Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 216: manpower shells

, the fastest update, please don't disturb the latest chapter of my cultivation!

"Colonel! Why are you turning?"

"Has the mission been abandoned?"

"What happened just now? Colonel, has your flagship been attacked?"

Joe Arthur's cold sweat broke down all at once.

He didn't know well, because his authority was insufficient, and the abnormal order and abnormal situation caused a chain reaction.

At this time, someone outside suddenly shouted: "Captain! Sonar didn't find anything suspicious! Do you want to continue the search?"

"Captain! Impact marks were found on the port side. The loud noise seems to be caused by the impact of some hard object!"

The footsteps of the chief engineer and the bridge operator approached quickly, the door seemed to be pushed open at any time, and the headless corpse was still lying beside his feet. Joe Arthur became anxious and shouted, "I see! You all go back to your posts!"

"Captain, I have something to report..."

"Go back! This is an order!"

His abnormal reaction aroused the suspicion of other captains even more.

"Colonel Joe, shells and fish." One captain spoke on the channel, and the others were silent.

Joe Arthur forced himself to calm down and replied, "Hammer and fork."

The captains seemed relieved.

"Colonel Qiao, this situation is too unusual, please don't see outsiders."

Joe Arthur said coldly: "Understandably, an unknown enemy launched an attack on me just now. I suspect it was a tentative warning. Our actions have been discovered, and it is best to evacuate immediately."

"Have you notified the Marshal Sir?"

"It's been sent and they haven't called back."

According to the agreement at the time of travel, no call back is the default meaning.

The captains were relieved: "Understood, we will turn now."

So, under Xiao Xiao's shocked gaze, the navy's fleet turned around and headed back.

"This, this is also OK?"

"Is this the Empire's naval fleet? How can the relationship between County Chief Lin extend here?"

It was difficult for him to accept that there were people more powerful than him in Changshan County. Even if Changshan County developed, how could he prove the value of his boasting in front of the goddess?

And Yun Zhixing cheered: "That's great! As expected of a man among men! Magistrate Lin is reliable, no wonder the master asked me to put more effort into collecting Magistrate Lin's preferences and living habits, this must be for me to learn more the meaning of!"

Only Lei Tiantong remained calm, and immediately ordered the captain to increase the speed, adjust the direction, and stay away from the naval fleet as soon as possible.

On the destroyer "Yangwei", Joe Arthur was almost choked to death by the cake painted by Qiqiao Linglong Xin.

Although he is already a colonel in the navy, he has received a lot of scorn and exclusion due to his inappropriate way of life. He said that he has a future, but he also knows that it is impossible to upgrade again, and at most it will only increase a little honor. title.

And this time, it is said to be a credit, but in fact it is also the existence of a scapegoat. If something goes wrong, it is that he violated the military order and acted without authorization.

Qiqiao Linglong Heart is very thief, what Joe Arthur lacks, it says, what Joe Arthur has, it praises, where Joe Arthur is despised, it praises there.

This more than made Joe Arthur's heart full of joy, he just let out all the depression he had accumulated in his heart over the years, and only felt that after decades, someone finally understood him.

In just ten minutes, Joe Arthur seemed to have found a confidant in his life, and he was already determined to serve the Qin Group that didn't even know he existed.

Since the five senior officers on the ship were dead, Joe Arthur had to manually take charge of all their affairs to avoid suspicion from his subordinates, and constantly communicated with other captains through the captain channel.

He racked his brains and lied to appease the captains who were anxious due to the failure of the mission, but so far he has not revealed any flaws.

There should be no problem until you go offshore.

But suddenly, he thought of a fatal question: "Sir, if we are near the sea, how can we escape? Is there anyone to answer?"

Lin Wen said casually: "Of course there is, everything is arranged."

Just as Joe Arthur showed his joy, he heard a captain shout: "Rebel! Rebel! Joe Arthur has rebelled!"

The captain's channel was suddenly chaotic, and the captain's loud voice suppressed all the noise: "I secretly sent electricity to the headquarters! The headquarters called back and said that it did not receive a report from Joe Arthur!"

"Fleet formation! You are fast, go after the cruise ship immediately!"

"The 'Allen', you and I are going to intercept the 'Yang Wei'!"

Joe Arthur hurriedly shouted on the radio: "I didn't rebel! The traitor was him!" But there was no response.

Joe Arthur knew immediately that the captain channel had blocked him, and there was nothing but rustling noise.

At this time, there was a broadcast on the public channel: "Jo Arthur, stop the ship immediately for inspection! Otherwise, only the guillotine in the military court will be waiting for you!"

Joe Arthur's face turned pale, he turned his head, and before he spoke, Lin Wen decisively gave the order: "Fire! Fire on the frigate first!"

Joe Arthur gritted his teeth, knowing that there was no way out, he immediately blocked all communication channels, isolating the ship from the ocean of electromagnetic waves, and immediately broadcast the whole ship.

"Everyone, immediately enter the fighting state! We have a traitor!"

"For the Empire! Fight!"

Talk to the front and rear main battery squads: "Adjust the shooting of Zhu Yuan, and fire on the fleeing frigates!"

Speak to the gun squad: "Strave the approaching destroyer!"

On this ship, the captain's orders are everything, and the obedience of the imperial soldiers has always been very good.

Command the battle, and the coordination of all departments will start immediately!

The reconnaissance radar began to chug at high speed!

A total of six naval guns in the front and rear began to turn, aiming, and under the incredible gaze of the other captains, it opened fire.

Huge sound of cannons resounded on the sea surface, and the naval guns spit out long tongues of flame. Two seconds later, six high water columns rushed around the frigate that was rushing towards the cruise ship. The frigate swayed and swayed under the impact of the water waves.

The next moment, the fire control radar of the destroyer "Yang Wei" had locked them on, all the ship's alarms were roaring, and the captain's channel had gone crazy.

"What is he doing!"

"Call! Talk to him now!"

"He refused the call! He blocked all calls!"

"I don't believe it! He's a soldier of the Empire! I don't believe he would actually fire!"


Six artillery salvos, three hits the target, a fire broke out on a frigate, and a frigate was unfortunately hit by an ammunition depot and a fuel depot. The secondary explosion that occurred blew the 20-meter hull into two pieces. cut.

There were also three cannons that landed near the ship, and the provoked water column fell and hit the crew of the frigate, making everyone's heart cool.

"Fire! We must fire!"


"The frigate! Disperse! Strike back at the Yangwei!"

The three destroyers began a fierce exchange of fire. The ballistics fired by the carrier-based machine guns dragged into a long line of fire, hitting the armor of the hull and splattering in all directions. The roar of the guns resounded throughout the sea area.

The frigates are thinly armored and dare not approach, but their firepower is not weak.

Each frigate had two guns, as well as torpedoes, mines, depth charges and anti-submarine rockets, but they did not carry these weapons and could only use the guns to fight back.

Joe Arthur commanded the whole ship by himself. He had done his best, but the firepower was too far apart. However, the ship had been shot in many places in a moment, and the most important thing was that the power was damaged.

The reduced speed made it more exposed to fire, and after about fifteen minutes, its guns and machine guns were completely destroyed.

With tears streaming down his nose, Joe Arthur cried, "We're done!"


A naval gun hit the bridge, and the captain's office was bombed with a large hole. Joe Arthur was knocked flying by the huge impact, hit the console, and passed out.

Lin Wen jumped out of the office and glanced back. The entire destroyer had completely lost the battle. The smoke was billowing, it was a mess, and there were burning flames everywhere. The power system had been completely destroyed.

The weapon system was also completely destroyed, and the other party did not attack any more. They seemed to think that the "Yangwei" destroyer had no room to resist, and was accelerating its approach.

Although the victory was achieved, the two destroyers also suffered a lot of damage, and only half of the frigates remained, and this half was also scarred.

Lin Wen sighed and jumped off the bridge.

The cruise ship hasn't gone far, and they can catch up at any time.

In the exchange of fire just now, his bad karma increased by 31 points.

But next, maybe more than that.

Lin Wen walked over to the ruins of the naval guns, pulled open the steel ruins, and found the ammunition depot hidden underneath.

Lin Wen picked up a naval artillery shell, made of stainless steel, with a pure black appearance, a caliber of 180 mm, a length of 1350 mm, and a weight of 1.1 tons.

"Too light."

Lin Wen thought for a while, and activated the [Civet's Herald]. Although he has nearly 500 tons of strength, if the object is too light, his strength will not be easily exerted.

Just like a shot putter can't keep the ball of paper as far as a shot put.

[The Victory of the Civet] The green light melted into the body, and Lin Wen suddenly felt that the whole person was different. The original chaotic body was divided into countless clear parts, and the strength of each part seemed to exist in the heart, as long as the mind moved, It can be moved at will.

Primordial spirit remaining: 55%.

Lin Wen used 【Ask in Heaven】 again.

[Where is the ammunition depot for the destroyer in front? 】

Consume 10% Yuanshen.

Primordial spirit remaining: 50%.

Lin Wen, who got an incomparably accurate answer in an instant, held up the cannonballs of the naval gun, leaned back, every inch of muscle and strength was like a full With Lin Wen's loud shout , As soon as the bowstring was released, the force of 500 tons burst out, the manpower shells burst out of the air, and the huge anti-shock force shook the **** on the ground to jump up.

The speed of the gun ejecting the hand reached 1200 m/s, although it was lower than that of the naval gun, but that was because Lin Wen's hand did not have a barrel length.

The speed of the shell doubled in the second second, reaching 2400 m/s, and without the third second, it hit the ammunition depot of the closest destroyer at the best angle.

The huge kinetic energy that was not fully released smashed through the destroyer's armor, and the 600 kg high explosive exploded, directly detonating the destroyer's ammunition depot.

A huge flame lit up on the destroyer, and a strong explosion blew it into two pieces.

Indiscriminate killing, evil fate +131.

Lin Wen ignored this number.

Take care of his horse.

Move Lao Tzu's money, and you will die.

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