In the constant battle, Ling Huang felt a little tired. In this way, there is no end in sight, and no hope of the battle. Even if you continuously attack the output continuously, only a small part of the HP in the long health bar of Dominick will be consumed.

Dominick, you can't kill.

What if Ling Huang consumes most of his HP? Could it be that Dominick can't just run away, waiting for the HP to return to full and attack again?

Furthermore, even the premise Ling Huang can't do it-he can't consume most of Dominick's HP at all, and even a small part of it has reached Ling Huang's limit.

A trace of despair began to envelope Ling Huang.

The crisis of death is slowly approaching.

Even with the appearance of Mewtwo, he only found out with hindsight. Mewtwo came through the air, and the scars on his body had disappeared. The reason why it took so long was probably due to the theory of the NPC at the base station. If you can't let me use it for you, I will use it for you. This is the rule. The NPC that guarded the Pokémon healer must have rejected it, but due to Mewtwo's military force, it is estimated that it can only be accepted.

So now Mewtwo can appear in front of Ling Huang in an undamaged form.

He wants to join the battle. Help is struggling with Mega Rayquaza, Ho-Oh, and Lugia, who are fighting with Dominick. He thought that the battle situation had not changed during the time he left, and Ling Huang successfully stalemate with Dominick. But he didn't know that the members of Forbidden Gym were already so busy to help Ling Huang, and even gave up training.

They couldn't imagine what it was that would make Ling Huang's one-hundred Super Divine beasts stubborn blood one after another, and Ling Huang still needed it so urgently. The only thing they can be sure of is that the opponent that Ling Huang is facing now has exceeded their imagination, even beyond the balance of the game, and is not something that Player can deal with. All they can do is to cooperate with Ling Huang as much as possible and try not to waste time.

Ling Huang is actually very grateful, they have done this perfectly.

"Fortunately, the Super Divine beast is stronger than the acquired Legendary that many. The overall strength and consciousness are perfect. The three Super Divine beasts can block Dominick, but the damage is not so fast. Otherwise I guess. They can't even make Mewtwo appear. After all, the healing speed of the Pokémon healer is far less than that of Arceus himself." Ling Huang secretly thanked.

Thinking about it, he looked towards Mewtwo.

At this time, Mewtwo wanted to join the battle, but was stopped by Ling Huang.

"Don't make trouble. Now, immediately follow Gallade and teleport away, don't hinder me here." Ling Huang said indifferently.

Mewtwo was stunned immediately, he stepped into the air a little at a loss, his face full of disbelief.

Ling Huang didn't say any more after saying this. He only directed his Pokémon through Psychic's connection and kept changing it. Mewtwo never moved, just standing in the air, like a wood, not knowing what to do.

He wanted to play against Dominick very much, but found helplessly that he couldn't integrate into Ling Huang's team at all. Ling Huang’s Super Divine beasts closely cooperate with each other, constantly switching between resistances, minimizing injuries. And if he joined Mewtwo, it would only destroy this tacit understanding and increase the danger out of thin air.

The most important thing is that Ling Huang cannot send Mewtwo back, which means that there is only one health bar for Mewtwo, and it will stop when it runs out. And Mewtwo may not follow Ling Huang's command, and it will take time to get in touch with Ling Huang.

At's a burden.

Aware of this, Mewtwo couldn't help being very disappointed. Over the past six months, he has been challenging those powerful Legendaries. Every Legendary is invincible in the eyes of Player and other Pokémon. But in front of Mewtwo, it was almost impossible to withstand a single blow and could easily be defeated. Even if they lose occasionally, the opposite party takes Attribute restraint.

Mewtwo thought he was invincible.

But this time, he found that he was totally unable to withstand a single blow. Not only was it easily ravaged by Dominick, even Ling Huang's team couldn't get in.

As the battle progressed, Mewtwo discovered that the Super Divine beast that Ling Huang had previously put away was released again. This surprised Mewtwo, he fell into a strange circle.

Judging from the speed of Ling Huang Pokémon's replacement, Rayquaza, Ho-Oh, and Lugia are basically impossible to support for so long. And every time Ling Huang’s Pokémon is replaced, it is resurrected in full condition...

It is very likely that Ling Huang’s Pokémon has been replaced many times after playing against Dominick for so long! It was not what he thought at first, Ling Huang insisted until he came back from the treatment.

Dominick is far stronger than he thought!

Ling Huang is very likely to be unable to get away and will be forced to stay here.

Thinking about this, Mewtwo couldn't help being moved. He clenched his fists, but at a loss. He could only watch from the side, but he didn't want to leave with Gallade. Even if Gallade came over on his own initiative, he couldn't control him.

The strength of Mewtwo must completely surpass Gallade.

Gallade was faintly angry, but still didn't say a word, just looked at Ling Huang worriedly, and couldn't do anything in the same way.

As the battle went on, Mewtwo suddenly noticed something.

That is Ling Huang Pokémon's turn from the original 5 Super Divine beasts to the current 4 Super Divine beasts.

What's going on...?

Mewtwo was a little dazed, he wanted to ask Gallade, but he could only meet Gallade's indifferent expression. Gallade has no affection for Mewtwo, and even wished that Mewtwo would immediately replace Ling Huang, so that he would leave with Ling Huang.

The damn thing was Mewtwo. It was okay to provoke Dominick, but Ling Huang was in danger!

Damn it!

Thinking of this, Gallade has an urge to speak directly to Mewtwo and ask him to die. But after all, he restrained this impulse and watched the battle fiercely, but his eyes were a little lost, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It was the same ten years ago. In Pokémon world, he just watched, watching those friends fight against Dominick. Ten years later, the same is true now. Both Dominick and Ling Huang's strengths have been greatly enhanced. They once again played inextricably, but his Gallade's role has been weakened to the extreme. He was unable to take Ling Huang away, and Mewtwo was unwilling to follow him.

He can't save anyone.

I can only watch, watch, taste the kind of helpless despair, until numb.

4, become three.

The balance has been broken. Three Pokémons were needed to block Dominick. Now Ling Huang must plan carefully, or he will definitely be breakthrough by Dominick. In fact, Ling Huang has retreated a long distance around Antarctica in order to stay further away from Dominick.

After careful calculation, the defeat became more obvious.

There were only two Pokémons who played at the same time. The pace of the battle was extremely fast. Ling Huang could feel that his clothes were all soaked.

Death God's sickle seems to rest on his neck.

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