Players Please Respect Yourself

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Their defense is not good (3 more)

   Chapter 551 Their defense is not good (3 more)

   Monthly Pass Plus Change (38/38)


   Players have mixed reactions to this situation.

  [All the way pit]: "He's meow! Is this forcibly increasing the difficulty?"

[Sunday Dog's name]: "No, actually, think about it, it's also very interesting! If we are outsiders in foreign wars and civil wars, we become cats outside and immediately turn into tigers when we come back, isn't it cool? "

   [The author hits him if he doesn't update it]: "Why can't you be awesome on both sides?"

   [Sunday Dog's name]: "Wouldn't that have no comedic effect?"

  【Wife in Mai who loves to play with legs】: "Dude, it makes sense!"

  So, a group of sand sculpture players happily accepted this setting, even the Demon Empress did not expect that these guys are better than each other...

  In one of the space passages!

It is one thing to    connect, but another to open a suitable gap.

  Different types of Forsaken Lands have vastly different connection methods. The world on the opposite side was more like a giant lump of rock. The entire Land Forsaken by God couldn't see the sun at all, and it was completely filled with mud.

   This is a world where you play tunnel warfare.

   At this moment, many slave miners of different races are wielding different tools and digging the rock wall.

   It can be seen that in some humans, a pair of collarbones are tied with cruel iron chains, extending from the collarbone to the collar on the neck, and then connected to a strange wooden 'school bag' on the back. On the lower thigh, there are also two iron rings buckled.

   In fact, if the human slave miner wanted to escape, the chain would tighten at once, turning his body backwards and killing him abruptly.

   This is a rather peculiar confinement mechanism.

  Suddenly, the miners felt a series of vibrations from the opposite rock wall, which became more and more violent in a short period of time.

   It was obvious that some monster was digging a cave on the opposite side, digging all the way.

  The hard rock wall suddenly burst apart in the next shock. Let the light in the mine suddenly become messy and dim.

  Instinctively, he felt that something terrible was coming from the opposite side. The miner Jumar was about to avoid it, but a large amount of dirt and rocks were pouring towards him like a fountain.


  What is even more terrifying is that there is a huge monster with a lizard-like head and big eyes like a copper bell rushing out of the mud.

   Jumar almost instinctively smashed the mine **** in his hand at the head of the giant monster who was at least two and a half meters tall!

   It's over! I'm dying!

   This was his last thought before everything was completely darkened.

   The terrifying movement of the rock formations in front extended to 200 meters behind. At this moment, the young commander [Evil Oath] Matt, who was restraining the workers at the transfer station in the mining area, was even more unstable and fell to the ground.

   He managed to stabilize his body with great difficulty, and suddenly found that his helmet had been smashed into a big hole by the gravel.

   He ignored the fact that his deputy was bleeding, struggling to get up from among the rubble, grabbed the iron chain on his chest, and shouted: "I want to know what happened ahead! Immediately! Immediately!"

   "Monster!" I don't know how many miners screamed and ran back, rolling and crawling. Their chaotic footsteps made a rumbling sound, causing more miners in the mine to panic.

   There was chaos everywhere, most of the miners were crushed to the ground by their own people, but more people were fleeing.

   "Have you finally met the enemy?" Matt suppressed the shudder in his heart and thought of what he should do - at least confirm the enemy. He shouted for his subordinates to attack.

   Immediately a squadron of 50 people, the [Oathbinder] with chains on his body, holding two hoe-like weapons, rushed up against the flow of people.

   Finally, the pair of oathbinders rushed to the scene of the incident, and they saw the enemy.

   These giants with fish features are quite scary, they have crocodile-like faces and exaggerated muscles. Holding a machete over a meter long.

   "This is the enemy on the Guardian's side?" a young Oathbinder asked tremblingly.


  There is no unnecessary nonsense with each other, the two sides look at each other and start the fight directly.

   The next battle is easily reminiscent of the phrase 'beating the little pot friend'.

   These strange human beings with iron chains on their bodies are not weak. Their chains can dance like octopuses, and it hurts to draw them.

   Their opponents were replaced by ordinary human beings. Once they were drawn, they would suffer multiple fractures in minutes.

  Unfortunately it was a Naga player.

The   cyan scales give them up to 100 points of outer armor equal to steel, with an additional 50 points of leather under the thick hide. After penetrating these two layers of armor, the male Naga also has a muscle layer that is generally up to 10cm thick, and comes with 30 points of blunt damage immunity (those that deal less than 30 points of damage caused by blunt strikes will not be injured directly).

   Even if they were restricted from investing in mental power, their strength was greatly reduced, but their physique was here. This is a strong body that can only be produced with 2000 biomass points.

  The battle is one-sided.

   The two guilds played with more than 100 Naga highs, and in just two minutes they beat the opponent into a flying.

Perhaps the iron chain of the Oathbinder is quite restraining the slashing of sharp weapons. After all, there are many iron chains, which are a bit like chain mail connected by a pile of iron rings. However, with the strength of the Naga nearly 100 points, the Oathbinder's only In the end, he suffered multiple fractures and was beaten to death.

  [Sanshui Qingxia] asked his own guild Laodao: "Boss, what's going on?"

  【Ignorance is Power】Glancing at one of the oath-binders who still had a few breaths, he laughed wickedly: "Take it away alive, get two dead and bring it back. Then I have an idea..."

   After he finished speaking, a group of people smiled knowingly.

  [Jun Muqi] was happy: "You are really bad, but we like it. Okay, the question is, who is going to be this dead ghost?"

   The voice fell, and suddenly everyone was looking at him.

  [Jun Muqi] shouted: "Wait! Why do I send it every time?"

  【Brightening Dawn of the Sky】He didn't say anything, just raised a finger.

   "Bah! You want to buy me for a hundred dollars? Am I such a rude person?"

  Two fingers!

   "No no no, boss, it really can't be done. I promised Suzy to be a good person."


   "This, people can't keep their word..."


   "Boss, can you..."

  Five! Turning over again, it means twice, a total of one thousand yuan.

  [Jun Muqi] didn't say anything, and put on a posture of laying down on Ren He.

  To my dear Susie, it’s not that I have no integrity, it’s that the local tyrants gave too much——

   Ten minutes later, Matt brought a second group of people to the scene, but the results were terrible. The first group he sent was wiped out.

  Fortunately, not without cost, he found the bodies of more than a dozen enemies.

  Although these should be water-based enemies are huge and look scary, he unexpectedly found that the enemy's defense should be very weak.

   (end of this chapter)

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