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Chapter 874, you shut me up.

Lonely swallow and Jun Jiuchen are coming!

Lonely Fly Yan and Jun Jiuchen arrived at the makeup tomb earlier than Baili Mingchuan. At the beginning, Qin Mo took them to the entrance on the ground, but the entrance had collapsed. Fortunately, Lonely Flying Swallow has a foresight, with a few black sergeants borrowed from the main house of the cloud. Like the Baili Mingchuan, they walked the waterway that escaped before. When they came ashore, it happened that Baili Mingchuan escaped with Aze, and Li Qin dumped all the gold sergeants to hunt down.

They are coming to save people, and they will not go in the direction of the exit. Not far from the secret room, Qin Mo took them to the road and went to the prisons in the tomb. Soon, the collapse of the ramp came, and the collapse spread to their location.

When they were avoiding, they bumped into Li Qin and Jin Yubing who had come over, and unexpectedly, Xia Xiaoman, who had been missing for a long time, was in their hands. Jun Jiuchen responded to them enough, and Lonely Flying Yan and Qin Mo continued to walk in the direction of the prison. They came to find Aze, who knows but found Ji Jianglan!

Baili Mingchuan glared at Aze, quietly approaching. He hid in the corner and carefully explored his head.

At this point the fight has stopped, and the two sides are confronting each other on the ruins.

Li Qin personally held Xia Xiaoman, and in front of her were several Jin Biaobing, Jun Jiuchen holding a dry sword, cold looking at Li Qin, Lonely Flying Yan and Qin Mo they stood behind him, Qin Mozhe held Ji Jianglan.

Li Qin was in the middle of a cold, but after a while, she began to try to retreat. However, as soon as she retired, Jun Jiuchen took a step forward. She stopped immediately and said coldly: "Stop! Otherwise I will kill him!"

Xia Xiaoman lost a big circle and was very weak. He immediately shouted: "His Royal Highness, don't have to take care of it! Kill this old goblin!"

Old fairy?

This is even worse than Aze!

Li Qin Li Ma was tight in the neck of Xia Xiaoman. Xia Xiaoman did not say anything, even the breathing was uncomfortable, the original pale paper-like face suddenly rose red.

Jun Jiuchen did not make a sound, he knew that Li Qin would not easily want the life of Xia Xiaoman. However, he also can't think of a way to crack the predicament! Li Qin obviously had experience. She let Jin Hao stand in front, just to stop him and prevent him from using film. If you let Li Qin go back, it would be the same as Li Qin’s hijacking of Azera. They can only watch people being robbed!

Jun Jiuchen soon made a sound, and he said: "Li Qin, Chunshe Day has not arrived yet, are you going to leave like this? Waiting for the lonely cloud?"

Although Jun Jiuchen could not think of a way to save Azer, he knew that he had to delay the time and consumed Li Qin. Only by consuming and transferring Li Qin’s attention, he had a way to break through the defense of Jin Yu and to protect Xia Xiaoman’s life under Li Qin’s hands.

Upon hearing this, Li Qin showed a shocked expression. Apparently, she lurked for so long and took control of everything, but did not expect Qin Mo to have the ability to find the secret of the portrait of Gu Yunyuan!

Soon, she was upset and screamed: "Shut up! I am with him, nothing to do with you!"

Jun Jiuchen is about to refute, the lone swallow behind him grabbed the first. Lonely Feiyan pretend to be sarcasm and smiled: "Do you have anything with him? Hehe, have you ever had anything with her? No, it’s been a thousand years, he didn’t see you, how are you still? What is your own thing?"

Jun Jiuchen’s opening of Lonely Flying Yan knew his strategy. Deaf people, stimulating people to do things like this, she is going to grab it, as for Jun Jiuchen, I will wait for the opportunity to move!

Li Qin is ashamed and shy, but still sensible. However, listening to Lonely Fly Yan said that it was a wrath, "Smelly girl, you shut me up!"

Lonely swallow can not give Li Qin thinking time, she laughed, and said to Jin Bingbing: "You work for her, I don't know what her identity is, what have you done? Today, I will tell you! She is The swordswoman of the Jiuli nationality, she was the one who proposed to use the yin and yang makeup to represent the status of the Yi slaves. She was ashamed of the Yi people, and you still sold her life!"

Kim Min Bing is not clear about this history, and he has been facing each other for a while.

Lonely swallow can not only sing Li Qin, but also wants to leave her and Jin Bingbing, as long as the position of Jin Bingbing is not firm, Jun Jichen has the same opportunity! Lonely Flying Yan followed up: "The nine-member patriarch of the same year was the orthodox son of the nine Li people. Presumably her mother came from the Jinluo family! As a slave, they climbed high and did not benefit their compatriots. Ashamed, deliberately concealing identity, do not use ulterior motives to suppress compatriots! Oh, this face is really ugly! If..."

Lonely swallow has not finished, Li Qin interrupted with angrily: "Enough, you shut me up! Is the owner of the cloud-governing palace telling you this? It is difficult..."

Li Qin can only think of the owner of the cloud. It’s impossible to know so many portraits of a lonely cloud. She was shocked and thought, is it the niece who was tattooed by her in the past? Did she tell Lonely Fly Yan theirs?

Several of the Golden Skulls were more shocked and no longer focused on defense. However, Li Qin still has Xia Xiaoman still dead, so Jun Jiuchen is not fully grasped! Jun Jiuchen is still resistant to temperament, he is a rigorous person, not to mention the life of Xia Xiaoman!

Lonely swallow also saw Li Qin's hand on Xia Xiaoman's neck. She flashed a touch of fineness in her eyes and replied loudly: "Who told me is not important! What is important is that you have been searching for the lonely cloud far away. In fact, I always know your existence and always use you!"

Li Qin’s eyes flashed a shock, and she did not answer Lone Fly.

Lonely Fly Yan said again: "Do you know where he has been hiding for thousands of years? What to do? Why did he come back in recent years? Do you know what he wants to do?"

Li Qin thought about it. She started to see the little medicine Ding on the waist of Lonely Flying Yan. She determined that the drug was the moment of Shennong Ding, and she was curious. She didn't want to understand, so I wanted to bring him out!

Lonely Fly Yan smiled and said: "Save the owner of this tomb!"

When this is said, let alone the owner of the cloud, even Lonely Fly, they are all accidental. However, Lone Flyner continued: "He really has someone he likes, the owner of this grave! This is true!"

Lonely swallow does not believe that a person who loves to be so crazy will give up after hundreds of years of waiting. In addition, Li Qin felt that the tomb was a fake, and there was no sweetheart in the lonely cloud. Otherwise, Li Qin must come every year on Spring Festival!

This is the most painful thing in Li Qin’s heart! What she has to do now is to poke her!

Lonely Flying Yan continued: "Don't deceive yourself! How do you occupy the graves of others? The heart of the lonely cloud is her real tomb! He buried her in the heart, you will never be able to take it!"

After listening to this, Li Qinton is stuck in the throat, not to go up, how can it be slow! Her heart is so painful and painful, desperate to hurt!

Li Qin obviously relaxed his vigilance. Jun Jiuchen made a look at Xia Xiaoman in the summer. Xia Xiaoman was struggling immediately. At the same time, Jun Jiuchen swept away...

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