
The heavy iron door of the prison closed slammed shut, making a dull sound, and even the door frame shook and dusted, reminding the prisoners held inside that they had lost their freedom.

Luffy gripped the iron fence tightly with both hands, watching Yang Ming gradually move away and completely disappear from sight, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

I was caught just like that?


Seeing Luffy’s slightly decadent appearance, Nami secretly rolled her eyes.

Yang Ming did not put Luffy in Shanghai Lou stone shackles, nor did he detain him in the deep sea prison, showing that he was releasing water.

Knocking Luffy a fist chestnut heavily, Nami crossed her waist with both hands, and said, “Luffy,

quickly cheer me up!”

“Don’t forget, there are no jailers in this prison, which means we won’t have food to eat.”

As soon as he heard that there was no food, Luffy suddenly became energetic.

Sitting cross-legged on the dusty ground, Luffy rubbed his fingers against his smooth chin and fell into a moment of deep thought.

“I need more strength, faster speed!”

“If my blood could flow faster, would it be successful?”

Luffy is a genius in combat, he seems silly on weekdays, but he has a keen intuition, and he grasps the main contradiction at once, and he has a flash of inspiration in his mind.

In order to be able to escape from prison, in order to be able to eat, he fought hard!

Luffy tries to mobilize the blood in his body, and when the blood accelerates, due to his special physique, his skin begins to burn and shows an abnormal red color.

That’s the idea!

Seeing that the domineering look at the things behind him was exhausted, the corners of Yang Ming’s mouth rose slightly.

Second gear?

Sure enough, only under the pressure of pressure can people force out the potential in the body.

Luffy has always had a smooth ride, and he has rarely suffered defeat.

Yang Ming imprisoned him in prison, and the dual pressure of losing his dreams and not being able to eat was enough to stimulate Luffy’s potential.

When Luffy can successfully escape from prison with his own strength, it also means that he has some ability to break through the great voyage, and at that time, he will also be able to contribute to Yang Ming’s plan.

Returning to the steel warship, Yang Ming set off again for the Kingdom of Alabastan.

On the way, Yang Ming flipped through the system tips he had just missed.


“Congratulations to the host for saying the classic line of LOL and getting a chance to win a lottery, do you want to start the lottery roulette?”


In Yang Ming’s line of sight, a lottery roulette wheel that could not be observed by others gradually emerged, divided into four columns: ordinary skills, hero skills, equipment props, and hero skins.

Common Skills: Barrier, Purification, Insight, Ignition, Weakness, Flash, Ghost Speed, Healing, Clarity, Garrison, Crossbow Guard, Punishment, Marking, Teleportation.

Hero Skills: Shattered Fire, Lava Shield, Alpha Raid, Meditation, Infinity Kendo, Void Blade, Energy Pulse, Void Orb…

Equipment items: Hex’s belt, Glory of Justice, Twin Shadows, Three-Phase Power, Speed Boots…

Hero Skins: Future Warrior, Wings of Steel, Bongxianlubu, Champion’s Blade…

[Wanderer’s Way]: Passive skill, perseverance, you will accumulate sword intent while moving, the faster you move, the faster the sword intent will be obtained, when the sword intent slot is filled, when receiving damage from enemies, you will get a shield that absorbs part of the damage. Born to die, your critical strike chance increases by 150%, but critical damage decreases by 10%, and a critical strike chance above 100% converts into a little extra attack power for every 1%.


The Kingdom of Alabastan is located on the island of Santin in the first half of the Great Voyage Route, and the capital Albana is in one of the largest oases.

As one of the oldest kingdoms in the world, the whole territory of the Kingdom of Alabastan is dry and rainless, the average temperature reaches more than 25 degrees Celsius all year round, most of the area belongs to the tropical desert climate, the rivers and lakes in the territory are rare, only an artificial river channel that took hundreds of years to excavate connects the river water in the territory with the outside ocean, forming a mother river that runs through the entire territory of the Kingdom of Alabastan.

Along this mother river, there are large and small oasis areas, and when viewed from above, it looks like an emerald hanging from the neck of a human body, shimmering a little bit.

Due to the special geographical situation, the agriculture of the Kingdom of Alabastan is not developed, and in the past, only in the oasis area could it be reclaimed barren land and planted some drought-tolerant plants, but the harvest has not been up or down, and only by opening maritime trade with other countries can they communicate with each other.

In addition to underdeveloped agriculture, the Kingdom of Alabastan has very rich natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, phosphate, iron, manganese, coal, gold, zinc, silver, copper, aluminum and other resources.

Due to the limitations of the times, the Kingdom of Alabastan did not attach importance to the resources of oil and natural gas, but attached great importance to the gold, silver and copper mines in the territory, which were directly controlled by the Nafirutali family and could provide a large amount of wealth for the royal family every year.

In an oasis not far from the capital Albana, a very prosperous area has been carved out.

Tall palm trees can be seen spreading their branches and leaves, casting shadows to bring a little coolness to the hot desert, and guests are dressed in cool clothes by the huge artificial lake, enjoying the beach sun and cold Coke.

After having fun, visitors can also eat a roast duck meal with the characteristics of Alabas, which is a duck meat from running duck that cannot be eaten anywhere else.

It is worth mentioning that the running duck is an endemic species of Alabastan, due to its drought tolerance, fast foot strength and high pressure-bearing characteristics, it has always been raised by the families under the converted Nafirutali family, specially for the royal family to form a super fast duck army.

Now, these special items are actually flowing out of the outside world, and have become expensive delicacies on tourists’ tables here, which is simply terrifying.

In the middle of the oasis, there is a palace that resembles a banana crocodile, which looks ordinary on the outside, but is decorated with golden splendor inside, surrounded by dense forests, and a unique private garden behind, and a huge crocodile figure can be faintly seen swimming downstream of the artificial lake.

The heat outside was unbearable, but once you entered the palace, you unexpectedly felt a coolness rushing to your face.

Deep in the palace, a middle-aged man closed his eyes and pondered.

The middle-aged man has a face full of vicissitudes, a neatly combed back on the top of his head, perhaps waxed, and looks oily and shiny, which is simply the standard hairstyle of successful people, and his face has a scar that runs horizontally along the bridge of his nose, which is said to be a scar left by challenging the white beard, but no one has confirmed it.

The earlobes are inlaid with gold earrings, a cigar is habitually held in the corner of the mouth, the cigarette butt is a little red, emitting a refreshing fragrance, Klockdar leans back on the chair, holding Erlang’s legs, and the golden hook’s left hand unconsciously knocks on the table, knocking the table with a “bang” sound.

“Admiral Shura’s sudden visit to the Kingdom of Alabastan could it be that the naval headquarters has already sensed the plan I have laid out behind the scenes?”

Klockdar has always been known for his resourcefulness, and smart people like to think more.

What’s more, the admirals of the Navy Headquarters are usually waiting to be slaughtered at the Navy Headquarters, unless they are required for a major task, they will rarely travel with such swagger, and make the whole world know the degree, which must have deep meaning.

“For the sake of safety, the recent work of the Baroque Work Society must be temporarily stopped, so that they all lurk, so as not to be caught by that Asura general, otherwise, the plan I have laid out for many years will be ruined.”

Between thoughts, Klockdar’s eyebrows were full of solemnity, and he was full of deep jealousy for the Asura general who had only heard of his name and never seen him.

It’s no wonder that this King Qiwu Hai is so jealous of Yang Ming, think about what Yang Ming has done this year?

Eliminate the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Meet Whitebeard and retreat with your whole body.

What year is it not a major event that shocks the world?

When Klockdar was young, as a supernova of that class, he also challenged Whitebeard and knew best the horror of the old man.

If not, Klockdar would not have accepted the olive branch thrown by the world government, and hid in the kingdom of Alabastan with all his heart, just to find and dig into the rumored ancient weapon Hades, as long as he can have Hades, he will have the confidence to challenge Whitebeard.

As everyone knows, Klockdar’s careful thinking was all expected by Yang Ming.

Yang Ming deliberately sent someone to release the news, it was through this way of fighting cattle across the mountain to deter Klockdar, and then he could better arrange it in the Kingdom of Alabastan.

The steel warship broke through the white waves and sped all the way.

Following the artificial river excavated by the Kingdom of Alabastan, steel warships entered the river from the sea and went all the way to the capital Albana.

Near the river port wharf, where unrelated personnel have long been retreated, only the solemn-looking kingdom army is under martial law here, and a father and daughter stand in front, looking forward to the steel warship coming from afar.

Kobra was dressed in a simple king’s robe, and judging from his simple dress, he was either putting on a show or loving the people like a son.

Beside her, Princess Vivi stood tall, her skin was white, her skin was like snow, and the brown skin of other people around her showed a clear contrast, obviously rarely wandering outside, and she would have this silky smooth skin when she stayed in the palace all year round.


Princess Vivi raised her head, her beautiful eyes shining with a strange light.

“I heard that Asura general always sets all kinds of incredible records and possesses all kinds of magical abilities, will he have a way to solve our domestic dilemma?”

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