
Level :80

Characteristic Trait: Levitate (Pokémon with this Characteristic Trait is immune to Ground Attribute moves and will not be affected by sand Characteristic Trait, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Sticky Web, and site-type status changes.)

Ability: Discharge, Recharge, Trick, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock, Confuse Ray, Uproar, Double Team , Shock Wave, Ominous Wind, Substitute, Electro Ball, Hex, Protect, Rest...

With: Hydro Pump (flushing), Blizzard (frosting), Leaf Storm (cutting), Discharge (with Trick)

Aptitude: top grade

Attitude Aptitude: Light Blue

Defense Aptitude: Light Blue

Speed ​​Aptitude: Light Blue

Basic battle strength: 7260

Special form battle strength: 8580

Intimacy: 255"

For Elite Pokémon, the basic Unless the gap is very large, there is no way to decide anything. More depends on pertinence, Attribute restraint, Ability's formidable power and so on.

Sometimes even when two Pokémon fight against even Trainer, it is impossible to predict which one has the better chance of winning.

This situation is also common.

Relatively speaking, Rotom's basic battle strength is relatively low. But Ling Huang knew that he was very strong, so powerful that even the Three Initial Starters Pokémon like Infernape could not resist.

There is no weakness.

Ling Huang turned off the Attribute panel after looking at Rotom's matching moves. This matching trick is actually very simple, basically it is the highest formidable power Ability among various forms. Among them, Blizzard and Hydro Pump focus on improving formidable power, and Leaf Storm eliminates side effects.

As for Discharge......

Ling Huang's most satisfied Ability is this Discharge. Discharge is not actually one Ability, but two.


In other words, the formidable power of Discharge has increased from 80 to 160, directly surpassing Leaf Storm. At the same time, it can also increase the special defense of 1 level.

Unfortunately, Discharge did not increase the formidable power because it was upgraded to Elite. 160 points is 160 points.

Ling Huang thought, there may be more than one way to improve Elite. The promotion of Discharge is very different from the other 3 abilities. But the effect is unexpectedly good.

Whether it is heads-up or team battle, the magic of this trick Discharge will be reflected.

With many thoughts buried in his heart, Ling Huang watched the battle again. Although he is watching Su Qiqi's battle on the surface, in fact, he has at least 30% of his energy to observe other Players.

70% of the attention is put on Su Qiqi.

Su Qiqi is very strong, there is no doubt about this.

How strong is it?

Her opponent in this game is White Night Mandrill, the Player on the Godly Players List. But it was such a Player who was played around by Su Qiqi.

Su Qiqi’s Pokémon is Flygon, and the Pokémon used by White Night Mandrill is Toxicroak. Very different from Qin Fan's Toxicroak, the Toxicroak of the White Night Mandrill is a dangerous predictor + poisonous Characteristic Trait.

Well, danger prediction is useless, just to remind the other party whether there is one strike certain kill ability.

How can a Player who really knows how to play without his own judgment?

But it's not that the Toxicroak of White Night Mandrill is only weaker than Qin Fan. Because this is an Elite Toxicroak.

The level of 8Level 1 is very conspicuous.

Flygon is flying everywhere flexibly. Flygon is also Elite and very powerful.

It is also the second round. The quality of this Su Qiqi vs. White Night Mandrill is even higher than that of Ling Huang vs Jiang Jinxuan.

The battle between quasi-Elite and Elite has almost no comparability.

Ground + Dragon Type's Flygon has a great advantage against Toxicroak. Ground Type Ability has an outstanding effect, and Poison Type Ability has halved the effect, which is almost impossible.

But even so, when seeing Flygon's conspicuous 70% HP at the end of the battle, Ling Huang's heart was also full of shock.

Is there such a big gap between these two people?

He never thinks that Attribute restraint can represent everything in a high-end game, because high-end Player, no one is a Muggle, no one is a melon, and will be slaughtered.

Ling Huang knows the strength of Bai Ye Mandrill, after all, he has fought against Bai Ye Mandrill.

He really didn't expect that the White Night Mandrill would be beaten so badly. This is still in the case of equal strength.

Not opponent at all.

In addition to Su Qiqi's own strength, there are also reasons why Flygon itself is strong. Ling Huang couldn't help raising Su Qiqi's rating in the heart.

After becoming a coach, Ling Huang has a Level scoring template for Shenwan.

10 points out of 10 points.

Ling Huang's current strength is about 7 points.

7 points are very, very high points. After all, Bai Lanxi only has 3 points, Li Shenjian only has 2.9 points, and Gu Fanxing’s score is about 2.1 points.

As for other ordinary National Team players, they hover between 1 and 2 points. Ling Huang is not bragging, ordinary National Team member, he can play 5 each.

Six Pokémon, 30 pokémon crosswise, it's not empty.

The main reason for the accurate scoring is that Ling Huang has detailed information about all of them. Su Qiqi a month ago, Ling Huang gave a rating of 4 points.

A gap of 1 point can form an absolute crush.

This is why Ling Huang can easily defeat Su Qiqi. He only needs to use Rayquaza to cross Su Qiqi almost all Pokémon. Moreover, Ling Huang's Rayquaza at that time actually didn't use his full strength.

There is no Mega Evolution.

At that time, Su Qiqi's strength was 4 points. Now Ling Huang will raise Su Qiqi's score to 5.2 points without the slightest hesitation.

It seems that the improvement is not high, but this is already the maximum score Ling Huang can give.

Be aware that Ling Huang has 2 Legendaries, and many top grade Pokémons that can Mega Evolution, only have 7 points. Su Qiqi does not have a Legendary, and Mega Evolution’s Pokémon does not show up, but has a high score of 5.2, which shows its horror.

"Under the same lineup, I want to defeat Su Qiqi, with a chance of winning at most 60%." Ling Huang secretly thought.

If it is an ordinary Player, I must say that the match of the same lineup must be based on luck, and it is mostly tied, right?

Not really.

The same command Rattata, Ling Huang 1 can only show to death a hundred animals commanded by ordinary Player, without any blood loss.

This is not a handheld game. There are many details in many places that require careful consideration.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary players, this is just a casual game. Everyone happily subdues Pokémon and cultivates relationships through harmonious coexistence.

But from the perspective of Pro Player, Pokémon Century is undoubtedly a competition. Since Ling Huang first decided to become a Pro Player, he has this kind of consciousness.

He is more serious than anyone else.

The second round also stopped in the referee's successive voices, and Ling Huang began to summarize.

To tell you the truth, most of the players on the field are around 2 points. Very few Players have reached 3 points. Ling Huang believes that these Players can easily enter the top 16 and even the quarterfinals.

There are few players with 4 points.

Ming Su barely counted. Ling Huang gave him a score of 3.8, which is already a very high score.

Occasionally, Ming Su can still play a show.

PS: Hmm~~~ There is a question about the starting point ios.

Apple's reward and subscription money will be taken away by 30% of the amount by Apple, and the author will then halve it with the website. In other words, readers on the ios end spend 30% of the money to Apple...At the same time, they will be held down for 3 months before being sent to the author as a manuscript fee. Please don't use Apple to recharge anymore, if you have to reward (laugh), please reward from the web, don't use the ios!

If it’s the bookstore side, it’s even less... I can only get a small share, and I have to give Apple 30%... This is just a small request, everyone can consider it at their discretion.

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