Who are our friends?

Who are our enemies?

This is not only the primary issue for Yang Ming to promote the innovation of the country of peace, but also the primary issue for changing this decadent world.

At first glance, Yang Ming’s enemies in the country of peace are the group of hundred beasts and pirates and the black charcoal snake, but in fact, it also includes the family with intricate relations in the country of Wa.

In those villages and towns similar to the village of Wekasa, many villagers have lost their land and houses, and can only exchange cheap labor for daily needs, belonging to the proletarians, which Yang Ming needs to focus on uniting.

Those families rooted in the country of peace are also divided into different kinds.

The Black Carbon Family that completely defected to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, such a family, was the target that Yang Ming needed to focus on.

As for the big families such as the Tianyue family, the Frost Moon family, the Feng Yue family, and the Yuyue family, they need to divide and disintegrate, win over a group, and crack down on a group.

Listening to Yang Ming’s story, and thoroughly analyzing all levels of society in the country of Wazhi, the eyes of Peach Rabbit Gion became brighter.

Gently touching Yang Ming’s smooth forehead, the corners of Peach Rabbit Gion’s red lips rose slightly.

“Stinky brother, sometimes, I really don’t know how your brain grows, why you are so smart, and see things that others can’t see.”

As he spoke, waves rippled on the chest of Peach Rabbit Gion.

I have to say that the figure of Peach Rabbit Gion is excellent, among so many women Yang Ming has seen, it can rank in the top three, and perhaps because of drinking milk often, those two peaks are quite mature, making people always have an urge to climb to see the small mountains.

Fortunately, Yang Ming has long been accustomed to the intimate behavior of Peach Rabbit Gion, and he is not embarrassed.

Yang Ming gently patted the back of Peach Rabbit Gion’s hand, and said meaningfully:

“There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.”

“If we want to unite the majority, we need to tie the interests of the majority firmly to us.”

A few days later.

As a first-hand witness of the year, after he honestly explained a series of things about the conflict between Mitsuki Ota and Hundred Beast Kaido, Belmer knew how to maximize the benefits of publicity and help Yang Ming win the hearts of the people of the country of peace.

Therefore, after some polishing by Belmel, the novel about the deeds of Mitsuki Ota was published by the Guangming Newspaper, centered on Jiuri, and radiated towards the entire country of Wano.

“The strongest second generation, woke up one night and found that he had become the strongest in the world

” “His Highness returned, found that his wife was actually sent to the hook bar, and with an order, 100,000 samurai rushed for his wife? Novels

such as “Mitsuki Ota: I Learned to Chop Gods in a Psychiatric Hospital”

quickly spread among the people in an exaggerated way and in a popular way.

Seven into true, three into false, compiled stories that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, if it is not the parties, it is impossible to distinguish whether these novels are true or false, and it is easy to be evoked by the stories in them to recall and feel.

The people of the country of Wano knew that it turned out that Mitsuki Ota was such a person, who was wise and martial, but at least he was strong and kind-hearted, and he wholeheartedly wanted to open the country for the country of Wa, and at the same time expel the Hundred Beast Pirates.

However, the Hundred Beast Kaido and the Black Carbon Great Snake were too insidious, and they actually wanted to take a large number of hostages, forcing Mitsuki Ota to obediently submit, pretending to be stupid and stunned for several years, and finally lost under the conspiracy of Hundred Beast Kaido.

At this moment, while the common people sympathized with Mitsuki Oda, they also hated Kaido more and more, and they hated the black charcoal snake who acted as an accomplice, and they couldn’t wait to peel him and tear him apart.

Emotions are a strong medicine, enough to fuel the waves.

Times create heroes, heroes create momentum.

Yang Ming is the chess player who creates the momentum.

Fueled by Yang Ming and secretly, a unified consensus was gradually formed among the people of Hezhi under the influence of this atmosphere of hatred.

Naturally, the revolutionary army would not miss such an opportunity, and cooperated well with Yang Ming and launched wave after wave of uprisings in the area ruled by the Hundred Beast Pirates, which made Hundred Beast Kaido anxious and annoyed recently.

To this end, Yang Ming specially called the Marshal of the Warring States.

“The revolutionary army in the country of Wano is rampant and arrogant, suspected of reaching a secret agreement with the Hundred Beast Kaido, and is now recruiting troops on a large scale.”

This piece of information, three points true and seven points false, completely fooled the Marshal of the Warring States and made him have a wrong judgment.

Thanks to the isolation of the country of Wano, it is difficult for the secret special units of the Navy headquarters to land in the country of Wano, and it can be said that they do not know anything about the situation.

The Marshal of the Warring States had always trusted Yang Ming, and he never thought that Yang Ming would deceive him.

To this end, the Marshal of the Warring States urgently convened a meeting.

Now in 1515, Yang Ming had been the new admiral of the navy headquarters for several months, and during this time, he used his position to continuously promote the people of the governor’s army.

Under Yang Ming and others, Fuji Hu Yixiao has now become a vice admiral of the navy headquarters with his own strong strength, Smogg and Jonathan were promoted to vice admiral by Yang Ming, and Tina, Drake and Dady Masdasen were promoted to rear admiral.

Jonathan became the commander of the Navy’s G-8 Branch, as in the original book.

Yu no Hiru is a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and still stays in the West Sea, because the yellow ape general Borusalino needs to go to the hospital for long-term treatment under the pretext of being shot in the knee, Yu no Hiru takes over the post of governor of the West Sea, continuing the strategy that Yang Ming once implemented in the West Sea.

Ain, Bintz, Xiuzo, Hune, Guina and others were also promoted one after another.

The force called the Governor-General has now begun to appear in the headquarters of the Navy.

The meeting convened by the Marshal of the Warring States was a topic for the revolutionary army, and only the vice admiral of the navy headquarters was eligible to participate in the meeting.

Fujitora smiled and Smog and the others sat on the chairs and quietly listened to the orders of the Marshal of the Warring States.

“The matter of the revolutionary army is related to the rule of the world government, and now it is hiding in the country of peace, and it is suspected of colluding with the Hundred Beast Pirates, once these two groups unite, they will inevitably twist into a powerful evil force, which will have a major impact on the situation in the world.”

“Therefore, we must re-examine the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and if necessary, even if we take a huge risk, our navy must be ready to go to war against the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!”

As soon as the words of the Marshal of the Warring States fell, the admirals looked solemn.

The corners of Ghost Zhu Virgo’s mouth were crooked, and his heart was secretly anxious.

Now, the Hundred Beasts Kaido is his hope to avenge the Young Lord Doflamingo, and he does not want the Hundred Beasts Pirates to be destroyed.


Virgo coughed a few times and raised his hand to signal that he had something to say.

Under the nod of the Marshal of the Warring States, Virgo slowly stood up, looked around, and said calmly:

“Regarding the affairs of the revolutionary army in the country of Wazhi, I personally think it is really a bit unreasonable.”

“Everyone here is very clear that the goal of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, is to overthrow the world government, and he has not had any intersection with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group for a long time in the past, and now it suddenly comes that the revolutionary army has a tendency to recruit troops in the territory of the country of Hezhi, and there are also suspected alliances with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, all of which are just the words of the Asura general, and the authenticity needs to be further confirmed.”

The green pheasant general Kuzan raised his eyebrows and stared at Virgo with great meaning:

“Are you questioning Yang Ming?”

Facing the forced gaze of General Kuzan, Virgo’s face did not change color or heartbeat, and he still said calmly:

“I have always admired the character and achievements of General Shura, and I do not think that General Asura will say nonsense with his eyes open and do things that harm the interests of the Navy, but this matter is very important, and any wrong decision will lead to an imbalance in the world situation, and I also ask the marshal to think twice.”

The character that Virgo has built up within the navy in the past is himself a navy who is not afraid of power and has a heart for justice.

His remarks, far from damaging his prestige, resonated with some admirals.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Yang Ming has had a smooth ride along the way, and he is not immune to people’s envy.

What’s more, the forces of the Governor’s Army subordinate to Yang Ming have now initially gained momentum, and there is quite a tendency to compete with the doves and hawks, which can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

The Red Dog General Sakaski nodded heavily, affirmed Virgo’s remarks, and immediately said:

“Virgo’s words are very reasonable, the country of Wazhi has been closed to the country for many years, and we know too little about the country of peace and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and we can’t decisively send troops to fight the Hundred Beast Pirate Group just by relying on Yang Ming’s words.”

“What’s more, the world government and the five old stars have been asking us to search for the whereabouts of the Night Pirate Group all over the world, which also involves a considerable part of the military strength of our Navy, if it is a fight with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group at this time, resulting in damage to the naval strength, then the situation of the Great Voyage will be completely out of control!”

At the meeting, in response to this matter, you said a word, I said that it was justified, and my mother-in-law said that her mother-in-law was reasonable.

In general, the admirals who did not approve of sending troops accounted for the majority.

It’s a bloodless battle.

Fuji Hu smiled and silently lowered his head to make tea, as if he was a passer-by, and did not participate in the discussion of the meeting, and couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart:

“Sure enough, the development process of this meeting presided over by the Marshal of the Warring States was expected by the captain.”

Just as the two sides were arguing, Lieutenant General Smogg took out a wad of photos from his pocket and slapped it on the table with a “pop”, which attracted the attention of the participants.

Even in the meeting, Smogg still held three cigars in his mouth, his collar was slightly open, revealing his rock-solid chest, and he raised his head and said,

“Look, what is this?”

Everyone stared, and when they saw clearly what was on the desktop photo, they were shocked.

In the photo, it is Vice Admiral Daubman and others who defected from the headquarters of the Navy, standing behind the leader of the revolutionary army, Long!

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