Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 241 The Man with Eagle Eyes

A week after the Navy meeting, a piece of news once again shocked countless people.

However, unlike Roger Roger's execution, the news this time made countless civilians cheer and countless pirates panic.

At the same time, many princes and nobles took it for granted.

In the case of the system of three naval generals, which has not been fully staffed for more than ten years, the navy actually promoted three navy officers to become the new three navy generals. At the same time, the original navy general Sengoku was promoted to become the new navy general. The new Admiral of the Navy, Black-armed Zefa, became the Dean of the Naval Academy.

The former navy marshal Cyborg Kong was promoted to commander-in-chief of the entire army.

However, the most eye-catching thing is not the transfer of positions of Sengoku and Cyborg, but the three new admirals.

Sakaski, Porusalino, and Kuzan became household names in a very short period of time.

However, for these three people to become the new admirals, there is no surprise for the big pirate forces.

After all, before the Great Pirate Era, the three of them were already the top combat forces in the navy and had some outstanding military exploits.

Countless big pirates were defeated by them and were escorted into Impelton.

The Grand Line, a certain sea area, on a coffin-like boat, a man wearing a black coat and a round hat, with a pair of sharp eagle eyes, was reading a newspaper in his hand.

Porusalino? I heard that this new admiral is a superb swordsman. If you have a chance, go and ask him for advice.

This person's name is Jorakl Mihawk, and he is a great swordsman who aims to become the world's greatest swordsman.

Because he pursues the ultimate swordsmanship, he constantly challenges pirates or ordinary civilians who are famous for their swordsmanship on the sea.

Every duel destroyed his integrity, so he was offered a reward by the navy and became a pirate.

However, because in addition to pursuing swordsmanship and challenging various swordsman masters, he did not cause too much substantial losses and always acted alone, the navy did not send any generals to pursue him.

Just as Mihawk was concentrating on reading the newspaper, a huge pirate ship sailed past him.

Huh? That guy,

Isn't he a relatively famous swordsman recently? What's your name? That's right, Mihawk!

After a pirate saw Mihawk, he thought for a while and finally called out his name.

Hehe! How arrogant is it that one person dares to sail on the Grand Route with a small broken boat!

The pirate said mockingly, then directly dragged a cannon and aimed it at Mihawk.

You are so arrogant, just let me die! Hahahaha!

The pirate laughed wildly and lit the cannon, and then a cannonball rushed straight towards Mihawk.


Mihawk raised his head and glanced at the flying cannonballs. He picked up the long sword beside him and swung a slash, destroying the cannonballs in mid-air.

What an annoying pirate.

Mihawk's sharp eagle eyes glanced at the pirate ship coldly, and then raised his long knife high.


As he swung down, a huge blue slash flew out instantly, and under the horrified gaze of the pirate, it instantly cut the pirate ship in half.

Many innocent pirates fell into the sea screaming. They had no idea what was going on. Their pirate ship was inexplicably cut off at the waist and slowly sank into the sea.

The captain of the pirate ship staggered out of the captain's cabin and saw Mihawk sheathing his sword.

You bastard! How dare you destroy my dream ship! I'll kill you!

The pirate captain let out an angry roar and turned into a giant gorilla several meters tall, constantly beating his chest.

Perhaps feeling a little noisy, Mihawk drew his sword again.

What a noisy pirate group.

As Mihawk finished speaking, several huge blue flying slashes completely cut the pirate ship into pieces and sank into the sea.

The angry and roaring pirate captain also followed his pirate ship and sank to the bottom of the sea.

After sinking the pirate ship, Mihawk inserted the long sword into the scabbard as if he had done a very small thing and continued reading the newspaper.

I heard that the captain of the Rocks Pirates is Queen Shiki the Golden Lion and the strongest swordsman in the world. Then, let's go to the New World and see it.

After saying something in a low voice, Mihawk picked up the paddle and rowed the boat leisurely...

Rocks, who was targeted by Mihawk, was currently in the South China Sea, leading a quiet life in a quiet village with Roger's wife, Portcas D. Lujiu.

It's not that Rocks doesn't want to return to the new world Grimes with Lujiu, it's just that Lujiu hopes that his child can be born in the South China Sea.

In order to fulfill his wish, Rocks took Lujiu to such a remote and peaceful village.

Originally, Rocks wanted to take Lujiu back to her hometown of Badelila Island to give birth. However, Rocks gave up this plan after seeing more than a dozen naval warships docked at the dock.

He didn't want to cause more trouble at this time.

At this time, Rocks was alone on the beach, fishing out of boredom.

Hey! Uncle! Do you know how to fish? Why haven't you caught a fish yet? It's so useless!

Next to Rocks, a little girl with pink hair tied into twin tails, wearing a shabby skirt, who looked to be only two or three years old, was sitting on the ground, kicking her short legs and mocking Rocks. road.

Her name is Perona, and she is an orphan picked up by Rocks and Lujiu in a certain village.

Lujiu looked a little pitiful at such a cute little daughter, and asked Rocks to adopt her.

However, for Perona, Rocks planned to take her back to Grimes even if she didn't say anything about the wine.

After all, Rocks still liked this girl Perona very much in his previous life.

Tsk, Perona, if you think I don't know how to fish, then you can do it, otherwise stop making sarcastic remarks.

Rocks chuckled and said to Perona.

Hmph! This lady is very good at fishing! The reason why I don't go fishing is because I don't want you to feel inferior to me!

Perona raised her head proudly, as if she was thinking about you.

However, the clenched fists at her waist and the secret look in Rocks' eyes all told of her nervousness.

Rocks smiled and ruffled Perona's hair until her twintails were completely messed up before letting go.

Okay, little Perona, just be quiet for a while and watch me catch a big fish and make soup for you to eat.

Humph, I don't believe it!

“Bulu Bulu Bulu”

Just as Rocks was teasing Perona, the phone bug in Rocks' arms rang.

Putting down the fishing rod, he took out the phone bug from his pocket. When he saw that it was Jhin's call, Rocks answered the call.

Boss Rocks, we have found the person you wanted us to find. However, that guy seems to have been stimulated by something. Now he is a little crazy. He keeps talking about becoming the richest man in the world.

After hearing what Jhin said, Rocks laughed.

Really, that guy seems to be a step too late. Albert, give him the golden fruit.

Hearing Rocks' words, Jhin hesitated.

Do you really want to give it to this lunatic?

Ah, I believe in him. He will never let this devil fruit go to waste. Tell him that I will help him become the richest man in the world.

Ah, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Rocks looked up at the sea in the distance.

Oh, Gilder Tezzolo, don't let me down, kid.

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