The camp mission is divided into 3 stages.

First, stop Mana Fei from ravaging Wizeant Gym.

Second, the conspiracy to destroy Dark Faction.

Thirdly, rescue Manafei who is under control.

If you want to complete the faction mission, get that huge amount of Alliance points and assignable experience, these three stages are indispensable.

Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi, now they have only completed the first stage. The second stage has no clue.

Dark Faction's conspiracy? I don't even know what the conspiracy is, let alone destroy it. Even the shadows of Dark Faction Player and npc have not been discovered. How can we destroy their conspiracy?

To be honest, Ling Huang is puzzled.

Because of the puzzle, I feel chilled by it. Because of the chill, he nervously asked Hydreigon to protect him. In addition to protecting yourself, there are also reasons to protect these instruments.

Without these instruments, Ling Huang could not measure accurate data at all. It is true that Ling Huang's observation shows that Ability has already shedding body and exchanging bones, but he can't sum up anything just by looking at it. Because these data are very confusing, they must be recorded.

And recording, basically can not do without equipment.

Without data comparison, the machine controlling Mana Fei cannot be taken out, and Ling Huang naturally cannot save Mana Fei.

This forms an infinite loop, and there is no breakthrough.

If you don't complete all 3 stages, you will directly judge the task as a failure and there will be no reward.

Let Ling Huang give up this task? More impossible.

The reward for this task is too rich. Even if 5000 Alliance points can be divided into 3000, it is also a Mega Evolution Stone. As for the 20w experience? Even if only 10w is allocated, it is enough to earn!

Not to mention...This mission only has Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi as two Players. Ling Huang can’t believe that Qin City has nothing to do with them besides them!

No matter how much Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi are divided into, they will not feel distressed. The two have a deep relationship and would not mind these things at all.

There is no problem with everyone.

Speaking of which, Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi’s relationship did not have too much money. Many of Ling Huang's friends have accepted the high Aptitude Pokémon he accepted, but Bai Lanxi has not.

This is also the reason why Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi have always been so long.

Even if Ling Huang is often separated from Bai Lanxi, even if he begins to stir in his heart, he has not put it into practice.

This is the same reason.

"It looks like someone is coming." Bai Lanxi said in a low voice.

"You take Hydreigon to resist first." Ling Huang said: "I have measured the data now, so it's just a matter of comparison. You leave Gothitelle here, and I will direct you later."


Bai Lanxi nodded, she could not find a reason for rejection.

There is no way, Bai Lanxi's ability to confront the enemy is not strong, and Ling Huang can't get away, so he can only use this method. He didn't even want to waste the time to throw the Poké Ball again, and let Bai Lanxi take Hydreigon out.

Bai Lanxi once played against Hydreigon, and has been with Ling Huang for so long. He is no stranger to Hydreigon. She will definitely have no problem in commanding.

And Ling Huang is still comparing Manafei's data. There was a problem with the data comparison, because Mana Fei only came to the White Dolphin catheter for one day, but he did not trust Ling Huang, so Ling Huang did not have the opportunity to give Mana Fei a physical examination. So Ling Huang doesn't have Mana Fei's data at hand.

Comparison, in fact, does not exist.

Ling Huang can only judge from all the experience so far, what is wrong with Mana Fei? At the same time, because of the specificity of Manafei's individual, Ling Huang's comparison also presented many difficulties.

It is difficult to overcome.

"Hope Bai Lanxi can delay it a bit longer." Ling Huang secretly thought.

3 minutes is probably not enough. Ling Huang can only try to find the problem, and then it's when Gothitelle comes out.


Wizeant Gym, in front of the gate.

You can see the sea of ​​Trilady Bay head on. The design of Wizeant Gym is truly facing the sea.

When spring is warm, will the flowers bloom...I think it probably won't.

At least not for the time being. If you are willing to spend money to let the craftsman do it, it shouldn't be a problem.

From a distance, the blue sea is extremely beautiful. But the clouds on the horizon were blocked by the huge monster.

Wailord: lv.77

This is a very high-level Wailord, three times the size of an ordinary Wailord, and its height is even close to 25 meters!

An extremely huge monster!

If Milotic is the most beautiful Pokémon, then Wailord is the largest Pokémon. As for the Wailord in front of him, even Gym challenges are impossible, unless the Gym Leader agrees to play the game outdoors.

Because this Wailord is really too big.

It's incredible.

Wailord has 4 Players on his back, wearing different clothes, all with exotic or even alien styles.

This is the uniform of Dark Faction.

Bai Lanxi is sure that this is not a cosplay, but a real npc. The reason why it is determined that there is no Player is because Player is basically impossible to stand on Wailord.

It's not just Wailord.

When Bai Lanxi took a closer look, he found that in addition to the 4 Dark Faction npcs, there were 3 Pokémons on Wailord’s back.

Alakazam: lv.75

Politoed: lv.74

Umbreon: lv.75

Bai Lanxi couldn’t help but smile, How to stop this?

Whether it is Alakazam, Politoed, Umbreon, they are all very strong Pokémon, and the Species Strength is above 500. Not to mention the Wailord with a very high level and a very large body.

"No, I still have a chance." Bai Lanxi calmed down, "Wailord is a Pokémon that needs water very much. This is also the reason for limiting the value of Wailord. As long as I am not near the water, I will not be threatened by Wailord. Alakazam is a Pokémon of Psychic Type and it cannot threaten Hydreigon at all. So I only need to face Politoed and Umbreon. Whether it is Water Type or Dark Type, the effect of hitting Hydreigon will be halved, and maybe it can be resisted!>

Thinking of this, Bai Lanxi regained confidence.

She didn't let out Pokémon's thoughts at all, there was no need. The only useful Pokémon in this case is the Dark Type Pokémon, which happens to be lacking in Bai Lanxi's lock.

You can even say insulation.

Bai Lanxi will never subdue Dark Type’s Pokémon. This kind of Pokémon is indeed very unpopular in Bai Lanxi’s lineup.

Bai Lanxi’s Pokémon, whose Psychic and Fairy Type are the mainstays, how can you meet with Dark Type’s Pokémon?

Bai Lanxi guessed right, the opponent is really hostile to Wizeant Gym. Even as soon as he saw Bai Lanxi, he issued instructions with Hydreigon as the target.

"Politoed, use Hydro Pump Ability!"

"Umbreon, use Dark Pulse!"

Politoed is another evolution of Poliwhirl, which is the same as Poliwrath Pokémon of the same name.

The main difference is that Poliwrath is more like Fighting Type Pokémon, while Politoed is a real Water Type.

Hydro Pump is the strongest Ability of his formidable power.

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