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Why is Chapter 845 like this?

In the dead of night, Lonely Fly back to the igloo. She was about to open the door, but saw a shadow flying from the side, she quickly chased. Soon, she saw the snow of the incarnation of the ice lemming buried in the snow, the small buttocks were old and tall, and the short tail was also tilted up.

Lonely swallow couldn't help but laugh, grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in the middle of the snowy ass. The snow immediately tightened the tail and lowered the butt. Lonely swallows were teased and laughed.

"Oh! Got hiding? Can I eat you?" You made a great contribution, I still haven't rewarded you! I don't care about the Black Forest!"

Lonely Flying Yan said as he walked over. I have to say that the performance of the heavy snow this time completely subverted her previous cognition.

She picked up the snow and checked it out, making sure that nothing was hurt in the palm of her hand. She asked: "What have you just been hiding at the door? Wouldn't it be waiting for me to come back? Do you care about me?"

The snow has the same spirit as the solitary flying Yan, although I don’t understand what Gu Feiyan said, but I understand the meaning of Gu Feiyan. It clasped his face with his two claws, burying his head in the heart of the lone swallow, and the little buttocks did not consciously tilt up.

Lonely swallow is so funny and awkward, and some can't help it, want to slap and slap its butt! Of course, she still reluctant. She reached for a finger, stroked the back of the snow, and said seriously: "I am fine, you can rest assured! You are brave once, I will allow you to be timid and countless, not shame!"

She thought about it and added: "However, if you can always be brave, I will help you to get to Xiaoxue. Do you know who Xiaoxue is? It is the poisonous beast of the ice sea, little things. Remember?"

As soon as I heard the words of Lonely Fly, the heavy snow immediately looked up and revealed a terrified look.

Lonely swallows also said that the heavy snow suddenly slammed his head and then jumped to the ground, and the smoke disappeared! Am I saying something wrong? ”

Lonely swallow swallowed a mist, chased a few steps, not seeing the traces of heavy snow, can only give up.

The snow did not escape, it went into the snow. For the first time, it knew that his master had such a terrible idea, and it secretly vowed that he would not be able to do it again in the future! When a timid wolf is actually quite good.

If Lonely Flying Swallow knows the idea of ​​heavy snow, it is estimated that he will be sent to the ice sea to teach the little things directly!

When the lone swallow returned to the igloo, Jun Jiuchen was not in the house. She knew that he had gone to practice the sword and did not go out to find it. She took the Xuan Han sword and carefully wiped it. The more I look at the Xuanhan sword, the more I feel that I can't put it down. For more than ten years, she finally got the sword. If the father and mother know, they will be happy.

Wiping the blade, Lonely Fly swallowed the sword and played a few tricks. At this time, Jun Jiuchen came back. Lonely flying Yan Yang pointed to him and jokingly asked: "How long have you been practicing? Is there any strength to play with me?"

Jun Jiuchen smashed his eyebrows and said: "If you don't make it, don't you rest?"

Lonely Flying Yan is about to answer, who knows that suddenly a sharp stun, the hand is soft, the sword will slam. She hurriedly helped the table on the side. And Jun Jiuchen came over and grabbed her, and hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

The Lonely Flying Swallow only felt the whirlwind, and the whole person followed the rotation. She could not answer Jun Jiuchen and subconsciously hugged her head.

"Is dizzy again?"

Jun Jiuchen quickly hugged her and hugged her to the couch. After lying down, the solitary swallows slowed down and replied: "Yes, than last time..."

When her words were not finished, she suddenly stopped, and then she sneaked out a blood, and at the same time, Feng Zhili suddenly came out with her body and gathered in midair, and the phoenix shadow gradually emerged.

what happened?

Jun Jiuchen was unexpected. He looked at the lone flying swallow, and his heartbeat missed half a beat. "Yan, you..."

Lonely Fly Yan looked at Jun Jiuchen and looked black. He was in a coma.

Jun Jiuchen is in a hurry, "Yan, you wake up! What happened to you?"

Suddenly, the phoenix illusion with the power of the phoenix, rushing toward them at a very fast speed. This posture, but not at all like to return to the solitary swallows, Jun Jiuchen did not dare to take the risk of the solitary swallows, she immediately defended the solitary swallows, summoned the power of the dry, the force of the phoenix Go out!

After the reunion of Feng Zhili, he rushed again. This time is not only imposing, but also with obvious attack power! The same is the master of the power, Jun Jiu Chen's feelings can not be wrong, he is sure that Feng Zhili is not going to return, but another purpose! He is still decisively resisted by the power of dryness.

After Feng Zhili was once again resisted, he immediately reunited and prepared to rush again. Jun Jiuchen is also ready to resist again. However, at this time, the small medicine Ding on the waist of Lonely Flying suddenly broke free of the rope, flew out and hung in the air.

Is it a lonely cloud?

Jun Jiuchen is getting more and more alert. What is unexpected is that when Xiaoyao Ding stopped in the air, Feng Zhili suddenly rushed into Xiaoyao Ding with lightning speed.

Watching the phoenix virtual shadow into a streamer into the small drug tripod, Jun Jiuchen reveals an incredible expression.

This... what happened?

Soon, the small drug Dingli reveals the fire, only the fire, not the flame, it is like a small medicine in the fire, burning, and like an illusion, it is unclear.

Jun Jiuchen does not understand how this is going on, but he is very certain that this matter must have something to do with the lonely cloud! He quickly looked at Lonely Flying Swallow, but he saw that Lonely Flying Swallow was like asleep, especially quiet.

Lonely swallow is not a whereinon, nor is it a coma. Her knowledge has entered the space of medicine, lenses, and she is standing in the endless medicine field. She hasn't figured out what's going on, she saw the phoenix illusion flying over her eyes.


Lonely Flying Yan was shocked and tried to recover the power of Feng. However, she tried several times and failed. Phoenix Shadow is still flying forward.

What exactly is going on?

How did she suddenly enter the medicine space? How can Feng Zhili come in? Where is Feng Zhili going?

The solitary swallow became more and more confused, and even some doubted that it was a dream. She did not care so much, and quickly went to chase the phoenix. In this way, she chased the phoenix virtual shadow across several medicine fields until she saw the end of the medicine field before stopping.

The medicine field is a world of eternal life, and the end of the medicine field is a world of darkness and darkness. Nothing can be seen or entered. However, the phoenix illusion actually flew into the darkness and disappeared.

Lonely swallowing his head incredulously and quickly catching up. However, when she was about to walk into the darkness, she was bounced back by a force like every previous one and fell to the ground.

Lonely swallow did not believe in evil, tried several times, but they were all hit back. And she tried to summon the power of Fenghui again and again, and all failed.

Finally, she did not move. She looked at the endless black in front of her eyes and muttered to herself: "Must be you... Master!"

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