Quiver Dance is one of the most powerful Ability among many gains. Because Quiver Dance will improve 3 abilities including special attack, special defense, and speed.

1 Level respectively.

For Volcarona, there is no more cost-effective Ability than this Ability.

Because Volcarona's other attributes are not strong, there is no strengthening value. But special attack, special defense, and speed are different.

Volcarona's strongest capabilities are these three.

Quiver Dance Ability is used, and the benefits far exceed other abilities.

"Volcarona’s matching moves are Quiver Dance, Rage Powder, Fiery Dance, Morning Sun. Not to mention, Rage Powder, the other three abilities, almost make Volcarona an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and both High attack growth." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Volcarona provoked the butterfly dance, and the three abilities were directly improved. Ling Huang seldom ask Pokémon to upgrade Ability to Elite, because the gain is not high when Ability is upgraded to Elite, so it is better to strengthen the offense.

After all, the Ability of Quasi Elite can be used in front of Elite. Of course, whether it can be used in front of the championship is a matter of two.

However, Quiver Dance Ability allowed Ling Huang to break this "principle". Because Quiver Dance is really strong.

The main change of Elite level gain Ability is that the speed of use becomes faster, and it is increased by 1 level, which seems to be larger than the 1 level benefit of quasi-Elite gain Ability.

About 20%.

Furthermore, as long as you use Quiver Dance, no matter how you improve the "special attack, special defense, and speed" in the future, you can follow this benefit. This is perfectly compatible with Fiery Dance.

Fiery Dance’s formidable power is only 80 points. The Fiery Dance training method developed by Ling Huang for Volcarona is simply to improve its formidable power. The real bug of Fiery Dance is that 50% of the probability is increased by 1 level after using it once! Compared to Flame Charge with 60-point formidable power, Fiery Dance's profit is undoubtedly much larger!

There is also Morning Sun.

Morning Sun is the Hereditary Ability of Volcarona. Among the many Pokémon in Ling Huang, Morning Sun is a rare and very practical Ability.

Blood back and forth according to the weather.

The reason that prompted Ling Huang to choose this Ability was that he saw Arcanine of Professor Oak using Morning Sun Ability, instantly healed 23, which was so handsome.

Yes, this trick Morning Sun can instantly heal 23. Originally, this degree of blood recovery can only be used in Sunny Day weather, but the Elite level Morning Sun is different.

Instantly return blood 23, directly explode.

Of course, Morning Sun has three growth paths. One is that Heavenspan reaches the level of recovery of Sunny Day under normal conditions, but there will be no change during Sunny Day. One is to improve the HP recovery efficiency during Sunny Day, no matter how much HP is left, it can be fully recovered in an instant. The third is to improve the ability to resist pressure and return blood in harsh environments, even if Hail rains, it can return half of the blood.

Ling Huang chose the former.

Here you can recover 23 under Heavenspan and Sunny Day. If Hail rains, it will return to its original shape.

This is the Elite Morning Sun.

This is exactly why Ling Huang, even if he just watched the leave king use Yawn, it was true.

Pokémon like leave king, no matter what Ability is used, the profit is not high. Because he can only act once in two rounds.

If the Pokémon he meets is Hawlucha or Sceptile, the gap is too big and the concept of time is completely different.

Hawlucha Sceptile's 4 rounds, only equivalent to 1 round of leave king.

It's a bit heartbreaking.

This is the case with Pokémon such as the King of Leave. Yawn is not playing an advantage, but just making up for the inherent limitations of the lazy Characteristic Trait.

Of course, the BP of the leave king itself is very outstanding. If it were not for the lazy Characteristic Trait, the strength would definitely explode.

But the restriction is the restriction, such a powerful Pokémon, impossible is allowed to exist.

Volcarona is already drowsy.

"Use Fiery Dance!" Ling Huang said.

He calculated that the worst situation for Rest’s Volcarona was that he was beaten twice by the king of leave after sleeping for 4 rounds.

But it does not matter.

There is also Morning Sun.

After using Quiver Dance with Volcarona, there is no Pokémon that can keep up with his priority, and the 2-stroke Ability cannot harvest him.


Flame is flying!

Volcarona's movements are like a dance of gods. The flames have appeared next to the leave king, and Meng Lei's flame burns on the leave king.

Although the leave king was frowned, he did not move. Because of his laziness, his current state is no different from the stiffness after Hyper Beam.

Immediately, Volcarona fell asleep.

The damage done by Fiery Dance, even for the king of leave, is definitely not low.

"Use Giga Impact!" Qin Fan said.

The leave king suddenly yelled, and the leave king who had recovered a little energy was wrapped in a huge force, and the barrier of breakthrough air impacted on the sleeping Volcarona.


Volcarona was almost beaten off the court.

Of course, it won’t be great to play off the court, because Volcarona does not have the ability to resist right now.

Pokémon fighting is not wrestling...

Ling Huang noticed that the formidable power of Giga Impact is a bit bigger. He secretly thought, "Qin Fan's Giga Impact did not allow the leave king to eliminate stiffness, but a route to improve the formidable power. As expected, eliminating stiffness is just a reckless waste of natural resources for the leave king."

Ling Huang looked at Volcarona's blood bar that only he could see with a sigh.

"Originally, the Giga Impact’s formidable power is 150 points, the normal system itself, the Elite level bonus, the Giga Impact’s formidable power directly skyrocketed, reaching a super high level of 340 points, even The leave king uses Self Destruct, which is at most this formidable power. This even surpasses the formidable power of Cinccino's quasi-Elite Tail Slap. In addition, the leave king’s physical attack is almost twice that of Cinccino..."

Thinking of this, Ling Huang was already a little surprised.

It is indeed the Legendary in Pokémon. Even if trapped by the lazy Characteristic Trait, does it have incomparable power?

Ling Huang is sure that the extreme output of the 79-level Cinccino 2 rounds is not as good as the leave king.

But so what?

Cinccino at the Elite level is sure to crush the leave king. Ling Huang can't wait to let Cinccino debut.

"Look at what Qin Fan said first."

The court fell into a slightly awkward silence. After asking for leave from the king of Giga Impact, he was decadent again, lying on the ground without moving. Volcarona itself is also hu hu sleeping, Elite Yawn, the minimum is 3 rounds to wake up.

Many times, I will sleep for 4 rounds before waking up.

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