Troy city

"Prince Paris is back, killing Morion and Monipos."

"But the Amazon queen Penzillah was killed and killed by Achilles."

The return of Prince Paris is good news, but many people were saddened when they heard the death of the Amazon queen Penzillaia.

In particular, the kings and princes of several kingdoms, such as Luernathos and Thebes, who came to the rescue, developed a sense of sorrow for the rabbits.

Maybe Queen Philip Selija is today and tomorrow? But these kings and princes had no choice, because the Greeks had launched an attack on their city-state, and Misie was even breached. If they did not resist, the end of the city's ruins would be waiting for them.

King Troy Priamos heard the death of the Amazon queen Penzilla, and was very sorry. He did not expect that Penzilla, who had been victorious in the past few days, entered Hades's field in an instant. .

The king ordered a huge woodpile to be ordered, and ordered the artisans to make every effort to quickly build a wooden bed and put it on the woodpile, and the body of Queen Penglue Silua had been renewed, smeared with the best sesame oil, and placed grand On the wooden bed.

The prince and the hero surrounded the woodpile in a circle, and looked at Queen Penglu Silea lying on the wooden bed quietly. She fell asleep now, peaceful and quiet.

King Priamos ordered a number of precious funeral items to be placed around the pyre, all of which needed to be buried with the ashes of Queen Pentre Silia.

Everyone quietly walked around the woodpile, in memory of Queen Peng Sielaia.

King Priamos ignited the woodpile with a torch in his hand, the flames emptied and the fire burned.

"Queen." Several Amazon Kingdom female warriors watched the flames engulfing Queen Pontiac Silja, hissing out their names.

The fire burned for a long time. When the corpse was incinerated, the Trojans poured out the embers with sweet and sweet wine, picked up the bones of Queen Peng Seleia, and put them in a gold box.

However, everyone's attention was diverted, and even Hector and Aeneas looked at a set of armor.

This is the full armour of Queen Pontiac Silia. The main body is the armor given by Ares to her daughter. It flashes gold in the fire. The scabbard is a helmet made of silver and ivory with shiny gold feathers. There is also a double-sided axe given by the goddess.

Many people looked at it, and many people were very excited about this set of God's weapons and armor.

Pei Ziyun stood up with a heavy expression on his face, and said loudly, "This is the weapon and armor of Queen Peng Seleia. I will return her and the ashes of the queen to Amazon, and give it to Hippolytus in person. She is from Amazon. The princess, also Ares' daughter, is eligible to inherit her sister's weapon. "

Pei Ziyun watched the people talking and ignored, and said, "But before that, I will avenge her. Although I have no ability to kill Achilles for the time being, but sooner or later I want him to pay for what he did today . "

"I will first ask the Greeks to pay back some interest. I will use a trick to make the Greeks bleed more blood. May Ares help me."

"Now, I want to make a sacrifice to Ares." Pei Ziyun said with both hands held up, he believed Ares must be watching here, and he would also get revenge for his daughter.

Having said that, in front of the altar, Pei Ziyun ordered a bull to sacrifice to Ares.

The bull was quickly **** by his servants and put into the altar. The court priest took the butcher knife and slaughtered the bull skillfully.

Unlike before, the bull's blood flowed to the altar and disappeared as if it were a big mouth to drink all the blood. The bull's blood quickly ran out, but there was no drop of blood on the altar, and the crowd gathered around. Taking a sip of air-conditioning, Ares was so angry that he would drink all his blood!

"This is Ares's anger. He is going to drink blood and start revenge against Achilles and the Greeks. It seems that Achilles has completely angered Ares." Pei Ziyun thought secretly.

The priest's face was full of surprises. For him, he had never encountered the situation. All the items put on the altar were used by the gods. Even a drop of blood was left, indicating that he was very satisfied with the sacrifice. "God is very satisfied with the offering."

Pei Ziyun nodded, not to say more, as the crowd backed out.

He had left the house for so long, and he had to rush back immediately, lest Ononeg and Helen worry.

Although King Priamos had many questions to ask Pei Ziyun, he also knew that Paris had gone to the battlefield before returning home, and had not retained it.

The chariot at the gate of the palace had already been arranged, and Pei Ziyun boarded the chariot and galloped towards the mansion all the way.

The chariot stopped slowly at the gate of the mansion. Because of the urgency when rushing to the battlefield, no one in the family knew of it.

When Pei Ziyun stepped out of the chariot, the servants at the door were stunned, and did not expect that Prince Paris, who had reportedly disappeared, suddenly returned home.

Pei Ziyun smiled slightly: "Hurry to inform Onone and Helen."

When he said this, the servants woke up and congratulated Prince Paris for their smooth return, while others hurried to inform Onone and Helen.

Not long after Pei Ziyun entered the mansion, Ononie hurried over. She saw Pei Ziyun intact, and her eyes were filled with happy tears. She hugged Pei Ziyun and said, "Dear Paris, I thought I will never see you again. "

"How is that, Ononie? You see, I'm not here for good." Pei Ziyun comforted softly, but he didn't dare to learn Easi, boasting: "Even the gods on the holy mountain of Olympus must be I'm dead, I will go against the sky. "

Aeth was the second hero of the Greeks after Achilles, but after his victory, he even entered the temple of Athena and dragged her out by grabbing her priestess Kassandra's hair. Athena Furious on the spot with anger and shame.

The most damaging thing was that he encountered a storm, and Eaz hugged the reef, boasting, "Even if the gods on the holy mountain of Olympus are united, he will save himself."

When Poseidon heard the rant, he was furious and pressed down with rock to crush Eas.

Death will really die.

"Paris, it's been so long since you went, but you know how worried I am."

"Well, everything is over, it will be okay, Ononeg." Pei Ziyun knew that the news of her disappearance had come back, and she must have worried her.

At this moment, Helen also rushed over from the house next door, constantly wiping the tears in the corner of her eyes with her hands.

Pei Ziyun smiled and hugged again, and said, "Dear Helen, don't be sad, I'm not here for good."

Helen nodded, buried her head in Pei Ziyun's chest, and said softly, "Paris, you won't be allowed to leave us in the future."

Pei Ziyun was secretly pleased, and probably spoke with Onone and Helen about their disappearance. Of course, they all picked it out, which also let their hanging heart gradually let go.

"Paris, I have ordered my servant to boil the hot water. You have been so hard all the way, so go and wash." Ononie said.

Pei Ziyun nodded. Although he took a bath at the dock when he returned, but after fighting on the battlefield, his body did spill blood and hurried away.

After all the work was done, Pei Ziyun changed into a clean dress and sat quietly. At this time, Gosne came in carefully from the outside.

"Dear Prince Paris, your servant Gessner wishes you a smooth return."

Pei Ziyun said: "Gzsne, have you been slack during this time I was away?"

Gosne faced bitterly and said, "Prince Paris, I have taken care of the tasks you entrusted to me and did not slack off."

The task that Pei Ziyun handed to Gzigne was actually very simple. In addition to explaining the bards who met the countries from the beginning, collecting information on the Greek coalition forces, and adding him to the enemy ’s internal tasks, he asked Gzgne: "Gzgne Did Achilles break the Mississippi again last time and hijack the beautiful daughter of the priest, Crises, Crises? "

"Yes, prince."

"Then the Greeks sent troops this time, did your people mix in?"

In fact, this is the problem that Pei Ziyun cares about. The task assigned to Gzigne to penetrate the enemy is also to play a key role at this time.

"Prince Paris, it was difficult for us to get involved in the first batch, but as the war was fierce and batches of Greeks died, many city-states mobilized, and many people who would not have joined the team came in, and A large number of businessmen are in the army, which gives us great convenience. "

"Now, we already have someone in the Greek military camp ~ ~ Prince." Guzne said respectfully.

"Well, good." Pei Ziyun whispered, his eyes flashed a cold light, looking at the snowflakes in the distance, and said coldly: "I will give you a task, put your ears together."

He raised his ears and heard Prince Paris's command. Gsne looked at the handsome prince in amazement, as if he saw Hydra Hydra.

"When this is done, invite the priest of the island of Calusa to Crises." Pei Ziyun said again.

"Yes, prince."

"Well, what else do you have?" Pei Ziyun asked.

"Prince Paris, I don't have anything for the time being." After speaking, Gessne stepped back slowly.

As I watched Gessner go away, I saw a plum blossoming in front of me, zoomed in quickly, and turned into a transparent data frame with a touch of light.

"Separate Achilles and Agamemnon, annihilate a Greek team, and deal a heavy blow to the Greek coalition."

Pei Ziyun looked at the task of the system, with a slight smile on his mouth.

"Agamemnon, you and Achilles will be in conflict. My plan is to build here."

After a long time layout, Greece has arranged people to lurk in. Once the Greeks increase their troops, those who are lurking will appear in the Greek coalition team following the increase in demand.

By that time, there are rumors that need to be spread in the Greek coalition, and it becomes very simple.

Agamemnon was a man with a strong desire for power and was jealous. The power of Achilles made him highly respected in the Greek ranks, which undoubtedly violated Agamemnon's taboo.

In response to this weakness, as long as you stir up your emotions, it is easy to form opposition and create a good opportunity for Troy.

"I said that when it was done, I would use the plot to blast the Greeks hard."

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