Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 257: special operations

The road out of Changshan County is a dangerous cliff road. The left side is against the cliff of Qiyun Mountain, and the right side is a bottomless cliff. It is a two-way two-lane road, and only four vehicles are allowed to run side by side, which is very narrow.

Lin Wen was sitting in the special car and was actually stuck in the middle of the road.

"It seems that this road is going to be widened." Lin Wen thought to himself.

Since the development of Changshan County, the number of vehicles to and from Changshan County has surged. Most of them are small businesses nearby, transporting supplies, or normal flow of people in and out.

However, Changshan County is still in the stage of strict investigation, and any personnel and vehicles entering Changshan County must undergo detailed inspections to prevent smuggling and espionage.

As a result, traffic lines in and out of Jangsan County are often blocked.

Traffic is blood flow, and roads are blood vessels. What if the blood vessels are narrow?

However, widening the road on the cliff is very difficult.

How to do it?

While thinking, the special car slowly drove off the road and came to the main road.

This is the No. 133 Imperial Highway, a standard two-way ten-lane road, starting from Qingcheng in Zhongzhou, passing through Hangu Pass, and reaching Danyangdu, the capital of East Qinzhou, with a total length of more than 600 kilometers.

When he came here, he was freed from the shackles, and the special car was speeding on the wide road. Lin Wen looked at the fast retreating road scene and thought: "Changshan County also needs this kind of road."

After crossing the Hangu Pass, we arrived at Qingcheng.

On the wasteland outside the customs, at a glance, it seems that the endless garbage is piled up to the horizon. The tattered, colorful and dusty cloth is the theme of everything.

As for the dirty creatures under the cloth and inside the cloth, they are inconspicuous and no one pays attention.

Except for Lin Wen.

Here in Qingcheng, there are still more than 4 million refugees, which are still increasing at a very high rate.

They have nothing to protect them, Zhongzhou can't afford anything for them, and Changshan County can only provide a little food, because it is not on the boundary of Changshan County, and the rescue work is too difficult.

Changshan County can only resettle about 200,000 refugees every day, which is already the limit. Now materials have become a big problem. If it cannot be solved as soon as possible, the reception work will soon stop again.

At present, Lin Wen has only solved some of the more urgent problems.

But it doesn't matter, soon, he will solve all the remaining problems.

Now, Lin Wen is on the way to solving a most important problem.

Outside Hangu Pass, Lin Wen found Fang Dashan, who was assigning tasks to soldiers.

Since the last conflict broke out, Fang Dashan's troops have all been used to maintain order in the refugee camp.

A total of more than 11,000 soldiers are responsible for the refugee camps of more than 4 million people, and the task is quite heavy.

But the results are also remarkable. The order of the refugee camp has improved visibly with the naked eye. There is no looting when food is distributed, and those who deliberately spread rumors and incite haters are caught immediately.

With the joint efforts of Qin Luoshuang and Fang Dashan, in a few days, more than 2,000 rumor-mongers were identified from the refugee camp, of which more than 300 were spies of the council, and the remaining 1,700 were The hooligans hired by the council and the like.

After their crimes were made public and the worst were executed, there were no more rumours in the camps.

Zhao Minggong pays great attention to policy transparency and the promotion of public information. Some very ordinary information seems to be ignored, but if one day you do not publish it, rumors will have the soil to survive.

No one wants to be blindfolded, purposefully half-covered, even worse than full-coverage.

So, either don't disclose the information, or tell it all at once.

Zhao Minggong chose the latter.

As a result, there was only one voice left in the refugee camp: Hurry up and collect people! I want to work!

Every day at Changshan County’s workplace in Qingcheng, people ask:

"If I work for four months for free, can I advance?"

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately followed up: "I can work for five months for free! Just let me in!"

"I could work six months!"

"I'm seven months old!"

"One year!"

"I'm strong! I work 16 hours a day, no days off!"

"I have 18 hours a day!"

"I'm not going to sleep!"

The staff of Changshan County quickly returned this information to the County Hall.

At that time, many middle-level cadres who had just been promoted thought it was feasible, and some even made a list, specifying in detail how many minutes and seconds of migrant workers at each level could enter Changshan County in advance, and indicated the level of workers at the back. How much benefit will the free workers bring to Jangsan County?

Although there are not many high-level people in Changshan County who agree, this is an enlarged meeting organized by the Organization Department based on the spirit given by Lin Wen, and grassroots cadres also have the right to vote.

But this time, Zhao Minggong, in his special capacity, vetoed the proposal with one vote.

"It's poison."

He said.

"Only short-term good for Jangsan County, but throwing away our most precious thing."

"I firmly oppose this proposal. The admission of refugees must be carried out on the principle of fairness. Those who come first are advanced. Only the elderly, children, and the sick have priority. Others must line up in order."

The meeting approved Zhao Minggong's refugee recruitment plan, and it is not allowed to change the order by raising conditions.

Changshan County specially sent people to preach the policy and the reasons for its implementation. Although the refugees have regrets, they can understand it.

Before the Cold Valley Pass.

Lin Wen found Fang Dashan and instructed: "Immediately gather 3,000 elite soldiers, bring our best weapons, and set off with me."

Fang Dashan has been waiting for this day for a long time. The mission of the army is to fight. They are constantly training, constantly reforming, and constantly emphasizing discipline and spirit.

But in the end, their value is still reflected in the war.

The difference is that now this army knows why they are fighting.

For the fathers and the villagers, brothers and sisters, for the relatives and friends, the common people.

After that, it is for personal pursuit.

As for the bureaucracy, for the elders, and for the empire, this garbage has been swept into the garbage heap.

Fang Dashan's business is quite skilled. He quickly gathered 3,000 elite soldiers, who were fully armed and even had combat vehicles.

Fang Dashan installed heavy weapons such as machine guns and mortars that he picked up last time on armored vehicles or off-road vehicles.

That way they had heavy firepower and combat vehicles to fill the gap in the Jangsan County Armory.

After the assembly, Fang Dashan ran over excitedly: "Chief Lin, am I going to fight in Zhongzhou? Are we going to fight that city? Xujiacheng? Xingye City? Or"

Lin Wen shook his head and turned to get into the car.

"follow me."

The Third Priests of Life is the core battle sequence of the Grey Order.

Life Priests refer to the fact that they have obtained stronger vitality through biochemical transformation.

Third, it means that they are ranked third in combat power in this sequence.

This is a powerful special operations unit.

They have been wandering around the Mid-State for a long time since they received the instruction of Dean DeRo.

However, no trace of a hunter was ever found, as if the hunter troop that had stirred up chaos in Zhongzhou before disappeared without a trace overnight.

The commander of the 3rd Life Priests, Cheng Dehan in gray was already very anxious.

Since they left Luozhou, the battle with Qin's group has fallen into an absolute disadvantage. The agents of Qin's group have used more advanced three-dimensional and information-based fighting methods to suppress them.

In the field of special operations, Luozhou Connection suffered a big loss.

As the top troops in combat power, they all wandered aimlessly in this According to the possible locations of the enemy provided by the headquarters, they inspected one by one, but found nothing.

For so many days, except for the air which is yellow sand, there has been no living person.

The crawling listeners of the special biological unit are eating ashes every day, and the satellite link has no effect at all, occupying the channel in vain.

This is a waste of life!

The gray-clothed envoy Cheng Dehan has already decided that after patrolling the route for today, he will go to execute the second order of the Master Chief.

If no enemy is found, attack Jangsan County, or attack the refugee camp.

Cheng Dehan had already thought about it, so they went to attack the refugee camp first, then crossed the Taixu Mountains and attacked Changshan County.


He sneered.

It's just a bunch of ants hiding in the east, I'm going to burn your old nest, see where you're still running?

The Third Life Priests is not a collection of general special combat units, but a more powerful, more advanced, more scientific combat group with tactics and coordination.

In his eyes, unless it is a regular army of tens of thousands, it is impossible to lose.

Cheng Dehan was already thinking about what reward he should ask for the Master after he made his military exploits.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally decided that the cannonball should be ready.

The specially made giant mortar is their main battle weapon.

The roar of the cannons shook the world and made people feel happy. The enemy that was hit was torn apart, making people smile.

However, due to the large caliber of the mortars, such shells were specially made and supplied in limited quantities.

It has always been a great regret for Cheng Dehan that he can't indulge in the cannonball.

If there are more shells, I must have a good taste of this charming taste.


The roar of shocking power exploded in the team.

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