Forbidden Gym, backyard.

On a relatively sturdy tree, Ling Huang rested on the trunk, next to Shirona.

Shirona looked at the flying Rayquaza in the sky and said, "Are you too strict with Rayquaza?"

"You can't stand it anymore. "Ling Huang said with a slight smile.

"That's not true." Shirona looked towards the distance.

Ling Huang said: “Rayquaza’s potential is the strongest in my lineup, and even Diancie is completely inferior. He is really strong and has a lot of accumulation. Before I subdue him, He has lived for hundreds of years. Although he doesn't fight often, he can't be faked. But he is so arrogant that he doesn't even look at the 6 acquired Legendary I brought. Maybe it was with Lugia. Wake him up in the battle, otherwise he will continue to be immersed in that kind of nihilistic satisfaction, unable to extricate himself."

Shirona nodded.

She recalled the match between Greninja and Rayquaza, but she still had some palpitations. She knew very well that with the strength that Greninja showed at that time, even without Ling Huang's command, she was estimated to be able to compete with Shirona's strongest Pokémon, or even crush.

"You were so sure at the time that Rayquaza would choose Greninja as the opponent?" Shirona asked her own question.

This is something that even Shirona, who is a champion, can't see through.

"I'm not sure."

"Then you..."

"No matter who he chooses, he will lose. He has been too dependent on him for the past two years. I am, and he was following me at the time, and he lost half a year directly. Although he was strong on the surface, he couldn't keep up with it. If it weren't for me to give him more opportunities to level up..." Ling Huang shook the head, "As long as I don't direct, he doesn't even know how to fight. Not only with Ho-Oh, but even with my 7 Legendary, he can't beat any of them."

Shirona didn't say anything, her eyes looked at the sky, the legendary like a giant dragon.

She couldn't help but sigh.

In a blink of an eye, Ling Huang is already so strong. I still remember Shirona didn't bother to meet him when I first knew him. But now? Ling Huang won't be too simple to defeat her Shirona. In just two years, he has gone from a worthless player to the Celebrity who is the hottest enough to scald one's hands in Earth. In just two years, she has gone from an unremarkable Rookie Trainer to her current status no less than Shirona, and even a slightly higher status than her champion because of her status as a Professor.

Suddenly like a dream.

"What are you going to do next?"

Shirona asked.

Ling Huang returned to Forbidden Gym for half a year. Shirona asked Ling Huang's plan for the first time.

"Conquer Legendary and participate in Olympics, nothing more." Ling Huang said.

Shirona hesitated and finally said what she was about to say: "If there is a very, very important thing, you have to participate, and you have to sacrifice to solve it?"

"I will not sacrifice." Ling Huang said with a slight smile.

Shirona stared into Ling Huang's eyes without saying a word.


Two days later, the Olympic home team of Su Qiqi, Bai Lanxi, Li Shenjian, and Gu Fanxing returned. Forbidden Gym held a small-scale but high-level celebration banquet. , Holding a red wine glass, Ling Huang walked towards the small circle of Su Qiqi, Bai Lanxi and Shirona.

"Congratulations, you are back with a victory." Ling Huang said with a toast.

Su Qiqi gave Ling Huang a white look, "We have no credit for this, how can we compare to our Trump Card coach."

Ling Huang laughed and drank the wine in the glass. Utterly.

"How many points do we have now?" he asked.

"94 points. The home team that challenged Forbidden Gym has 42 teams, and the second team we challenged has 52 teams. So far, it is a complete victory." Bai Lanxi pursed his lips, said with a smile.

"What does it mean to be a total victory at the moment." Su Qiqi curl one's lip, "I will definitely win the next one."

"This is hard to say." Ling Huang touched the chin, "Those powerful nations will definitely recall the home team members when facing us, maybe they will lose."

Su Qiqi glared at these two people when Ling Huang choked, "Cooperating with your couple, just unite and run on me?"

"Why?" Ling Huang chuckled.

Bai Lanxi smiled and watched.

"What about the other teams, how many points do they have now?" Ling Huang asked.

Although he is a coach, he is not responsible for counting these things. Even Ling Huang doesn't care much, he is very confident, even reaching the point of arrogance. He doesn't think that other national teams can win the championship in front of one's eyes.

"The United States has 75 points, Japan has 57 points, Russia has 63 points, Australia has 52 points, and Britain has 45 points..." Su Qiqi said, "Earth’s small countries, except for a few , The other teams have no resistance at all in front of the big teams and become mobile Integral Points pools. The strong teams like the United States, Japan, and Russia, the main loss points are on the side of the vice team. We also occupy it. The advantage of the deputy team is nothing more."

After finishing speaking, he gave Ling Huang a somewhat unconvinced look.

Ling Huang in the heart secretly smile, dissatisfied? You can't beat me anyway.

"It is true that their home team loses very few times, and occasionally they have bad luck or fail to watch out. I didn't expect that the opposing vice team actually lost the home team's lineup." Bai Lanxi said Now, I had a snack.

Then I took a look at Ling Huang and thought to myself, I don’t know how many teams don’t know that Ling Huang is in the vice team, so I dare to challenge him?

After the battle, there is actually no way out.

The idea of ​​stepping on the Chinese team to cheer up morale was ruthlessly shattered and turned into a charity action to send warmth and Integral Points. One can imagine the despair of those teams.

Unfortunately, the first two Players of the Normal deputy team always gave the opposing illusion that "we can win". As a result, when Ling Huang played, everything was done.

This is the most annoying!

But there is no way. Who said their country does not have a Player like Ling Huang!

Ling Huang touched the back of his head and ate a snack similar to Bai Lanxi, and then found that it was so sweet that it could only be frowns Swallow.


The home team didn’t stay in Forbidden Gym for long. They are more waiting for Ling Huang, waiting for Ling Huang to get ready, and join them to challenge the strongest Gym.

The home team only needs three people.

Ling Huang, Bai Lanxi, Su Qiqi.

Gu Fanxing and Li Shenjian were left at Forbidden Gym as deputy team members. And Ling Huang, as the home team's "substitute", once Bai Lanxi and Su Qiqi can't beat the three opponents together, it will be Ling Huang's turn to play.


Ling Huang doesn't care where he goes. He doesn't even bring a few Pokémon. Anyway, there is Gallade, so he can come back and take it away at any time. With the guarantee of Gallade teleportation, Ling Huang can also be free and impudent.

"The first stop is...Washington."

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