Players Please Respect Yourself

Vol 2 Chapter 334: hit who! ? (2 more)

   Chapter 334 Who to hit! ? (2 more)

  Wang Hao suddenly realized something. The current situation is a bit like the ancient Chinese texts. Everyone knows a single word, even if it becomes an ancient poem, it is a matter of opinion on how to interpret it.

   Each company only thinks that "Xiaoqiang Studio" has developed its own set of new engines, which can be interpreted at a superficial level, but blinded by analysis. This thing is like the source code that is the core of the program. If the source code is not public, it will be very difficult to crack the program.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately announced on his official website: "Thanks to all my colleagues for their concern, the game engine of "Land Forsaken" is not perfect. Although the actual combat effect is good, the actual engine development rate is only 52%. The function of the engine has not been implemented, so it is not suitable for sale. In three years, the sale of this engine and various cooperation will not be considered.”

   Incidentally, Wang Hao released another message in the industry: "This company is a 100% private company, and it will absolutely not consider selling shares and listing within three years."

   There are too many flies, and it is annoying to death.

  Stian is also a private company, and it has grown well without the finger-pointing of the hellish shareholders.

   In the eyes of the outside world, this is "Xiaoqiang Studio" determined to imitate G and become fat.

  What's even more awesome is that after the news was released, Fat G sent a congratulatory message immediately: "Hi! Let those shareholders who only take money and don't understand the game go to hell! Are you interested in in-depth cooperation?" can have it!

   After some py trading, Wang Hao knew G Fatty's plan.

   Now "Land Forsaken" is a big hit. Not to mention that the game sells a lot. Even the in-game purchase of weapon and equipment skins in the game is also very popular. Turnover is in the millions of dollars a month.

   Note that for every sale, Si Tian can get 20% off.

   But G Fatty is also afraid that Wang Hao will come up with Ubisoft's set.

  The main body is sold in Sitian, and then it is launched in Ubisoft's own launcher, and then selling DLC ​​and in-game purchases is not a matter of the Sitian platform. G Fatty's promise is to increase the search priority of "Land Forsaken by God", give Wang Hao more advertising space, etc., and ask Wang Hao to promise how long to be exclusive on the Sitian platform.


   The smashing platform where Si Tian played against each other recently has come to the door.

  Wang Hao is considered to be Si Tian's die-hard for the time being, and he didn't plan to run away, so please be nice to me.

   After finishing this, Wang Hao can finally focus on the strategy of South Road.

   During the Chinese New Year period, the construction of railways has not stopped. The road surface is smoothed in the early stage, and the later stage is paved.

   For railways or something, Wang Hao alone must be blinded.

  However, there are many talents in the Celestial Dynasty.

  My God, the players have invited professional retired workers or part-time railway workers.

   After all, the game is played with the spirit in the game, and there is no need to work hard in reality, the spirit can keep up with it.

   Take a caliper to carefully measure the distance between the rails, and use various professional means to prevent the rails from being deformed due to high temperature. Wang Hao couldn't take it any longer, so he simply hired these people in the name of the company to 'maintain' the railway in the game.

After the news of    it was spread, it was another good talk - you look at the "Xiaoqiang Studio", for the sake of ingenuity, a small number of professional workers were specially invited to come in to maintain the railway that the players tinkered with in the game.

   Some people will ask, isn’t it just a matter of modifying the data?

   "Xiaoqiang Studio": No! This is ingenuity!

   In fact, Wang Hao was even more afraid. He asked the workers to teach the male Naga and the Northlanders to maintain it.

  So on February 10th, the steam train route that started from Abyss City, passed through Southwest Road, and went all the way to the door of South Road was opened.

   On this day, Abyss City was almost empty, and the first thing that all players did after going online was to go outside the city to watch the excitement.

   This is both a traditional and an unconventional steam engine train.

   Abyss City doesn't have that much coal, it uses fire element magic circle. However, the engineer players of the Great Celestial Dynasty have not found a way to directly use magic to build a train, so the general structure is still a cumbersome steam engine.

  The former Wengcheng, with the capture of the Southwest and Northwest Roads, has no direct threat, and the part near the outside has been transformed into a railway station.

  Today, players are all arranged outside the city, on pre-built wooden stands, while servants such as Naga, Northlanders, Canines, Catmen, Grey Dwarves, and cavemen are on the other side. A veil of magic keeps some subterranean races safe from sunlight.

  The old rule is still that the black-skinned guards are responsible for maintaining order.

   "What is that, woof!" The Samoyed, who was rarely out in the air, was led out with an iron chain.

   "It doesn't look delicious." Erha raised his dog's ears.

   "Can't you tear it down?" God's family only cares about this.

   The cats here are also talking about it.

  The folded cat asked: "What the **** is this?"

   "I haven't eaten sea urchins yet!" Although the Oxi cat is greedy, because of its unsightly appearance, it always works hard, and its size has not increased.

  Only the big orange cat with a fit body once again said with certainty: "This must be a new tool for the masters to kill!"

On the podium where the driving ceremony was held, the player representative [Burning Dawn of the Sky] addressed the magic loudspeaker: "Today is a repeat of human history, and it is also a great progress in the world civilization of "Land Forsaken". Thanks again for the official Support, without their permission, our players can't use their creativity, thank "Xiaoqiang Studio"!"

  Xiaoqiang Studio, this name has a strange feeling to many abyss city servants.

   This is the name of the kingdom of Atlantis by Jason Momoa? or something else?

  Because of regulations, many guys are full of question marks, but they can only hide in their hearts.

  Wang Hao held his forehead, he wanted to strangle [Zhao Xiao] to death. Thank you, this blind chicken, it will damage the majesty of the abyss!

   After the player finished his speech, he was the boss who came to power.

Moma, the abyss who hurried back, was as cold as ever, with majesty in his voice, from beginning to end: "O loyal servants of Atlantis! The light of your wisdom will be the help to conquer this land. I Announce, drive—"

   "Dirt!" In the station recessed into the mountainside, the huge steam locomotive that was made to look like Thomas's little train let out a loud whistle.

   Then it burst out with unscientific power like a sports car with a turbo [duck] engine.

what! and many more! Something seems to be wrong!

   Wang Hao clearly remembered that before the Anti-Japanese War, the speed of steam locomotives was only 20 to 30 kilometers per hour. Where does this acceleration come from?

  It's too late to say, then it's fast!

  The train came out at once, and even bounced on the rails like a staggering one, and then the whole front of the train was more than two meters high from the ground, and it was certain that it flew off the rails! The question is, where to fly.

  Wang Hao quickly estimated the momentum. This force is probably measured in tons.

   As the boss of Abyss City, he suddenly felt that his hundreds of strength points were very sorry for the audience.

   At this moment, a classic driver conundrum lies ahead.

   Driving to 100 miles, one person and one dog in front blocked the road.

  The brakes are impossible to stop.

   So, hit who?

  Bah! Still have to think! Definitely hit the player!

   (end of this chapter)

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