Lengling is an ultra-high-end player specializing in Water Type, but if you think that Electric Type and Grass Type can restrain Lengling, it would be too naive.

Faced with Lengling, Ling Huang even wanted to send Rotom out again. But think about it and forget it, he wants to give other Pokémon more performance opportunities.

Lengling is strong, but for Ling Huang, it is not invincible.

"Ling Huang, player No. 23, and player No. 24, please release Pokémon. The rules of the game are 1v1. If one Pokémon loses the combat capability, the winner will be judged!" The referee tone barely fell.

Ling Huang and Lengling throw Pokémon at the same time.

Sceptile: lv.80

Empoleon: lv.82

Venue 3 once again gathered a lot of attention, and the difference is that as a Gym Trainer Lengling is also very popular.

Some viewers do not know which side they support.

Of course, which side they support has little effect on Ling Huang and Lengling in the battle. They have all been completely immersed in the battle.

Lengling shrugged. Although Ling Huang is no different from other Players, he released Grass Type Pokémon against him. But he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Because Ling Huang is very strong.

His Pokémon is naturally not simple. Although this Sceptile is not well-known, Lengling knows how strong other top grade Sceptiles are.

Although it is strong, it is not invincible.

Ling Huang knows this very well.

Sceptile’s strongest Ability is Leaf Blade, but his Species Strength is only 85 points. Even if Leaf Blade is used twice in a round after light installation, it only uses the same formidable power Ability damage as Mega Heracross. Almost.

Although the output is high, in many cases the mere output is nothing.

As for Leaf Storm? Elite-level Leaf Storm does not improve formidable power, but removes side effects. In terms of formidable power, it is not superior to Leaf Blade.

"Use Fling!" Ling Huang said immediately.

There is nothing to hesitate, the Sceptile who doesn't get an Iron Ball Fling out is simply melon, and no one can beat it.

Sceptile’s matching moves are Fling, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, and Acrobatics.

All output Ability.

Ling Huang discovered that the status category Ability will not be driven by light installation. Otherwise, using the harsh sound twice in a round, wouldn't it be invincible?

Facts have proved that Ling Huang's brainstorming manipulation can only be a mirage.

Light loading won’t affect the harshness, what can I do? I am also desperate!

Ling Huang didn't care too much, after all, it would be too buggy to really affect it. So he made a decisive decision to select all of Sceptile's matching moves as output Ability, and let Sceptile practice hard day and night.

Finally 3 days ago, Sceptile became Elite Pokémon. I have to say that Sceptile's innate talent is still outstanding, otherwise it is impossible to be promoted to Elite so soon.

"Use Whirlpool!" Lengling said.

He is not afraid of Sceptile, not just because Empoleon's Level is higher. Empoleon is a Pokémon of Water+Steel Type and is not afraid of Grass Type at all.

even more how ……

As a Water Type expert, how could Lengling not retain the method of dealing with Grass Type Pokémon?

Huh, huh.

The effect of Whirlpool is similar to that of Fire Spin. Although Water Type does little harm to Grass Type, it is better than continuous harassment.


Sceptile did not show the slightest weakness, and instantly took out the Iron Ball Fling that accompanied him every day and night. With the tremendous strength he cultivated with Iron Ball every day, this trick Fling is very easy to use.


Empoleon is nowhere to be avoided.

130 points of formidable power Fling, and then through Elite's comprehension increase, the damage can be imagined.

Almost exploded.

Moreover, the damage seems to be much higher than expected, about 30%.

Yes, this is nothing else, it is the power augmentation technique.

Neither power gain nor unloading power belongs to Fighting Type Pokémon alone. Ling Huang later discovered that as long as standing on both feet, a humanoid Pokémon with hands can learn these skills.

This made Ling Huang laugh at the time. It turns out that he had always fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking. He thought that the Pokémon who learned these two techniques were Fighting Type, and that this was the exclusive of Fighting Type Pokémon.

However, Sceptile is indeed much harder to learn than Heracross and Hawlucha. However, I couldn't bear the high perception of Sceptile, and finally I still took care of the colleagues of Ability, and improved my own quality.

This trick Fling, in Lengling unconsciously, caused damage far beyond his imagination. And this kind of unimaginable will accompany him throughout the battle.

"Use Leaf Blade." Ling Huang said immediately.

The light-installed Characteristic Trait Pokémon's command is very easy. Because their speed is beyond opponent's imagination, their attacks are fast beyond the limits of vision.

The visual effect is extremely shocking.

"use Peck drill Ability!!" Lengling said.

This is the Unique Ability he prepared for Grass Type Pokémon.

Drill Peck, as the Ability of Flying Type, is naturally self-evident in restraining Grass Type.

But it doesn't matter, Ling Huang doesn't care at all.


Sceptile suddenly flashed out, and instantly appeared in front of Empoleon. In Empoleon's view, Sceptile is almost reaching its limit. In Sceptile's eyes, Empoleon's movements are as slow as a snail.

Shoo, hoo.

Sliced ​​twice in a row, the dark green Leaf Blade exuded strong Grass Type energy, cutting on Empoleon.

Empoleon was blown out instantly.

It is hard to imagine that the cutting attack actually produces the effect of the collision attack. Empoleon, who slowly got up, also had a strong incredible expression on his face.

This Sceptile, how could his strength be so great!

I can't stop it at all!

This made Empoleon couldn't believe it, it was totally inconsistent with the power of Sceptile he perceived!

But he still reacted quickly and rushed out quickly.

Drill Peck.

Empoleon's entire body turned into a huge "drill", as if to pierce Sceptile with power.

He directly locks Sceptile On, and does not give Sceptile a chance to escape.


The effect is outstanding.

Although Ling Huang had predicted that Empoleon would use this Ability, there was no way. Elite Ability does not mean that dodge can dodge.

Lengling is not an ordinary character either.

"Empoleon's matching moves are Whirlpool, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump, Blizzard." Ling Huang thought.

Of course he does not think that Empoleon’s ability to deal with Water Type is only Drill Peck, which is too thin. Ling Huang thought that Sword Dance would be the last recruit of Empoleon. After all, Sword Dance plus Drill Peck is also very strong. But Ling Huang still underestimated Lengling's emphasis on and protection of his own Attribute bias.

Empoleon’s fourth match is Blizzard.

Also it’s an Elite level, Blizzard with a formidable power boosted by half, no difference from using real ice attribute Pokémon! The formidable power is extremely high, coupled with Attribute restraint, the blow to Sceptile is not small.

So, even if Sceptile used the unloading technique to reduce Drill Peck's damage, Ling Huang couldn't feel relieved.

Also be vigilant.

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