East Sea, Kokoa West Village.

Like most islands, Kokoa West Village is quite ordinary, with a small land area, only a few hundred families living in the village, mostly two-story houses with a forecourt and backyard, and gravel-paved roads that extend along the doorways of each house, all the way to the sea, where fishing boats of different sizes are parked.

Due to the suitable climate and soil, and the abundance of sunshine throughout the year, this place is suitable for growing fruits, and every family in Coco Yasi Village grows orange trees for a living, the oranges produced on the trees are large and round, the skin is thin and tender, the size is full, the juice is rich, and with a strong pinch, you can pinch a dent in the orange.

It is precisely for this reason that the oranges produced in Cocoa West Village are famous and are famous orange towns in the Goya Kingdom.

Of course, if it is out of the Kingdom of Goya, the reputation of Kokoasi Village is rarely known.

After all, planting orange trees is not a difficult task, and the islands in other seas have their own specialties, and Cocoa West Village is not allowed to enjoy its beauty alone.

But today, Cocoa West Village is destined to welcome an uninvited guest.

An ordinary pirate ship came from afar, and savagely and unreasonably knocked over all the fishing boats moored at the mouth of the sea, and the fishermen on the fishing boat were like dumplings, and there was a “pop” sound one after another, and they fell into the sea.

Familiar with the nature of water, these fishermen naturally do not drown easily, and soon emerge from the sea and swim to the shore.

Their entire wealth was on this fishing boat, and the fishing boat was knocked over, and all the oranges carried to the fishing boat fell into the water and drifted along the ocean current.

Seeing hundreds of oranges floating on the sea, these are the fruits of these fishermen’s hard work for a year, and in a blink of an eye, they have been lost, which has further aroused the common hatred of many fishermen, blocking the mouth of the sea with great momentum, holding weapons such as harpoons in their hands, and shouting words for justice.

Blocking people’s wealth, such as killing parents.

The anger in their hearts has long made this group of fishermen lose their minds, even if the coming is a group of vicious pirates, they definitely have to spare their lives and fiercely clean up this group of pirates!

All anger suddenly stopped.

When a group of fishmen of all kinds fished down from the pirate boat, watching them far exceed the height and size of humans, the fishermen seemed to be choked by fate, and suddenly fell silent.

Some fishermen even secretly gestured, shocked to find a fact that was difficult for them to accept, many fish people’s arms are as thick as adults’ thighs, you can imagine what a terrible power it contains!

These fishermen are all natives of Coco Yasi Village, who have lived in Coco Yasi Village all their lives, except for the occasional trip to other villages and towns under the Goya Kingdom because they want to sell oranges, the scope of action is only that, they have never gone out of the Goya Kingdom, seen what the outside world looks like, let alone seen other intelligent creatures.

Fish people!

This is a strange race that circulates in taverns!


The fishermen were not fools, and they naturally understood that this group of pirates was probably not ordinary.

But there are always fishermen who are not afraid of death who feel that their side is large in number, no less than the other party, and may be able to turn over.

There are several illusions in life.

She likes me.

I can turn over.

I will be iron!

When these three illusions appear in people’s minds, it often means that something unfortunate will happen next.

Among the fishermen, a strong young man shouted loudly, so as to help himself, he immediately clenched the harpoon with both hands, took the lead in charging forward, and struck a salted fish stab, and the vicious pirate who intended to lead the leader pierced through the chest.



Seeing that the harpoon was about to pierce the chest of the enemy, the young fisherman’s face showed ecstasy, and he secretly said in his heart:

“This group of pirates is just that!”

However, as soon as his joy overflowed, it ended completely.

A webbed palm slammed into a long harpoon rod, which was originally a flesh and blood palm, but it seemed to be made of steel, and it had a terrifying power beyond ordinary people.

The young fisherman’s face was shocked, his forehead and arms were exposed with green tendons, his whole face was even redder, and his mouth roared repeatedly.

But he desperately found that he had tried his best, but he could not move the slightest, let alone shake the tall fish man in front of him.

It is easy to shake the mountains, but it is difficult to shake the fish.

A playful laughter came, and the young fisherman looked up sharply, and the sawtooth shark in front of him was three meters tall, and he stood in front of the fishman, which was simply the difference between a child and an adult.

The fishman has a long and sharp nose with a jagged shape, and seems to like this feeling of overlooking humans from a high altitude, always looking at people with his nostrils, and on its body, it depicts complex tattoo patterns, with a tattoo with a sun pattern on the left chest, and a tattoo with a dragon pattern on the left forearm, which looks hideous and terrifying.

“Human beings are really a weak race!”

Before the young fisherman could react, the dragon’s other hand gripped his neck.

In front of the evil dragon’s wide and thick palm, the human neck appeared so slender that it was not enough to mention it, just a gentle squeeze, the neck bones of the young fisherman were cracked inch by inch, and the whole person was like mud, lying limply on the ground.

The young fisherman seemed to be quite prestigious among the fishermen, watching him die at the hands of the evil dragon, the fishermen were angry and anxious, and one fisherman secretly pulled out an old flintlock gun and aimed it at the head of the evil dragon.

I don’t know if it’s luck, or if this fisherman has a talent for shooting, the hit rate is very high, and the moment the yellow-orange-orange bullet is about to hit the dragon’s head, something that terrifies the fishermen happened!

The dragon’s mouth closed one by one, as if it was a prophet, and then it gnawed the oncoming bullet into its teeth.

Although the model of flintlock gun used by this fisherman is old and has long been eliminated, the general navy and pirates have long not used this style of flintlock gun, resulting in a very slow bullet shooting speed, but it does not mean that the power of this bullet will be very weak, or can easily kill a cow with one shot.

The evil dragon took a bite, spit a mouthful of spit and bullets to the ground, spread his arms sharply, met the terrified eyes of the fishermen, and shouted at

the fishmen under his command: “Little ones, I want to establish a fishman paradise here, and then use this as the foundation to create the evil dragon empire, and then dominate the East China Sea and chase the great passage, so that everyone knows that we fishmen are the most noble race on this sea, and human beings are just slaves of our fishmen!”

A group of fish-man brothers shouted loudly, and the sound was like thunder.

Fishermen, you look at me, I look at you, at this time all become Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, dare not complain.

Joke, the young fishermen who dared to resist are already dead, and this monster is not even afraid of bullets, what are they fighting with each other?

Under the fear of the evil dragon belt drinking belt, the fishermen lost the courage to resist, so that the evil dragon pirate group could smoothly enter the village of Coco Yasi.

In a tough tone, the evil dragon ordered all the villagers to come.

Greeting a pair of puzzled, angry, and disgusted eyes, the evil dragon smiled coldly and said

, “From today onwards, if everyone wants to survive, they must hand over a batch of money every year, 100,000 Baileys for adults and 50,000 Baileys for children.”

“If you dare to disobey, the end will be the same as this person.”

The dragon threw the young fisherman’s body on the ground, making it clear to all the villagers.

Keke Yaxi Village is not big, they are very familiar with each other, naturally know that this fisherman, who is also very capable of fighting in the village on weekdays, did not expect to die so miserably, there is still a trace of fear in his wide eyes, it is difficult to imagine what he has experienced in his life.

However, the evil dragon’s request was still difficult for the villagers to accept!

Who doesn’t have old people and children?

An adult has 100,000 Baileys, and a child has 50,000 Baileys, which means that a family must hand over at least 150,000 Baileys every year!

Don’t think that those pirates and pirates often have millions of bounties, just think that the money of this sea is easy to earn.

In fact, after layers of exploitation by the nobles, there is really not much money that can fall into the pockets of the villagers of Cocoa West Village.

Once the large amount of money handed over to the evil dragon means that you have to tighten your belts to live in the future, and you must also pay attention not to get sick, otherwise, there will be no money to see a doctor.

Just as the villagers hesitated, a young woman stepped out of the crowd.

“I disagree!”

The young woman was slender, with beautiful gray eyes, long crimson hair tied behind her head, short sideburns, a cigarette in her mouth, a green plaid shirt with “MACE” written on it, indigo trousers and brown sandals.

Belmer looked at the cold eyes of the evil dragon without fear, and said quite imposingly:

“I am the navy, I advise you, it is best to get out of here quickly, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind to you.”

The evil dragon snorted coldly, kicked on Belmel’s abdomen, and the terrifying force directly kicked her out ten meters away, knocking over several people.

“Lao Tzu hates the navy the most!”

It seemed that the two words navy reminded the dragon of bad memories, and the dragon was frosty, and came to Bermel in three steps and two steps, ready to smash her head.

No one expected that the evil dragon would hurt the killer.

At this moment, even if some villagers want to save Bermel, it is simply too late!

Seeing that the soles of the dragon’s feet were getting closer and closer to Belmel’s pretty face, even villagers hurriedly covered the eyes of their children to prevent them from seeing the next cruel and bloody scene.

Who expected that a stone would eject from the crowd and blast the dragon directly like a cannonball.

The little brothers of the fishmen were shocked in their hearts and flew in the direction where the stone came.

“What people?”

A small man wearing a navy coat walked out of the crowd.

“I’m just a hero out of interest.”

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