

In his quiet perception, Serena did not leave. Heal Pulse is still throwing at Ling Huang's bloody Super Divine beast, allowing Ling Huang to last longer. Gradually, Ling Huang's game of Pokémon has returned from the original 3 to 4, and there is even a vague tendency to move closer to the 5 Super Divine beasts. This is the charm of Heal Pulse, especially for Super Divine beasts. It is estimated that only the equivalent Super Divine beasts like Xerneas can instill their strength in themselves reasonably and effectively, and play a role in the battle.

In fact, Ling Huang also wanted to conquer a Super Divine beast with Heal Pulse, but unfortunately, there has been no chance. It wasn't that he couldn't beat him, but he couldn't meet this kind of Legendary at all.

Over time, Ling Huang will follow suit.

"If that Xerneas were to be subdued by me, I guess...I will do everything out, and I will compete head-on with Dominick, and even consume his HP to 13." Ling Huang secretly unfortunately.

No chance.

The flashback caused by the appearance of Xerneas did not ease Ling Huang. Because Dominick has already noticed the influence of the girl hiding behind Ling Huang on the battle. Dominick couldn't accept that only one person, a Super Divine beast, could play such a big role in Ling Huang's ending.

So, the direction of his attack is faintly inclined towards Serena. If Ling Huang's Super Divine beasts can't stop it, Dominick will appear in front of Serena in an instant.

Ling Huang is no longer willing to think about the consequences.

A voice suddenly rang in Serena's mind, who was focusing on milking.

"Now, go back now."

"I, I won't go back."

"How many times do you think Heal Pulse can be used? But only 10 times Without Heal Pulse, Xerneas is a cumbersome! And I don’t need to be a cumbersome! Understand?"

Serena bit her lip and said unwillingly, "Even if I'm a cumbersome, I won’t go. Arceus I said, I can save you."

She was like a drowning man who grabbed the last straw, her hands trembling a little.

"Arceus lied to you, you can't do anything at all. Don't say it's you, even I am often deceived by that guy. Don't trust him stupidly!" Ling Huang gritted his teeth. Use Psychic to transmit Serena sound.

There is silence behind him.

When Ling Huang took the time to turn his head, he only saw the tearful pretty face. Serena's tears fell down pa ta pa ta, she didn't speak, she just looked at Ling Huang like that.

"I won't go."

When these three words came out, Ling Huang knew that it was useless to say anything else. But he did not dare to be too far away from Serena, and even Ling Huang did not dare not stand in front of Serena.

Gradually, without Xerneas Help, Ling Huang's situation has become the same as before. The direction of Dominick's offense has not changed. He is advancing in Serena's direction.

"tsk tsk tsk, what a disgusting drama. I can see that the little girl is important to you." Dominick quack said with a big smile.

Ling Huang's face is ugly.

He stared at Dominick, his bloodshot eyes seemed to cut Dominick open.

Serena is actually very special to Ling Huang. When I first met, Ling Huang only wanted Badge and a good impression. Moreover, Ling Huang is also very interested in this famous female character in the original book. It's not a real liking, it's just a pure possessive desire, wanting to keep Serena by her side and enjoy that kind of self-satisfaction.

But Ling Huang also knew that he and a virtual character were impossible to have results, so his heart began to reject this possible desire. After that, during the time with Serena, Ling Huang was already a little attracted by her.

Even after various things happened, I still miss Serena. Especially after learning that NPC is also a real life, it is actually the truth that Arceus was forcibly blurred by Arceus, Ling Huang first thought of Serena. He was very regretful. If he knew about this early, perhaps Bai Lanxi would not have been chosen.

After all, he also faintly feels that Serena has a high degree of favor with him, but no one has said that's all. In addition, Ling Huang is also afraid that these are the three major delusions in life, and will not mention it later.

Just seeing Serena’s tears just now, Ling Huang suddenly realized that a certain string in his heart was lightly touched.

He has some not knowing what to do.

Ling Huang has no time to take care of that many, because at this time his line of defense has gradually been unable to hold it. Ling Huang, who had only two Super Divine beasts in battle, was crushed by Dominick and suddenly defeated. The Super Divine beast has not fallen, but has lost the ability to stop Dominick.

Ling Huang's eyes widened.

Dominick just bypassed Ling Huang and rushed towards Serena.

"Gallade, take Serena away!" Ling Huang's voice sounded in Gallade's mind.

"Eh Road"

Gallade suddenly understood, appeared directly in front of Serena, and wanted to use Teleport Ability to take Serena away. However, Dominick had already appeared in front of Gallade, and the extremely large body and the extremely large claws slammed down.


Gallade can't hide, but forcibly bears this ability. Gallade was shot flying instantly, regaining consciousness as he approached the surface of the water, and forcibly stopped his figure. Ling Huang can see that Gallade's HP only has the last trace of blood.

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