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Chapter 865 comes to the East

What Qian said is exactly what Tang Jing wants to say.

Everyone was both surprised and reasonable. If Qi Shu did not secretly station in Yuzhou Island, Li Qin really hid the people there. Even if they turned the Xuankong continent, they could not find anyone. Even if you go to Fenghuo Island, it is futile!

Lonely swallow hated and said: "Loss she wants to come out!"

Gu Beiyue seriously said: "So it seems that the previous speculations are all right. There must be secret passages under the ice sea, and the clouds and the Bais of the Yi people must also be Fenghuo Island!"

Originally, there was still no great grasp, and now the truth is basically plain.

Mrs. Su squinted and said coldly: "It is better to go to the fishing island and let the mainstay of the cloud to explore the road. Take a trip to the old road where the hundred miles and the baixiang musk!"

The brothers and sisters of Bailiqi and Baili Muxiang are the family members of the Baiyun Yi people. Now that they are born or dead, it’s hard to say.

Jun Jiuchen looked at Mrs. Su and said: "The seven uncles exposed them, Li Qin must be prepared, afraid that they will doubt the windy island. In my opinion, it is better to act at both ends and come to the West!"

Hearing the word "sound to the west", Gu Beiyue nodded first, and everyone quickly understood the intention of Jun Jiuchen and agreed. Lonely swallows: "The trick! Just do it!"

The meaning of Jun Jiuchen is to draw a part of the squadron, deliberately fanning on the fishing island, from the vortex of Yuzhou Island, looking for the secret road, and to find it, to confuse Li Qin, Li Qin cited past. At the same time, secretly went to Fenghuo Island, married her old nest, and beat her off guard.

Everyone is eating and talking about new arrangements.

When I ate half of the rice, I put down the chopsticks and rubbed my mouth. I said, "I will send the rice to Qin Mo, and I will talk about the new changes with the owner of the cloud."

After Qin Mo assisted the owner of the cloud, he had a lot of work to be done. Money is more than a meal to Qin Mo, and it is normal to communicate with the owner of the cloud. Plus everyone was talking about it, they didn't feel weird. However, the money has just got up and she has put down the tableware. He did not say a word, but his eyes followed the money.

Not long after the money left, he left the room on the grounds that he was uncomfortable. At this time, everyone found that something was wrong. Of course, everyone is unaware of it, only when nothing is found.

More money went to the backyard, and I saw Qin Moshou at the main gate of the Zhuyun Temple. He held his sword in his arms and stood straight, faceless and looking straight ahead.

The money went to him with the food cage, and he was still indifferent.

More money squinted, looked up and down him, said: "Face, have you eaten?"

Qin Mo did not move, even the tone did not bring any emotions, he asked: "What?"

More money will immediately raise the food cage, the food in the cage is hot, exuding a tempting aroma. She smiled harmlessly and said, "Come and send the meal to the owner of the cloud."

Qin Mo looked at the front intently and said: "I have arranged it."

The money shrugged a lot and said: "That's for you to eat. The plan has changed. Let me talk to the owner of the cloud palace. After you have finished eating, let's go in together."

Qin Mo said again: "Thank you, I have also eaten. After that, don't worry about the food here."

More money is in my heart: "I am too lazy to manage!"

She carried the food cage and entered the house with Qin Mo. At this time, she had just caught up and saw this scene. She did not go forward, seeing that the door was closed, he only spit out his mouth, and his heart was clearly blocked.

He stood for a while, and the anger in the shackles became more and more prosperous. He finally turned and left, as if he was afraid that he would be impulsive and had to flee.

When the money confessed everything, he turned and went. The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace said coldly: "Bring the cage away."

She took makeup, not only concealed the yin and yang face, but also concealed the old, looks like a young and beautiful woman. Although the makeup is not as good as Li Qin, but in order to cover up her appearance for many years, her makeup is not comparable to the average person. She is very particular about makeup, including everything in this house.

No amount of money has yet to be opened, she added: "Don't worry about the meal here, Qin Mo has explained it. The people below know my taste."

Listening to the commanding tone of the Yuyun Palace, the money suddenly realized that he was really being called as a next person.

"I, I..." The money was much more than words, and the food cage was thrown to Qin Mo. "I am just taking the opportunity today. Do you want to go back next time? I think too much. If nothing else, I will first Go! You are ready to prepare, but don't make any difference!"

After the money ran out, Qin Mo also had to go.

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace shouted and asked: "What can you do with the copy of Yun Xuan Shui Jing?"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace really does not know that Qin Mo’s eyesight is so good. She thought that even if her "Yun Xuan Shui Jing" is a copy of the book, there is always something that is true.

Qin Mo has been pondering the "Yun Xuan Shui Jing" on these two days. However, he will not say anything without a fixed number, and even if he has a fixed number, he will not be able to directly tell the owner of the cloud.

He is not polite, said: "You don't have to worry about this matter."

Qin Mo raised the cage and turned and left. The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace frowned, and depressed. However, her mouth quickly revealed a self-deprecating arc. She suddenly found herself hoping to integrate into them. Is she depressed because it is because they have prepared for her?

In the next few days, with the assistance of the owner of the Zhuyun Temple, Jun Jiuchen and Lonely Flyner arranged a manpower to wait for the soldiers to rush to the ice sea. Gu Beiyue also sent a letter to the Shangguan lady to let the Shangguan lady do a good job. Arrange, send them to the ice sea, go to Yuzhou Island.

It was early in the morning.

Gu Beiyue took his wife and children to leave. Everyone sent them all the way to the back door of the lonely house. The most deserving is the Lonely Fly and Jun Jiu Chen. Lonely flying swallows got into the carriage, held a small dust for a long time, and said a few words with Qin Min, they were willing to come down. Jun Jiuchen will hide all his disappointments in his heart. What he wanted to say, if he could say, he had already said to his father that night. As for the lack of clarity, he and his father are tacit.

He had already said goodbye to his mother and Xiao Nianchen. After he got out of the carriage, he did his best with his father.

Gu Beiyue patted his shoulder, and he had to let go, but suddenly he held it down and held Jun Jiuchen over and hugged it. He said: "Nan Chen, you are always a good boy!"

In this case, he said it was particularly whispered, and only Jun Jiuchen could hear it. Perhaps, only Jun Jichen can understand.

Jun Jiuchen is also whispering: "Father... take care!"

Gu Beiyue let him go, he hesitated, and once again set off the curtain of the carriage. He looked at Qin Min and looked at Xiao Nianchen again. He seemed to have something to say, but he finally said one sentence, "Niang Ni, Ming Chen, take care!"

In this way, in the eyes of everyone reluctantly, the carriage went away. Gu Beiyue left with his wife and children. Jun Jiuchen’s line of sight was somewhat dignified, and the lonely flying Yan’s heart was fine. However, at this time, Lonely Fly did not think much, she only comforted him when he refused.

Jun Jiuchen quickly recovered, and he even rarely jokes in front of everyone, saying: "Yu Niang went back, and only you were alone in the future."

When the words came out, everyone looked over and looked awkward.

Lonely Fly swallowed him and whispered: "Who cares you!"

Jun Jiuchen didn't bicker with her, but spoiled her nose and said: "We should also set off!"

Just after this was finished, Qin Mo hurried out from the door. He stopped in front of the Lonely Flying Swallow and said: "The master, the drop of the portrait of the lonely cloud is revealed, there are big clues."

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