More than 400 years ago, an expedition from the kingdom of Lubinir in the North Sea visited a magical island, and the famous botanist and expedition governor wrote a book that used flowery rhetoric to describe this golden country full of gold.

Unfortunately, when the voracious king ordered the expedition to set out in search of the island, he did not find the legendary Golden Town, only a barren island in the shape of a skeleton floating here.

The adventurer who discovered the golden country was also called the king of big tales, Rolandu, and the adventure books he wrote were also jokingly called fairy tales.

And more than 400 years later, the previously unattended island of Gaya welcomes a group of visitors again.

The warship tens of meters long broke the waves, and the sails on the mast swelled up, like a middle-aged man’s beer belly, and under the strong wind, the three-masted sailing ship was extremely fast, leaving a long trail behind the stern.

A resolute young man sat cross-legged at the bow of the ship, flames and thunder appeared around him from time to time, these originally scattered elemental powers, originally obedient and ruthless to management, once the outbreak can give anyone a considerable degree of destructive power, but now it is like a submissive sheep, each turning into a spherical body, a red and blue energy sphere floating on the side of the teenager.

Being able to wave his arms at flames and thunder was not only due to Yang Ming’s daily penance, but also benefited from the harvest he had gained some time ago.


“Congratulations to the host for saying the classic line in Fairy Tail and getting a chance to win a lottery, do you want to start the raffle wheel?”

A raffle wheel slowly emerges, with only two types of prizes: magic and treasures.

Magic: Fire Dragon Magic, Space Magic…

Treasures: Thunder Dragon Destroyer Crystal, Goblin Heart…

[Fairy Heart]: Enhance the control of the elements, increase the damage of various elemental skills, and expand the scope of the influence of the skills.

At this time, if Yang Ming’s body was dissected, he would definitely find a physiological structure that would amaze any scientist in the world.

In Yang Ming’s heart, it was not a normal person’s heart, but a polyhedral crystal, and a human figure could be faintly seen inside, flowing with strange light.

This goblin’s heart was like the central processing unit of a computer, re-clearing the slightly disordered elemental power in Yang Ming’s body.

The heart belongs to fire in the five elements, and the fire element that Yang Ming originally mastered is also the most powerful force in the body, and it is now entrenched in the heart.

The lungs are gold in the five elements, and a vigorous thunder element condenses its strength in the lungs.

The spleen belongs to the earth in the five elements, the yin of the yin, and the power of darkness and shadow unceremoniously occupies a place here.

Whenever Yang Ming ran the Saint Thief, three completely different forces flowed through the meridians along their respective routes in turn, and the superhuman cells and gourmet cells in the veins were like diligent gardeners, diligent to replenish the energy needed by the body to all parts of the body.

With each operation of various exercises, Yang Ming’s body is constantly undergoing changes that are difficult for outsiders to observe, a small change every day, a big change in March, and a year is enough to change drastically.

As a result, the momentum that Yang Ming involuntarily exuded became stronger and stronger, making every soldier on the warship feel heartfelt pressure.


A breath of turbid breath spit out from the snort, when Yang Ming opened and closed his eyes, a sharp edge flashed in his eyes, and the power of thunder and fire that escaped from his body turned into an energy arrow and burst out, planting headlong into the turquoise ocean, directly exploding a wave.

Joe Ellie Bonnie has never liked cultivation, sitting alone on the railing, denim hip pants outline a cute arc, two slender jade legs swaying in midair, one hand on the chin, watching Yang Ming become stronger and stronger, a pair of beautiful eyes flowing ripples.

Yang Ming ignored Joe Ellie Boni’s attention.

In fact, Yang Ming did not have a good impression of this girl, and anyone who discovered his little secret would probably not give the other party a good look.

If it weren’t for the fact that Yang Ming was not a murderous person, and firmly believed that the character image he had created within the navy was perfect, he would not have worried that the spread of the matter would lead to serious consequences, I am afraid that if he was a ruthless person, he would have already destroyed flowers with hot hands, and would not have left a whole corpse for Joelle Bonnie.

Seeing Yang Ming turning a blind eye to herself, Joe Ellie Bonnie was secretly angry in her heart.

“People are so cute, why doesn’t he even look at them?”

After completing his daily training, Yang Ming inspected the warship and urged officers and men at all levels to conscientiously train.

In fact, there was no need for Yang Ming’s supervision, under Yang Ming’s leadership, his subordinates were the most diligent trained soldiers in the entire navy, and everyone got up in the morning and began to do a hundred laps around the battleship in freestyle, and after breakfast, they continued to conduct white-knuckle combat simulation training on the deck.

Of course, such high-intensity training, in addition to the food in place, Yang Ming did not skimp on money, promising to give every soldier, after completing a certain degree of training, he would be able to increase his salary in the same month, and this part of the excess salary naturally could not be paid by the Navy headquarters, but Yang Ming himself paid for it.

In addition, Yang Ming’s diehard subordinate Jonathan, under Yang Ming’s instruction, every day after the troops finished training, they would conduct ideological education for each soldier, asking them to be loyal to Yang Ming, in order to firmly mark themselves on this unit.

Just like when Yuan Shikai trained the new army, Yang Ming demanded that this force be completely his own, even if he rebelled against the naval headquarters, even when dealing with the Draco, he dared to follow him.

There was a feverish atmosphere throughout the warship, which was exactly what Yang Ming wanted to see.

Empty islands are located on the Great Shipping Route and are difficult for ordinary people to reach, so many people often think that empty islands do not exist.

But in reality, empty islands are real.

For example, in the original book, Nami once visited the small empty island of Visalia, which is the closest island to Qinghai among all the empty islands, and the area is extremely small, the size of a small village, and it is the most complete weather science island in the world, gathering meteorological experts from all over the world.

Since the small empty island of Visalia will move with the wind, drift irregularly around the world, and only land in Qinghai for supplies during a part of the time, in order to be able to successfully complete the weather research, the weather research experts on the small empty island Visalia have close contact and cooperation with the world government, responsible for providing real-time weather forecasts to the world government and providing feasible weather forecasts for naval travel.

If it is according to the normal route of the navy, it is generally to go to the small empty island of Visalia, and then through this island as a transit point, to other empty islands.

Yang Ming naturally didn’t want his whereabouts to be known by too many colleagues, so he had to come to Gaya Island.

In the vicinity of Gaya Island, every few months a strange current will form a strange current crashing into the sky, the general ship contact this huge current, the ship itself can not withstand this impact, in most cases will be shattered, leaving the rumor of the ship graveyard, making Gaya Island a famous forbidden area, ordinary merchant ships and pirate ships will avoid this area as much as possible.

Yang Ming and his party did the opposite, without seeing any passing merchant ships and pirate ships along the way, and the sea area was extremely quiet.

After counting the time, it has now reached the time when the sea current is infested.

Yang Ming felt something in his heart and looked up.

The sky was cloudy, and the originally calm sea suddenly became turbulent, and the three-masted sailing ship began to swing violently from side to side.

Yang Ming’s troops were elite, and they had already known that their trip was to empty islands, and the weak soldiers quickly took out ropes and tied themselves to the mast.

The sea current is turbulent, turning into a soaring current, which is called a strange scene of monster currents, like a pillar of optimism hovering between heaven and earth, the diameter of the huge current does not know how many meters, the three-masted sailing ship along the current in the direction of the sky, actually occupying only a small part of the area.

A thousand meters ….

Three thousand meters….

Five kilometers….

The three-masted schooner went up 7,000 meters downstream, directly broke out of the sea cloud composed of cumulus clouds, and continued to soar high in the sky without abating.

In the perception of the people of Kushima Island, the ordinary ocean on the ground is called Qinghai, the 7,000-meter-high ocean is called the White Sea, which can already supply ordinary ships to sail, and at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, it is called the White Sea.

The higher the height, the thinner the air and the more difficult it is to breathe oxygen.

Generally speaking, for every kilometer increase in altitude, the temperature drops by 6 degrees Celsius, and the air pressure decreases accordingly.

After reaching the Baibai Sea above 10,000 meters, the temperature has dropped sharply to minus tens of degrees Celsius, although the oxygen content in the air is the same as the ground, but the high air pressure is only 0.2 atmospheres, and a deep breath has not been able to absorb much oxygen, so that many soldiers have begun to appear hypoxic, and their faces have become extremely ugly.

Fortunately, Yang Ming had already backed up a large number of oxygen cylinders before coming to the empty island, and after these soldiers lifted the rope, they took out the oxygen cylinders to assist breathing, which was considered to stabilize the situation.

Before everyone could come to their senses, they suddenly heard a cannon sound in the sea of clouds.

Yang Ming followed the sound and saw a cannonball coming from the wind, followed by a burly man dressed as an ethnic minority, carrying a self-help barrel on his shoulder, and at this time the barrel was emitting gunsmoke, apparently this person was firing.

“We Shandians do not welcome any outsiders!”

“Give me all to die!”

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