
The power of Primal comes.

Ancient Power is not a rare Ability, but in the hands of Groudon, it seems to have a new life, instantly sweeping a lot of lava and impacting Ho-Oh.

Dust is all over the sky.


Even Ho-Oh can't help but scream, it hurts.

Four times restraint, it hurts.

Ho-Oh glanced at Ling Huang and found that Ling Huang was still confident, and once again forcibly mustered his confidence. To be honest, Ho-Oh doesn't trust Ling Huang as absolutely as his other Pokémon. Ho-Oh used to be alone and still cultivates battle awareness as much as Ling Huang. For Ho-Oh, being subdued by Ling Huang may not have any increase in combat, nor is it good.

He has reached his limit, what can Ling Huang bring to him?

Ho-Oh even has holding items, a leftover rice, Ling Huang conquer Ho-Oh, it is not a mutually beneficial relationship.

Ling Huang, nothing can be done.

Of course, Ling Huang doesn't care about this. He can defeat Ho-Oh by holding Rainbow Wing. This is the rules of the game, and everyone must abide by it. So Ling Huang drives Ho-Oh as it should be by rights, and does his best to make Ho-Oh invincible.

If his existence itself is dispensable to Ho-Oh, then his meaning to Ho-Oh will be extremely superficial, and it will disappear in the end.

After the binding force of Arceus is reduced, Ho-Oh may betray Ling Huang.

"Using Future Sight." Ling Huang always checked the blood lines of Ho-Oh and Groudon, not only for comparison, but also for many other things.

"Sky Attack."


Ling Huang speaks calmly, while also using Psychic to communicate with Ho-Oh in the most intimate and intimate way .

There is no "delay".

Groudon was a little panicked. Ho-Oh's Recover hand made his scalp numb.


This trick is also Rock Type’s Ability, and the damage is much greater than Ancient Power. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"If this Groudon comprehends Stone Edge and uses it at the very beginning, it is estimated that Ho-Oh will really fall." Ling Huang shook his head, he looked at the surrounding lava, such a harsh environment , Does not limit Ho-Oh, but makes Ho-Oh more like a fish back in water. Both sides have enhancements, which can basically be offset.

Groudon watched as he was beaten to half blood, and his unprecedented weakness enveloped him.

He was horrified.

Groudon didn't expect. In just half a minute, he fell from the victory to the present situation, which is simply unimaginable.

He didn't hesitate anymore, he swallowed the vermilion orb directly, and in an instant, Groudon's appearance became more hideous. There is no change in his body shape, but there are a lot of pale yellow lines on his body, which looks extremely mysterious and hideous.

Such a dinosaur rare beast is enough to shock anyone who witnesses it.

"It's too late."

Ling Huang looked at him and gently spit out these four words.

Groudon was almost executed!


Groudon roared wildly, unleashing power madly. Groudon after Primal Reversion is indeed stronger than Ho-Oh in terms of strength, but so what?

It's late.

Even if Groudon started with Primal Reversion, nothing can be changed.

As the battle progressed, Groudon was crushed more and more miserably. This situation became more serious after Ho-Oh used Recover for the second time.

Groudon, has lost.

When he fell down, Groudon looked at Ling Huang with incredulous eyes. It is hard for him to imagine that Ling Huang would be able to fight with such a calm face all the time, even his fall did not bring any facial expression changes to Ling Huang.

It wasn't until he lost consciousness and floated above the lava that Ling Huang smiled like an afterthought.

He relaxed.

To be honest, he was also very nervous in this match. After all, Ho-Oh's intimacy is only 200 points. The intimacy that has not reached the full value is a drag on Ling Huang today. Even knowing that Ho-Oh has a lot of advantages against Groudon, Ling Huang first challenged Lugia and then Groudon.

From this we can see his lack of confidence in Ho-Oh.

For the truth, it is Ling Huang's lack of confidence in Ho-Oh that caused Ho-Oh's intimacy with Ling Huang to increase slowly. The former Ling Huang didn't know this at all, and now Ling Huang doesn't need to know.

He is full of confidence in Ho-Oh.

Even at 200 intimacy, Groudon can be hung.

Ho-Oh is really strong.

"In all fairness, if Ho-Oh can win, he still has the advantage of Attribute. But what? To win is to win. The power of Ho-Oh has been proved." Ling Huang stretched his brows and appeared in his hands. A Legendary ball.

Throw it out directly.


Three days later, Tokyo Gym in Japan.

Tokyo this season is not the same as Normal. Not only the weather, but also pedestrians. On the streets can be seen everywhere, beautiful urban beauties, and Japanese high school girls with fluttering skirts. This reminds Ling Huang of the Volcano where Groudon lives. Of course, Groudon is already not in there now.

"Tokyo, it's so hot!" Ling Huang looked at sky and couldn't help sighing.

Bai Lanxi glanced at Ling Huang and said tacitly: "Tokyo...not too hot."

"haha." Ling Huang laughed dryly. ——Awkward chat is addictive.

As an international metropolis, Tokyo does have its strong charm.

For example, the city itself, such as urban residents, such as various facilities, and Kabukicho that makes Ling Huang a little interested.

Well, remove the last one.

Because of having been here once, Ling Huang and Su Qiqi seem to be familiar with each other. Bai Lanxi looked at these two people and felt a little helpless: "I guess they forgot about the fact that I was here."

Thinking of this, Bai Lanxi lightly snorted, but didn't care much.

After spending a meeting at the maid cafe in Tokyo and recounting the old times with the Divine Grade Player maid Kanako, Ling Huang went straight to the Tokyo Gym.

In fact, Tokyo Gym’s real name is not this, but for players in other countries, the real name is not important. The important thing is that this Gym is located in Tokyo and is the core of Tokyo and even all Japanese players. That’s enough. .

Forbidden Gym is another example, in the eyes of foreigners, it is just "Beijing Gym".

Ling Huang and the others, in the eyes of Olympic Athlete of Tokyo Gym, are just outsiders. It is normal to have hostility. So when Ling Huang entered this Gym with ancient Japanese colors, he was treated indifferently by a few men in kimonos, and his expression was like how much hatred he had.

Neither Ling Huang nor Bai Lanxi expressed any opinions on this, but just left it alone.

It was Su Qiqi who glanced at Ling Huang. If it weren’t for you to hit so many Trainers in Tokyo Gym’s face, would they be so indifferent to us?

Ling Huang also took a look at Su Qiqi, yes, it’s all my fault, a series of three is my fault, too strong is also my fault!

Looking at these two people, Bai Lanxi twitched his lips, come on, just treat me like air.

Su Qiqi and Ling Huang stopped suddenly.

PS: The third watch is here, and my eyes are too sleepy to open. Let’s play the game first~

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