What is the power of a bomb that is magnified a hundred times?

Perhaps, this is a very strange thing for many people who have never touched artillery, and it will even be simply understood that the volume is magnified a hundred times, and the power of the bomb is also magnified a hundred times.

If you understand it this way, it is really very wrong!

In this regard, the modern world in Yang Ming’s past life can be taken as an example.

Yang Ming’s previous life in the world of science and technology developed, there is a largest cannon ever built, called Gustav cannon, including the transport vehicle, weighing 1344 tons, the whole cannon has a full 4 stories high, 42.97 meters long, 7 meters wide, 11.6 meters high, operating the Gustav cannon requires 500 soldiers to work together, plus special rails, to carry and move this behemoth, shelling deadly shells at the enemy.

The Gustav cannon has a breech nearly 1 meter in diameter, which needs to be towed by two giant locomotives with a power of 1050 horsepower, and the shells fired weigh up to 7 tons, have a rate of fire of 720 meters per second, and have a range of up to 60 kilometers.

One shot is amazingly powerful, easily penetrating a 7-meter-thick concrete wall and tearing up the defenses of a fortress, and the power of 150 shells is enough to raze a city to the ground.

Today, under the hundredfold increase of Bundy Wald, he has 36,000 kilograms of shells in his hands, that is, 36 tons, 280 meters in caliber, and an initial speed of 45,700 meters.

The power of this shell is not only as simple as a hundredfold increase, it can even easily raze a city to the ground!

It is precisely because of the terrible amplification ability of the Momo Fruit that Bundy Wald is known as the World Destroyer.

Because he alone is equivalent to a humanoid walking powder magazine.

Ordinary navies, pirates in front of Bundy Wald, simply not enough to see!

Even, if someone can develop something like nuclear fusion, make a small nuclear reactor, and then multiply the Momo fruit through Bundy Wald, it will brew a world disaster and directly bring the whole world into the world of nuclear winter!

It can be said that in other novels, with the hundredfold increase ability of the Momo Fruit, Bundy Wald is enough to become the protagonist!

Unfortunately, this person’s luck is not good, he was born in this era of heroes, and he refused to submit to the Night Pirates, so Yang Ming had to take advantage of the situation!

Six six-way puppets stood at the bow of the terrifying three-masted galleon, wearing a black robe, and the black robe was embroidered with fire cloud-like patterns along the edges, adding a bit of mystery to it.

At this moment, the six six-path puppets opened their majestic reincarnation eyes, stared condescendingly at the hundredfold shells that were shelled below, and raised their hands in unison, their ten fingers spread, palms facing down.

“Shinra Heavenly Sign!”

From the mouth of the six puppets, a god-like judgment was emitted.

In the next moment, a terrifying repulsion like substance burst out from the palm, and even the space rippled in circles, giving people a sense that even the space was torn apart, and the earth-destroying force swooped down, and every felony who felt this power on the warship couldn’t help but turn pale.

Bundy Wald opened his eyes angrily, only feeling his scalp numb.

“How is this possible!”

The powerful repulsion wears out everything, and the so-called hundredfold increase of the shell seems to have become a big joke at this moment, which is directly worn out into smashes, and even the explosives contained in it have just exploded in mid-air, and before they have time to spread, they are nipped in the bud.

The worn powder floated in the air, and under the background of the six meteorites in the sky dome, it showed the inviolable majesty of the six puppets, like a high god overlooking the world, and his eyes revealed a blind light that ignored everything.

This scene completely broke the psychological defense of the felons who remained on the warship.

Some slumped on the ground, some humbled and begged, and some wept.

There are all kinds of things in the world, but that’s it.

But the world is merciless, and the six meteorites on the heavenly dome are equally ruthless, falling down again.

For a moment, the world went quiet.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by one meteorite, and if there is, then it would be nice to have another one.

Light and heat illuminate the deep night sky, and the entire sea area seems to be in the middle of daylight, but anyone can feel a ruthless destructive force that crushes everything, and even the sea sinks a little, and a large amount of sea water is quickly evaporated into water vapor, turning into a thick fog shrouded here.

The warship, which was already extremely crippled, was completely destroyed, and even the felons left on the deck mostly disappeared into the vast sea, I don’t know whether they were buried in the sea of fire or completely disappeared, these are not things Yang Ming needs to consider.

Two six-path puppets swooped down and “poofed” into the boiling seawater.

The sea temperature of up to 100 degrees Celsius could not stop the two six-path puppets, and in the dark sea, they had found two felons slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

String Moon Hunter, Caterina Deppon.

Huge battleship, San Juan Wolf.

As mentioned earlier, San Juan Evil Wolf is a giant warrior of the Giant Kingdom Elbaf, and will be an important pawn in Yang Ming’s layout of the Giant Kingdom Elbaf.

As for accepting Catalina Deppon, it is not because of her female identity, Yang Ming is not so heavy on taste, and needs to submit such an old demon woman, but from her unique demon fruit, animal line, dog fruit, phantom beast species, nine-tailed fox form, with the ability to transform into others, even the clothes, height, appearance, sound, smell and other details are exactly the same as the original, almost can be exchanged for fake.

This ability to deform, falling into the hands of mediocrities, is just a chicken rib, and it is a pity to abandon it tastelessly.

But if it falls into the hands of careerists, it can have unexpected effects.

Yang Ming has some secret plans and needs talents like Katerina Deppen.

When the two felons were salvaged ashore by the six puppets, San Juan Wolf was okay, after all, he had a giant body, in addition to the skin completely carbonized, the parts of the muscles were also carbonized, and he was seriously injured and panting.

However, Katerina Deppeng, herself is a woman’s physique, and the animal devil fruit she has taken has lacked achievements in enhancing her physique, resulting in almost becoming a burnt dry corpse now, if it were not for her tenacious willpower and strong desire to survive, so that she still retained a trace of life characteristics, Yang Ming almost suspected that this product was dead.

Fortunately, as long as Katerina Daipeng is still alive, Yang Ming has a way to save her from the line of death.

Even if she is dead, as long as Yang Ming is willing to pay some price, through the power of the eye of reincarnation, he can pull her back from the Yellow Spring to the world.

Take out the essence of the life potion from the space ring, this is the proud work of the Lilliputian princess Man Shirley, the devil knows what liquid it is made of, anyway, it is much more powerful than ordinary bathwater, known as the life and death and flesh and bones, with incredible abilities.

Open the cap of the elixir of life and drop a drop of viscous liquid onto the bodies of the two felons.

Miracles happen.

Under the strong healing of the healing fruit, a vibrant green glow enveloped the two, and their skin, which had been burned by the high temperature, returned to its former healthy complexion, and even the internal organs that had suffered extensive damage in their bodies were also healed under the nourishment of this force.

When San Juan Wolf and Catalina Deppon opened their eyes again, they saw six puppets surrounding the two of them, staring at them with a distinctive gaze, where did they not know that they could survive and be saved by the cadres of the Night Pirates?

Before being imprisoned in the Deep Sea Great Prison, Katerina Depeng had been wandering in the Wind and Moon Place for many years, and she had already filled the skill of observing words and colors, knowing that if it were not for her own usefulness, the other party would not have gone to such great lengths to rescue her.

She was a very knowledgeable person, and quickly knelt on her knees, grabbed the ground with her head, and almost kissed the toes of the six puppets to show humility.

Katerina Deppon does not have the arrogance of being a strong person at all, but rather, even if there is, it is not much, in Yang Ming’s series of actions just now, she defeated these arrogant qi, and now she is begging as a servant:

“I am willing to join the great Night Pirates, no matter what you need me to do, I am willing!”

Between words, Katerina Deppon used the fruit ability of the animal line, canine fruit, phantom beast species, and nine-tailed fox form, and her body shape was constantly changing, revealing the beautiful and moving female images in her memory, enchanting royal sister, pure junior sister, iceberg boss lady…

Yang Ming: 6

I have to say that people in the city can really play.

Getting a Katerina Deppon is equivalent to sitting on the beauty of the world.

Of course, before that, it is necessary to ignore the unsightly appearance of her Buddha-figure.

San Juan Vicious Wolf was annoyed in his heart when he saw it on the side, but he didn’t expect this woman to be so good at licking, it was really angry to death!

He fell to his knees and also succeeded in joining the Night Pirates.

As soon as Katerina Depen joined, Yang Ming gave her an order:

“I need you to lurk in the world government to disguise and replace the identity of Jay Golucia Satan Saint, one of the five old stars!”

Hearing this, Catalina Daipeng’s pupils trembled.

I’m getting off the thief’s ship now, is it still time?

That’s not an ordinary person, but five old stars!

The baby is bitter in his heart, and the baby can’t tell!

She looked up at the front, six six-way puppets, dressed in black robes, standing in the boundless night, like six madmen who tried to overturn order, and shouted madly:

“The more dazzling the sun, the darker the shadow cast.”

“I will create an opportunity for you to replace the identity of the other party, and there is only one chance!”

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