If you feel that the world is full of malice when you are studying, for example, the class teacher always treats those students with good academic performance, even if they make mistakes, they can smile and give tolerance, but when you have poor academic performance, you only need to make a small mistake, and you will be criticized and even insulted by the class teacher, and it is light to transfer your position to the last row of the classroom, and it may even make the whole class isolate you and exclude you.

The longer you stay in such a circle, the more depressed and painful you will feel, and you will not be able to resist, but you have the choice to jump out of this circle, and then transfer to another school and class again.

But if the whole world is full of malice towards you, how can you start all over again?

Mr. Tom, like many shipbuilders in their lives, followed the master when he was young, and diligently learned the technique, although because of his identity as a fishman in the street fishman, he will always receive strange eyes from his brothers and others, but in the eyes of most simple technical men, as long as there is a skill, he can be respected by others.

With decades of love and pursuit of boats, through his own hands, Mr. Tom has successfully achieved a class leap, from a fishman at the bottom to a top shipbuilder sought after by the world.

However, he should have been recognized by the world government, but he was about to die just because he once built a ship for One Piece Roger.

So funny, so ridiculous.

“Am I going to die?”

With the duck-like voice of CP9 Chief Spandam echoing in his ears, Mr. Tom seemed extremely calm.

When he looks back, he does not regret having spent his life in vain, nor is he ashamed of doing nothing, so that when he dies, Mr. Tom can proudly say:

“My life and all my experiences are dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world!”

Suddenly, he heard the panicked voice of CP9 chief Spandam on the stage, and there was a commotion among the onlookers in the square.

As the shadows that shrouded the square grew larger, a huge three-masted warship crashed down.

The ground trembled with a loud bang, and two executioners armed with torture instruments and bayonets were blown upside down by the fierce wind, unable to execute Mr. Tom as planned.

A wooden ladder descended from the deck and landed above the square, down which a well-trained navy soldier descended, all in two rows, each with their heads held high.


Spandam, supported by two CP9 agents, stood up slightly embarrassed, gritted his teeth and looked at the navy, looking startled.

Although he is a straw bale, only by virtue of the family’s relationship with Draco for many years, after his father was killed by Yang Ming, he naturally took over the post of CP9 chief, but even if he has not eaten pork, he can be regarded as a person who has seen pork, and naturally from the words and deeds of this group of navies, he can see that this is a division of a hundred battles.

People have spirit.

When the wind is good, it will give people a feeling of uplift.

When an entire army is in this state, it means that the army has experienced many battles and has always been able to win, and this spirit will be cultivated.

“Whose subordinate is this?”

In Spandam’s suspicious eyes, a small figure appeared in the field of vision, and the spacious navy cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, and the word justice came into everyone’s eyes.

“Da, da

, da…” Meeting the almost adoring gaze of his subordinates, Yang Ming slowly stepped down from the three-masted warship, paced in front of Mr. Tom, and stretched out two arms to support the old man who was over half a hundred years old.

“You are?”

Mr. Tom looked at the excessively young boy in front of him in bewilderment, seemingly familiar, but a little uncertain.

When Yang Ming came to the capital of seven waters to carry out his mission, Mr. Tom was not in the company, but only later learned what happened from Esbagu and French, and saw Yang Ming’s photo from the daily news bulletin of the World Economic News.

After just over a year, Yang Ming has become much taller, plus he has experienced a lot of things, and his face is much more mature than his peers, Mr. Tom is busy with work on weekdays, so naturally he can’t recognize Yang Ming for the first time.

“There is a saying in my hometown that the grace of dripping water should be rewarded with a spring.”

Yang Ming smiled lightly, pointed sideways to the three-masted warship behind him, and explained: ”

Mr. Tom, this is the three-masted sailing ship that Esbagu once gave me, and he also gave me a devil fruit at the beginning, and I and my subordinates can be regarded as accepting his kindness.”

When Yang Ming said this, Mr. Tom finally realized who he was.

Mr. Tom clapped his hands sharply and said excitedly:

“It turns out that you are the young hero that Brother Jinping often mentions, he always praises you in front of me, and I regret that I did not manage Brother Tiger’s subordinates well, and actually did such an ugly thing as the slave trade.”

Mr. Tom is much older than Jinping, and often takes most of the income from running his company back to Yuren Street to help those poor fishmen, and Jinping has also been helped by him, and there is nothing wrong with calling Jinping a brother.

This burly cow fish fish man has a benevolent heart and a broad heart, and he does not shy away from taking in some members of the Sun Pirate Group, and generously admits that it is his mistake.

In fact, if you compare your heart to your heart and replace it with the perspective of a fish man, this old man who has achieved financial freedom is not wrong to bring up the descendants of his clan, the fault is that the members of the Sun Pirate Group stepped on the line and violated the rules.

Of course, more importantly, the fishmen were on the wrong side and sided with the Tenyasha do Flamingo to contribute to the Don Quixote family’s human trafficking business.

Seeing the reminiscence of no one next to the two, with Spandham’s vengeful nature, he immediately recognized that this was his father’s murderer.

“Yang! Bright!

These two words almost popped out from between Spandam’s teeth, the two fists were clenched tightly, their eyes were staring at each other, as if a string called reason had broken in their minds, and without thinking about other things, they immediately gave instructions to the CP9 agent next to him:

“Go!” Get that guy for me! I will skin him and make him kneel before my father’s grave and kowtow to confess his sins! ”

A group of CP9 agents in suits looked at each other, and some were in a dilemma.

They had heard of Yang Ming’s achievements back then, and now they are big red people in the navy headquarters, not to mention whether they can fight or not, just offending Yang Ming and the backers behind him is enough to give people a headache.

In the CP organization, there is even a rumor that the chief instructor Zefa beat CP0 member Guernica violently, threatening to demolish the headquarters of CP0 if he dares to trouble his disciples in the future.

The reason why this is a rumor is that it has not been confirmed by the parties.

Obviously, the Navy headquarters and CP0 deliberately suppressed this matter to avoid the scandal of the family, so as not to cause groundless speculation from the outside world, thinking that the two major institutions under the world government would tear each other down.

Seeing the group of CP9 agents, Spandham roared with a twisted face:

“As the commander of CP9, I order you to give me an immediate mission!”


The CP9 agents are not Robluci, and naturally do not dare to confront the commander in the face, lest they be put on small shoes by Spandam, entrust them to complete the mortal mission, and immediately move forward.

Halfway through their journey, they were intercepted by Tina.


Tina moved her wrist joints, made a “crackling” sound, and clenched her fists violently and blasted out.

The Smash King’s pair of fists gave Tina a powerful destructive power, like a solid qigong cannon blasted out, mixed with spiral-shaped pitch-black powder.

While blowing up the three CP9 agents on the spot, the pitch-black powder floating in the air suddenly hashed out, forming a huge iron cage, imprisoning the unlucky eggs nearby.

The World Government has a special institution to adopt a group of orphans and put them on Guanhao Island for secret training, training them beyond the limits of the human body, so that they can master the six styles of the navy through training, but not everyone can fully master them, and some can only master one or two styles.

These people are naturally not Tina’s opponents, and with her own strength, she successfully intercepted more than a dozen CP9 agents.

“How, how could it be…”

Spandam propped his hands on the railing of the stage as he watched in disbelief as he watched as an agent was knocked to the ground.

Suddenly, Spandam’s eyes suddenly lost the trace of Yang Ming, and a bad premonition suddenly enveloped his heart.

Yang Ming Huoran appeared in front of Spandam, slapped him to the ground, and immediately stepped on his lewd face.

Spandam struggled to stand up when he heard a demonic whisper:

“Lying on the ground, who allowed you to raise your head?”

“You don’t see my qualifications, the ants will be like ants, just lie on the ground and bow their heads to die.”

Hitting people does not hit their faces, and scolding people does not expose their shortness.

However, Yang Ming did the opposite.

Spandam, like his father Spandyne, couldn’t stand such stimulation at all, his whole face was as red as a pig’s liver, feeling that his dignity and face were severely trampled under Yang Ming’s feet, where he could take care of so much, he immediately shouted into the crowd:

“Robluci, save me!”

A faint sigh sounded from the crowd, and a young man in a suit walked out in a row, his hands in his trouser pockets, and a pair of dead fish eyes stared at the former great enemy.

The two former rivals of life and death reunited a year later.

Will Rob Luch be able to go to shame this time?

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