I have to say that system is still very generous.

This mission gave Ling Huang a total of 20w experience and 2000 Alliance points. Such a large amount of wealth basically exceeded Ling Huang's expectations.

The total reward of a single mission is almost comparable to a key stone. What Ling Huang has to do is to help the system conquer one Gyarados.

This job, it can be said that domestic players who are well versed in the top 5 can do it, and Ling Huang just happens to happen! But for such a task, system gave Ling Huang a huge reward beyond common sense.

"If it is an ordinary high grade high Level Gyarados, the value is definitely not as good as 10w experience and 1kAlliance points. The system will assess the reason why the value of mad Gyarados is so high, probably because this Gyarados is materialized Pokémon." Ling Huang thought.

This is indeed the case.

System is relatively rigid. Except for this reason, Ling Huang can't think of anything else. Realization is indeed a big selling point of Pokémon. No one can imagine how much impact it can have in the real world by crossing the barriers of two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

"Come back, Gyarados."

Ling Huang put away Mega Gyarados, and immediately directed Lapras to swim back. The battle between two materialized Gyarados made the Yangtze River turbulent, and Ling Huang stood on Lapras and couldn't help feeling "sickness".

After the battle came back to his senses, there was a feeling of nausea.

"The destructive power of these two Pokémons is so great, the wave that is just spread is close to a tsunami." Ling Huang secretly thought.

In fact, if Lapras hadn't tried to keep it stable, Ling Huang would have fallen into the water.

Ling Huang was not in a hurry to meet Professor Oak's Laboratory. He searched the forum for temporary tasks and found that the searched posts were all irrelevant posts.

In other words, none of the posts were made by the parties involved in temporary tasks.

He is a little strange.

"Have those posts been deleted?" Ling Huang was a little surprised.

Since the temporary task exists, the system should not be hidden. After all, Pokémon Century is a very free game, and even the "bad guys" in the Player are sanctioned by Miss Officer Jenny and the "police" who has been transferred by the Player.

Ling Huang has never met such a person.

However, he knows that this kind of Secondary Profession, which basically belongs to the Player's part-time job for NPC, is definitely faster than Breeder in a short period of time, but in the long run it is not as good as the researcher and Breeder.

Ling Huang was still searching, but eventually couldn't find it, so I could only ask system.

"Why can't I find a post about the'temporary task'?" Ling Huang asked.

"Do you use the forum permissions to forcibly retrieve relevant information?" system answered the question.

This also highlights the powerful intelligence of system.

"Yes, call it directly." Ling Huang said.

He was a little frightened, because system used the word "forced" to show that these information cannot be viewed without Elite.

Ling Huang is very reluctant to check.

"Player has insufficient permissions, call 89%, hide 11%." The system prompt sounded again.

"My permissions are not enough?" Ling Huang frowned, "Is it only Champion Level that can not be fully viewed? Are you kidding, this is just a forum post, okay."

Ling Huang even suspects that the person who posted the relevant post has been banned. However, he quickly dispelled the idea, not to mention that the title was not spread at all, so he said that this was the first post.

"Poster: Li Shenjian"

"Keywords: temporary tasks, materialization, game secrets; date, half a month ago"

"Title : I made a temporary task today. I will post a post to share with you."

"Today system suddenly sent me a task, which is a temporary task that relatively few people know about. The task requirements are simple. Not to mention, and the rewards are very rich!"

Then I posted a picture. Ling Huang looked at it and the reward was only 23 for his own task. It may be that the task before half a month was relatively simple.

This is indeed the case.

Li Shenjian’s task is to conquer a substantive Gloom. The level is only 7Level 5 and the Aptitude is high grade. For Li Shenjian, there is no difficulty at all. No wonder he will send it out.

If you take a high grade Gloom, you can get such a huge reward?

Anyone can wonder.

Ling Huang’s surprise was that Li Shenjian, as the Captain of the Olympic team, should have known the existence of Pokémon. Why did he post this kind of post, showing what he didn’t know?

Ling Huang certainly knows that this is an illusion.

Li Shenjian has no reason not to know.


"Is it to vaccinate the Player?"

Thinking of this, Ling Huang immediately eliminated the idea. How can it be……? If this is the case, he can no longer imagine what the world will become in the future.

This idea is very dangerous.

So when Ling Huang was about to be eliminated, after taking a deep breath, Ling Huang continued to read this post by Li Shenjian.

There are many posts, which are related to Li Shenjian’s own popularity. Most of them are rubbish replies like "I want to have a monkey with Li Shenjian", which is useless and Ling Huang skips it directly.

He read the useful replies.

Like guessing, there are also forum Players who questioned the existence of Pokémon impossible. There are still various controversies, but the master Li Shenjian did not reply to the post.

Many replies also stopped abruptly when arguing about reaching pinnacle, which made people very uncomfortable.

It's just like Court Eunuch, the chasing book suddenly, very uncomfortable.

Ling Huang calmed down, closed this post, looked towards other posts. He found that just by looking at these posts, he still could not infer the truth.

"I always feel that the system is hiding something." Ling Huang secretly thought.

From the very beginning, Ling Huang felt that the existence of system was more like a "conspiracy", because all kinds of things were too strange. Why does he appear in this completely different "parallel world"? Why does the relevant information disappear? For who will firmly believe in the existence of Pokémon world?

Moreover, over time, players who used Pokémon and NPCs as data have gradually accepted them. There are even a lot of Players who treat Pokémon and NPCs they encounter as family members.

To this day, the Pokémon century is really going to rule Earth and spread to all aspects of people's lives.

But what is the meaning of this game?

Games affect reality, which is nothing for this AR game, it is a very easy thing.

Reality is affected. This is a side effect.

Games are games, and reality is reality. Moving the game to reality may have been wrong from the very beginning.

But why, this game, which is enough to change the world, can still catch on?

Aren't people all content with the status quo?

Ling Huang was a little puzzled, and this puzzlement gradually fermented over time. He thought about this question for several days, but still didn't find the answer.

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