“The body of the golden lion Shiji was stolen?”

Hearing the news reported by the soldiers under him, the Marshal of the Warring States put down the phone worm with a solemn expression.

Recalling that several cadres in the Night Pirate Group were strong people who had passed away, the Marshal of the Warring States had a faint sense of unease in his heart.

“Who is it that can sneak into the headquarters of the Navy without knowing it, and can steal the body of the golden lion Shiji without alerting anyone?”

The Marshal of the Warring States never doubted Yang Ming.

Encountering this kind of thing, the Marshal of the Warring States immediately remembered the spy planted by Tenyasha Doflamingo, and secretly said:

“Could it be that this spy is colluding with Li Qing, the lord of the night?”

With the ingenuity of the Marshal of the Warring States, after searching the intestines for a long time, he could only find such a conclusion.

The Marshal of the Warring States picked up the phone worm again, dialed Lieutenant General Tsuru’s phone, and said in a deep voice:

“Xiaohe, come to my office, I have something important to discuss with you.”

An internal investigation is about to resume.

I just don’t know who will be unlucky this time.

A steel warship slowly sailed out of port, and Yang Ming lay on his back on a beach chair and stretched comfortably before he had time to pay attention to the system prompts he had ignored.


“Congratulations to the host for saying the classic lines under one person and getting a chance to win a lottery, do you want to start the lottery roulette?”

In Yang Ming’s line of sight, a roulette wheel that could not be observed by others emerged.

On the raffle wheel, it is divided into several large squares, corresponding to different prizes.

Summoned characters: Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Zhao Fangxu, Xiao Zizi, Zhang Huaiyi, Wu Gensheng…

Eight Amazing Skills: Qiqi Flow, Wind Queen Qimen, Divine Machine Hundred Refinement, Spirit Dispatch, Liuku Immortal Thief, Da Luo Cave Temple, Tong Tian Qi, Double Full Hand.

Exercises: Five Thunder Zhengfa, Quanzhen Neidan Gong, Imperial Objects, Wuhou Qi Gate…

[Spirit Dispatch]: Can control the soul and use some of its abilities for your own use, or you can devour the soul and obtain a small permanent enhancement.

In a way, the Soul Spirit Dispatch can be called a replica of the Soul Fruit.

Yang Ming majored in various elemental combat techniques, physical skills, and sword techniques, and did not intend to major in the Spirit Dispatch General, but could capture the souls of some strong people and fill them into the Six Dao Puppets to help him share some pressure.

Controlling the six powerful six puppets with their own strength is not an easy job for Yang Ming, not only to focus on six uses, but also to bring strong mental pressure, if the six puppets can act intelligently, it can help Yang Ming do a lot of things in secret.

In addition, Yang Ming did not forget that in order to preserve Anilu’s thunder fruit ability, he did not erase Anilu’s soul, and now with the ability to detain the soul, he can completely control Anilu and let him use it for himself.

What is a capitalist?

Even if he dies, he has to work for Yang Ming!

Leaving the Navy headquarters, the steel warship had two new members on board.

The new Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Momoto Gion.

Private 3rd Class, Guina.

Yang Ming took over the post of senior admiral of the navy headquarters from the Yellow Ape Admiral Borusalino, and also succeeded him as the commander of the naval science force.

This time, Yang Ming is going to Punk Hassad Island to meet the world-famous scientist Vegapunk.

Today’s Punk Hassad Island has not been devastated as in the original book, and scientific research institutions have not migrated to the future island.

Punk Hassad Island is home to a large scientific research institution, which was built by the World Government over a five-year period, bringing together top scientists from all over the world to form different scientific research groups and carry out difficult research on different scientific research projects.

At present, the scientific research institutions of the World Government mainly study six aspects, namely biology, climate, devil fruit, sea lou stone, weapons, and other aspects.

In terms of biology, there are four branches, namely blood factor, biological modification, artificial organism, and human body giganticization.

Climate is mainly concentrated in two aspects, transforming the environment and regulating ocean currents.

Devil Fruit is divided into two branches, one is the artificial Devil Fruit and the other is the ability to make objects fruit.

In terms of sea lou stone, it is mainly aimed at building sea lou stone warships, due to the steam ship launched by Carrera in recent years, the capital chain of the project has been interrupted, and the research has been terminated.

In terms of weapons, one is to make human-type weapons, and the other is to manufacture sea beast weapons, the latter is obviously borrowed from the characteristics of sea kings and tries to drive sea king creatures for their own use.

In other aspects, it involves various black technologies, such as unmanned cooking machines, light-pressed gloves, waste recycling machines, automatic clothes changing machines, etc., which are obviously creating a better quality of life for Draco and nobles.

Punk Hassad Island is located in the second half of the Great Shipping Route, in some unknown sea area of the New World, because the recording pointer does not record the magnetic field of the island under normal circumstances, and most people will not land on the island.

Punk Hassad Island is known as the island of volcanoes, the whole island has nearly 250 volcanoes, of which one-fifth are active volcanoes, which are active all year round, a large amount of magma flows during volcanic eruptions, and after cooling and solidifying, it becomes basalt after thousands of years.

Under the guidance of the permanent pointer, the steel warship plunged headlong into this strange sea.

From afar, you can see billowing smoke rising, volcanic eruptions, a large number of toxic gases and fine particles into the air, due to the huge temperature difference between the troposphere and the ground, resulting in the place can not easily disperse smoke, lingering smoke entrenched above, over time gradually condensed into black pressure clouds, people have a sense of psychological oppression.

The sea temperature near Punk Hassad Island has risen sharply, giving the illusion of reaching a boiling point, and the sea surface is boiling like boiling hot water, constantly emitting puffs of smoke.

Even if someone strays into this sea area and sees the poor geography and sea environment of Punk Hassad Island from a distance, they will choose to retreat.

After all, the mainstream ships on this sea are still mainly wood, once they stay in this sea for too long, it is easy to cause the wooden planks at the bottom of the ship to be eroded by the hot seawater, and under the effect of thermal expansion and contraction, it is easy to lead to water leakage at the bottom of the ship, resulting in the tragic end of the shipwreck.

There are no naval surveillance vessels patrolling the waters.

Even if there was, Yang Ming had already greeted the naval scientific forces before he came, and no one would come to intercept them.

Due to its unique geological environment, Punk Hassad Island has not created a port pier to come out, but can only find a gentle coast away from active volcanoes to get ashore.

Here, a group of people has been waiting here for a long time.

A teenager carrying a large axe that is extremely disproportionate to his size on his shoulder, this person is wide and fat, has a watermelon hair style, wears a strange belly pocket, the baby’s fat face looks thick and honest, and there is a slit on the left side of the face from the eyes to the corner of the lips, adding a bit of hideousness to him.

Don’t look at Zhan Momomaru’s young age, but he is already a captain-level figure in the scientific unit of the Navy headquarters.

“I heard that some time ago, the old man resigned from the post of admiral of the navy headquarters and went to the West Sea to become the governor, and now what kind of Asura general is coming, similar to my age, I don’t know if he can do it.”

Zhan Taomaru stood there casually, buttoning his nose while commenting on Yang Ming, who he had never met.

From his words and deeds, it can be seen that Zhan Taomaru did not put this Asura general in his eyes.


Next to him, an old man dressed in white scolded.

The old man had gray hair, an apple-branch-like head cap on top of his head, his mouth was slightly open, a long tongue dragged to his abdomen, and a pair of slender legs formed a strong contrast with a head many times larger than ordinary people.

Wearing a floral shirt and a research institute uniform, Vegapunk is recognized as a man with the world’s first brain.

His scientific ability, it is said that even in another 500 years, no one can match it.

In fact, Vegapunk is a superhuman brain fruit ability, with unlimited brain capacity, his brain can store an unlimited amount of information, the more data absorbed, the larger his brain.

With a reserve of knowledge beyond the reach of ordinary people, Vegapunk stands on the shoulders of giants, allowing the further development of scientific research projects that the world government has always wanted to study.

Orochimaru has always respected people with knowledge, especially brilliant scientists like Vegapunk.

Under the reprimand of Vegapunk, Zhan Taomaru really did not say a word, and honestly acted as a bodyguard.

Looking at Zhan Peach Pill’s careless performance, Begapunk secretly shook his head, and secretly said in his heart:

“Zhan Peach Pill has never left Punk Hassad Island, I don’t know how wonderful the outside world is, and it is impossible to know that the reason why that Asura general obtained the name of Asura has never been a good person who talks well, but he has many strong blades, if he is still this virtuous after the Asura general lands on the island, I am afraid that he will be cleaned up by that Asura general.”

Putting aside his worries for a moment, Vegapunk stared at the approaching steel warship with glowing eyes.

Steel warships are not ships wrapped in iron and wood in the past, but are made of steel throughout, and do not need sails to use wind as driving power, but coal boiling water to run steam as a power source.

“I had imagined the structure of a steamship before, but I always felt that the project was thankless, and in the end the project ran aground, and I didn’t expect the finished steam ship to be so good.”

“Some time ago, Stussy forwarded a message to tell me that this steamship seems to be from the hands of that Asura general, it’s really unbelievable, the other party is young, how long is his brain, and he can actually come up with such a thing as a steamboat.”

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