The battle between Goodra and Mega Lucario is full of details. Especially in the end Goodra's patience of strong penetration releases Ability.

It's as if I can't bear it.

The fact is exactly that. Goodra had just reached the limit at the time and couldn't bear it anymore. Of course, it's not that the trick is to make Goodra HP fight back when she reaches the lowest point, it's impossible as simple as that. The point where Goodra reaches the limit, the duration is at most 0.3 seconds. What Ling Huang needs to do is to find the weak spot of Mega Lucario in this 0.3 second. You can imagine how difficult this task is.

In fact, it is not a weak spot, but Close Combat is similar to Outrage. It does not output all the damage in an instant, but suppresses the enemy in a short period of time. At this time of suppression, in conjunction with Goodra's retreat, Mega Lucario's power will be somewhat unavailable. This time is the time for the "weak spot" to come.

Also known as the fighter plane.

Speaking of which is simple. In fact, Ling Huang is the only one who can really grasp this kind of fighter in such a short time. Perhaps Su Qiqi can reach this point through growth, but the premise is time.

Because it is impossible to determine which of the two Pokémon will fall first, Ling Huang and Ming Su can only release Pokémon at the same time. They are all thinking about what kind of Pokémon they want to release.

Ling Huang and Ming Su looked at each other, and directly released the Pokémon that they were going to play, each seemed very decisive.

Blaziken: lv.83

Ninjask: lv.80

Although Ninjask is a Pokémon of Worm+Flying Type, Ling Huang is definitely at a disadvantage in terms of Attributes . Ninjask's Flying Type Ability is very few, mostly Bug Type. Although Blaziken's Fighting Type was four times resisted by Ninjask, Ming Su could prevent Blaziken from using Fighting Type Ability and just keep using the flame.

So, Ninjask is at a disadvantage. Attribute advantages and disadvantages require flexible judgment in many cases.

And Ninjask's dual defense is very low, HP is also very mediocre, maybe it was harvested by Blaziken's abilities. It was originally conceived to dodge the Flinch tactic, but it also became difficult to implement because of the particularity of the Elite-level ability.

Think about it now, it was too hasty to let Nincada evolve. Instead, Ninjask and Shedinja are no different from the bonus. As time goes by, Shedinja’s Characteristic Trait is no secret, which makes Ninjask and Shedinja seem useless.


Ninjask watched the huge crowd of spectators, and quickly transformed from stage fright to ease. Ling Huang and Ninjask didn't communicate much, and only the two months that the tournament was about to get along with each other. Ling Huang had just put Ninjask in the lineup at the time. What surprised him was that Ninjask's intimacy was surprisingly high.

A full 180 points.

It seems that this guy also wants to fight side by side with him.


Level: 80

Characteristic Trait: Acceleration (increases 1 Level speed per round) penetration (when using Ability, ignore the opponent’s Reflect , Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Substitute status, ignoring Bright Powder)

Ability: Double Team, harsh sound, Fury Cutter, Bug Bite, Catch, Harden, Absorb, Sand Attack, Fury Swipes, Agility, Splitting, Mind Reader, Baton Pass, Sword Dance, X-Scissor, Leech Life, U-Turn

With moves: Double Team, Leech Life, U-Turn, X-Scissor

Aptitude: top grade

Attitude Aptitude: Medium Green

Defense Aptitude: Dark Green

Speed ​​Aptitude: Light Purple

Basic battle strength: 7524

Intimacy: 255"

Ninjask's battle strength is not high, only more than 7,000, and a large part of it focuses on speed. Ninjask's Speed ​​Stat is 160 points, which can be said to be very high. But that's all, Legendary Victini's speed is not worse than him. However, Ling Huang is still optimistic about Ninjask because of his flexibility.

Victini is about the same speed as Ninjask, which is correct. But in terms of flexibility, Ninjask, which has always been based on flexibility as its main training project from its birth to the present, has several streets away from Victini!

This is also the main reason Ling Huang did not give up Ninjask. He still believes that Ninjask and Shedinja can bring him victory.

"Ninjask's matching moves, Double Team, Leech Life, U-Turn, X-Scissor..." Ling Huang thought a little bit, and revisited it a little bit.

Leech Life Ability is one of the abilities that Ninjask relies on to maintain, and it will also be Ling Huang who let Ninjask use the most output abilities. Although it is the output of Ability, Ling Huang is not obsessed with Leech Life Ability's damage, but focuses on Ninjask to improve Leech Life's blood recovery ability. The Leech Life of Elite level basically means that as much blood is lost, as much blood will be returned, which is very terrifying. U-Turn and X-Scissor are purely improving formidable power. X-Scissor is basically used to abuse food, and U-Turn is used to escape. After all, if you encounter a targeted Pokémon, this U-Turn is very necessary, and it also gives Ling Huang more room to turn.

The last Double Team......

is the true core Ability of Ninjask.

Upgraded to the Elite level Double Team, the shadow will not disappear due to touch. In other words, the shadow will always remain, so every time Double Team uses it, the dodge rate that Ninjask improves is not Level 1, but 2 Levels. If it weren't for the existence of the Double Team, Ling Huang would really give up Ninjask.

If this is not the case, Ninjask's appearance in such a high-end game is to deliver food directly, and there is no room for salvation.

It is worth mentioning that Ninjask could have promoted Sword Dance, but Ling Huang abandoned it. He didn't join the ranks of matching moves, but was promoted to Quasi Elite and never touched it again. Because the ability like Sword Dance is very dull when used, maybe the Elite level Sword Dance cannot be interrupted, but it is easy to be hit.

This will reveal a weak spot for Ninjask, who is focused on dodge, which is definitely not what Ling Huang wants.

"Ninjask, use Double Team!" Ling Huang said.

Facing the first battle when he grew up, Ninjask was excited and felt more pressure. It turns out that this is what it feels like to fight on such a big stage... But what if you lose? What if Ling Huang cannot be promoted?

Ninjask's heart is filled with these psychology. But soon he calmed down because he saw Ling Huang's flat smile.

It's just the quarterfinals, which is nothing to Ling Huang.

How can you lose?

With this kind of psychology, Ninjask directly differentiated into many shadows of the same shape. These shadows are still moving irregularly, they don't look like a shadow at all! And Ling Huang also specially trained Ninjask's shadow movement, all of which are truly irregular, and no regularity can be found!

Dodge rate, increase Level 2.

This is the real Double Team, and it is also the dodge rate tactic that is often said, making the opponent unpredictable.

"Use Blaze Kick!" Ming Su said.


Blaziken suddenly moved.

I kept searching among the many shadows of Ninjask, and finally seemed to find the body of Ninjask, kick it out!



Blaziken did not hit Ninjask, but kicked over Ninjask's shadow. The flame didn't burn Ninjask's shadow completely, and the shadow didn't seem to notice Blaziken, and disappeared in front of Blaziken.

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