Plug-in Player

Chapter 374: network management

However, at this time, Su Mo received relevant battle videos from the Wushen Guild.

The most conspicuous of them is Sun Duoxiang, the mainstay of the Martial God Guild.

Su Mo was also interested. He clicked on Sun Duoxiang's battle video and saw that he was driving the Tear Claw of the II-generation mecha, rushing in and out of the monster group.

The technique is quite good, and for some reason, Su Mo felt that Sun Duoxiang's operation style was very familiar, very similar to himself.

He was also a little surprised. When did this guy's skills become so good, he seemed to have put in a lot of effort.

He browsed through the comments below the post for a while, and there were over a million comments, all of which were basically one-sided compliments.

It seems that Sun Duoxiang is a counterfeit counterattack! The popularity is also getting more and more popular.

Su Mo also felt very relieved for Sun Duoxiang. He didn't expect this guy to be able to take charge of himself so quickly. It seems that his aptitude and talent are indeed good, and they should have been buried in the past.

However, it is normal. The most important thing in the Star Ring game is the talented players, but there is a lack of a stage to show their talents.

To make a casual analogy, among the players who are killed every day, they can screen out the talents who are talented. The problem is that they don't even have a chance to show their talents.

"Network manager, open a machine."

A very young voice sounded.

Su Mo raised his head and saw a young man with a very individual personality with colorfully dyed hair.

The young man in front of him was boasting with his companions.

"Let me tell you, I am now a fighter on a warship, and our ship has sailed to the Baltic Sea."

"So arrogant..."

The people beside him looked envious.

Su Mo watched their conversation and found it interesting, so she said.

"Machine B34."

"The network manager will pack the cigarettes again."

"Are you 18 years old?"

"That's necessary, I'm just 18 years old this year."

"I'm sorry, but smoking is not allowed in the lobby, only in the private rooms."

Su Mo replied naturally.

"Don't be like this, just smoke a few. Brother, you should also play Star Ring, and you will have a chance to cover you later."

The young man in front of him said confidently.

Su Mo also found it very interesting, he smiled and replied.

"No, unless it's a private room, it will affect others."

The brothers who followed him were a little unhappy and said, "Are you looking down on our eldest brother, our eldest brother is very good, isn't it a private room?"

"That's it, or I'll give you half a discount!"

Su Mo said casually, the people who come here to surf the Internet are basically the younger generation of the neighbors.

"Okay, thanks brother."

The expressions of these young people suddenly improved a lot. In fact, they were also very guilty. They couldn't afford it in the normal private room, but they said everything.

At this time, Uncle Li came over. He saw so many people around the bar, so he came to take a look.

"What happened to Su Mo?"

"there is nothing."

Su Mo replied with a smile.

When the young people in front of them saw Uncle Li, all of them were like sheep seeing tigers, and they quickly said hello.

"Uncle Li."

"Isn't this Zhang Yuan's house, those bastards, come online."

"Yes Yes."

"I won't talk about you guys who are usually rash and reckless, but this time you have to look carefully, he is Su Mo, remember to be polite."

Uncle Li introduced them.

Hearing Uncle Li's words, these young people immediately reacted and stammered.

"You, you are a well-known landlord! I said it looks familiar."

Although they hadn't seen Su Mo very much, their name was resonant.

After all, Su Mo rarely shows her face. Even if she collects rent, she always looks for their adults. It only happens once a year. The children don't know each other, so it's excusable.

"Cough, don't call me that, I'm a network administrator now."

Su Mo replied with a smile.

Some of the waiters next to them also felt very funny, and they almost laughed when they covered their mouths. In fact, they also held it very hard. These boys just said that they would cover Su Mo.

"That big brother Su Mo, I was joking just now, I can't cover you, let's play together if we have a chance."

"It shouldn't be possible to play, I'm already dead."

"Ah! Brother Su Mo was so powerful that he died in battle."

"Xinghuan is cruel, there's nothing strange about it. Well, there's nothing to do, let's go to the private room 65."

Su Mo replied with a smile.


These young people quickly left.

Uncle Li looked at this scene and said to Su Mo with a smile, "Children are ignorant, don't mind."

"Why don't you mind, isn't it good. Uncle Li, you don't have to stay here, go and do your work. I'll call you if I have anything."

Su Mo felt very comfortable. There was something to do, so it wouldn't be too boring.


Uncle Li couldn't help but sigh. Su Mo's personality changed a lot when he went out this time, which really surprised him.

Su Mo lowered his head and continued to pay attention to Xinghuan's wasteland development. Judging from the latest information, the ship that traveled the farthest was the stray wastelander, the Brave.

This ship has sailed into the chaotic sea.

According to the video they uploaded, the sea here is extremely dark and the climate is extremely harsh.

The waves caused by the storm were also super fierce. The whole Brave was up and down, like a small boat, which could be swallowed up by the waves at any time.

Fortunately, this Brave is not an ordinary ship. Although it is a small ship, it is a special dual-purpose type. It belongs to that kind of semi-submersible The whole ship deck can be closed and switched to submarine form.

This is also one of the important reasons why it was able to travel so far, and all the ships that sailed with it were buried at the bottom of the sea.

At this time, a man was standing on the deck against the strong wind, explaining to everyone.

"If you are driving in this chaotic sea, you must pay special attention, pay attention to the deep sea and sky, you must not be able to sneak, there are so many violent monsters in the sea, that's why the wind and waves are so big, I didn't let the Brave go into the sneak. Mode. Just yesterday, our sonar system scanned the trail of a giant monster, its size is no different from an island..."

"There are also those dark clouds above the head, the thicker the area, the better to stay away. Because there will be natural phenomena of thunder falling from time to time, maybe you will win the bid..."

"In addition, when you are resting at night, you must seal the cabin door or something. Sometimes inexplicably small parasitic monsters will climb up, which is a nightmare."

. …

This can't help but remind Su Mo of how Lin Zi and the others were forced to go to sea. If he hadn't died, maybe he would have fought at sea with them now.

Su Mo continued to search for the movement of the joint force.

The Tianlong Guild and the Free Victory Joint Force have also set sail. It is said that they have now left the Sky Canal and entered the Mili Sea.

Everything went very smoothly,

However, their driving progress is not fast, it is estimated that they are seeking stability.

And the sea is like a beast full of unknowns, and it might be wiped out.

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