“A ghost, the ghost of the New World Co-Prosperity Sphere, roams the Land of Wano. In order to carry out a sacred siege against this ghost, all the forces of the old Wano Country, the Hundred Beast Pirates, the Black Carbon Family, and the Samurai Group have united…”

In the small village of Orikasa, Tina is holding a thick book in her hand, instilling a new type of concept into the surrounding villagers.

“In the New World Co-Prosperity Sphere, we are all human beings of the same language and race, and we all have the right to bathe in the same sunshine, breathe the common fresh air, and change our destiny through our hard work and live a good life from now on.”

“Everyone has food, everyone has clothing, everyone has books to read, everyone has a good day!”

The people of the village stay in the village all year round, have little contact with the outside world, and have no knowledge of the outside world.

Ignorance, backwardness, and ignorance can all be used as labels for these villagers.

At first, the villagers did not believe Tina’s statement and even scoffed.

If it weren’t for Tina’s force and the fierce eyes of a group of naval soldiers around her, I am afraid that some villagers would have laughed out loud.

Even so, there are some villagers who secretly say in their hearts:

“If the world is really such a beauty, I will eat it upside down!”

Then, they saw Guina and Ain walking over with a group of soldiers, holding large and small video phone worms in their hands, and began to play them a piece of real people and real things that had happened.

Kingdom of Prodes.

After more than a year of hard work, the family bought a house in the city, although the area is small, but it is very warm, and most importantly, the children in the family can finally go to school.

A workers’ primary school was built in the city to recruit workers’ children.

Workers’ primary school is not an aristocratic elite education, more like an assembly line cramming duck-like education, hiring some small aristocrats from the middle of the family as teachers, although the teaching is some very basic things, but for the common people who want to become a dragon, this is already the beginning of changing their destiny!

People are more angry than people!

If they had never seen the light, the villagers could have endured the darkness.

Looking at a little girl in the picture holding a thick textbook in her hand, shaking her head and reciting unknown poems, the villagers of the village were shocked!

The little girl’s father was originally just a nameless craftsman, and he was no different from them!

But look at the family now, the family lives in a minimalist cottage, the home is installed with a fireplace, there is no longer a worry about the house leaking in the winter, and the family endures cold and hunger.

The Kingdom of Prodins is just one of the scenes, the capital of seven waters, the Kingdom of Dressrosa, the capital of flowers, the citizens of these countries, under the operation and drive of the New Hope Factory, Carrera Company, and the Dinosaur Chamber of Commerce, gradually live a desirable life.

Looking at the video, the people of the capital of seven waters are celebrating a food festival, every household is preparing water and meat, eating meat, drinking alcohol, life is extremely comfortable, the saliva of villagers flows from the corners of their mouths without fighting, and there is a muffled sound in their stomachs.

Xiaoyu’s eyes lit up, since she was born, she had never touched meat, and she didn’t know how delicious meat was, but just seeing the intoxicated expressions on the faces of the people in the image, she seemed to empathize.

“Sister Tina, can we also live such a good life?”

Xiao Yu raised her head, and her big eyes were full of longing.

At this moment, not only Xiaoyu, but also other villagers in Wekasa Village were also moved.

Although these villagers are short, ugly, and selfish, they do not hinder their yearning for a better life, which is a common feature of human beings.

Tina smiled slightly and said with certainty:

“Of course!”

“As long as you transform in the way we say, you will be accepted into the New World Co-Prosperity Circle, become a part of the New World Co-Prosperity Circle, and everyone will live a good life!”

Hearing this, the villagers cheered collectively.

Although, they don’t understand what the New World Co-Prosperity Sphere is.

It doesn’t matter.

As long as you can eat a hot meal, eat long-lost meat, wear brand new clothes, so that your children can have books to read, where do you need to understand so much?

From this moment on, the village began to undergo profound and far-reaching changes.

The land in Jiuli was not suitable for growing crops, and for a long time the villagers of the village had to diligently weave bucket hats in exchange for expensive grain from other districts to make ends meet.

Lose in hake, but gain in herring.

Jiuli has a large area of forest, where a large number of towering trees grow, most of which are more than 100 years old, which is a good material for the construction of large three-masted sailing ships.

Today, a new teleportation anchor has been erected in the village of Karikasa, and the Carrera company has sent personnel to negotiate business cooperation, barter, by transporting large quantities of grain and ordering high-quality wood from the area.

In the capital of seven waters, due to its geographical location, the least valuable thing is food.

All the villagers of Okasa Village are crazy!

God knows what kind of shock they felt when they saw tons of grain in the village.

The villagers left their usual work, no one went to weave any more pipes, including Xiaoyu, everyone took the sickle and hoe and went into the forest, began to work together to cut down trees, and then transported them back to the village, and handed over with the salesman of Carrera, and they could get a large bag of rice and jerky.

When the cooking smoke rose and smelled the familiar smell of rice and the tempting smell of meat, the villagers who had not eaten enough for many years even turned their eyes green.

Although Xiaoyu was saved by Yang Ming, she did not receive special treatment, worked with other villagers, and now shares the joy of the moment.

Holding hot porridge in his hand, with some meat foam and wild vegetable leaves floating on the porridge noodles, it looks very simple, but for people who have not eaten enough for many years, but drink water to fill their hunger, this is simply a delicacy from heaven, better than mountains and seafood.


Blowing hot air into the bowl, when the porridge was a little cooler, Xiaoyu could no longer hide her hunger, and raised her head to take a sip.


The porridge is thick, the meat is fragrant, and the leaves are fragrant.

Xiaoyu had never eaten such good food, and couldn’t help but scoop another bowl of porridge.

This scene is just the tip of the iceberg in the entire village.

No matter what kind of ideals and slogans there are, they have not really filled the stomachs of the common people.

The villagers of the village don’t really care whether it is the Black Carbon Great Snake or the Hundred Beast Kaido who rules them, or the Mitsuki family, who can let them live a good life, they support whomever they want.

Yang Ming used practical actions to make them eat their stomachs for the first time, and they won the hearts of the people.

Immediately afterwards, the New Hope Factory also sent a group of technical talents over through the space anchor, and began to recruit workers locally, preparing to build a branch factory here.

The Kingdom of Prodice is rich in mineral resources and the quality of its workers is also high.

But if there is any country on this sea, which country has the highest level of craftsmanship, it is the country of Wano.

If you recruit a master blacksmith somewhere else, you can’t just have money, you have to invest in what you like, and get the approval of the other party, so that you can be successful.

However, in a poor and weak country like Wano Country, it is easy to recruit master craftsmen by providing adequate food and a better living environment.

Yang Ming called it the talent dividend.

Mitsuki Sukiyaki sat in front of his house, smoking a cigarette without a ride.

Naturally, the country of Wano can’t buy cigarettes, and this smoke is still made by the old man himself, revealing a strange smell.

Looking at the hot scene in the village, Mitsuki Sukiyaki frowned, and a Sichuan character was wrung out between his eyebrows, and his expression looked a little ugly.


Exhaling a turbid breath from his mouth, Mitsuki Sukiyaki understood that he was emptied by Yang Ming.

Although he is nominally the head of the village of Kasakasa, and may have a chance to regain the position of general of Wano Country in the future, everything will be different, and this ancient country is being taken away by the terrifying young young general.

This kind of conspiracy is not just a change of leader like Kaido and the black charcoal serpent, which does not change in essence, but an innovation from the bottom up, which has re-energized this ancient country.

“Perhaps, I and the country are old.”

Mitsuki Sukiyaki smoked silently, and sighed in his heart.

Now, his son Mitsuki Ota has been dead for many years, his grandson Mitsuki Momonosuke is missing, and his granddaughter Mitsuki Hikawa is incognito, leaving him alone in the huge Mitsuki family, and his fate seems to be at the end of this ancient country.

Time also, life also.

Compared with the old man who was as downcast as dusk, Yang Ming’s side was like the rising sun, full of vigor and vitality.

Peach Rabbit Gion and Yang Ming stood on a mountain cliff, overlooking the earth-shaking changes in the entire village of Wekasa, a pair of beautiful eyes rippled, involuntarily carrying the weight of half of their body on Yang Ming’s shoulders.

“Stinky brother, but there is really yours, I didn’t expect that this group of short and ugly and obscene people actually have such a side.”

“Presumably it won’t be long before this place becomes richer, right?”

The peach rabbit Gion blew Lanfenfu in Yang Ming’s ears, and the fragrant breath tickled Yang Ming’s ears, and he could feel the heavy weight on his shoulders and the softness that was within reach.

Yang Ming had long been accustomed to the nature of Peach Rabbit Gion, and raised his eyes to look at a group of strange warriors who had arrived outside the village of Jiaokasa, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly:

“Don’t underestimate humans.”

“The true strength of human beings is self-change.”

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