Chiba looked at Jayton at this time, and began to get more and more irritable. After all, everyone is like this. I ask you, what are you going to blast (I didn’t say a lighter), but you slammed on the ground, There is no movement, you pick it up and smash it, or there is no response, what are you not angry about? It is impossible to have a baby.

But Chiba ’s battle here must continue even if he is irritable, but if you drop something (I did n’t really say a lighter), as I said just now, you can give up and throw the thrown thing (not the lighter) to the room. Aside, and then ignore him, but Chiba can’t do it. Chiba has done this, he must think of a way to really let Jayton defeat.

Chiba 长叹了一口气,直接冲向杰顿,在杰顿用teleport 的Skill 的时候,立马捕捉到他的所在位置,然后立马转过身,直接将both hands 合在一起,靠拢在一起,对着杰顿发放了许多的arrow 状的Attack ,接着,立马就跳起身,然后冲向杰顿,冲刺的过程,立马从both eyes 里面射出blue 的光线,射在杰顿的身上,接着,立马握紧双拳,~吹在杰顿的身上。

And Jayton was also in a buffered state because he was hit by Chiba’s fist, disable to use teleport Skill, let alone a barrier, the barrier has been restricted by Chiba’s blue light, and it could not be launched, but Just when Chiba thought that the successfuldamage had reached Jayton, Jayton actually highlighted two fireballs and blocked himself in front of him to block Attack. Then he threw a red ball of light directly towards Chiba. , So that Chiba’s field of view was obstructed, and at this moment, Chiba clearly felt that he had been attacked and attacked by Jaton’s fireball.

After Chiba was beaten by this Attack, he thought it was the most fast to get rid of this Jayton, otherwise this Jayton would be a bit unreasonable, because if he continues to survive, this World may be Destroyed, it’s not fun, so you must think of _ methods.

But at this moment, a Big Fire ball had already flew over and hit Chiba. Chiba was in a hurry. He made both hands into a blade shape, crossed them together to form a cross, and immediately released the formidable from his right hand. Light, but this Jayton actually absorbed his light directly, and then immediately sent a wavy light to Chiba, hitting Chiba, and most importantly, the position of the light was actually a crystal lamp in front of Chiba xiong .

Chiba originally wanted to dodge, but the speed of this light was too fast, and he hit the crystal lamp in front of Chiba xiong immediately, hit him directly to the ground, and then when Chiba got up, the crystal in front of xiong The lights also started glittering.

At this time Chiba thought, it is now clear that it can absorb energy, but Chiba does not believe that he can absorb energy indefinitely, and ordinary light will definitely be absorbed by him. In that case, a formidable horror is needed The energy ray Attack, Attack Jayton, so how to get a strong energy ray Attack? First-Kage Ultraman’s most formidable Skill should be the Spartum light, so if the Spartum light is useless, use his enhanced version, and what is his enhanced version? !! !!

Chiba 想到这里想要打自己的大腿一fist ,因为他想到了的这个Skill ,应该是可以打败杰顿的,可是现在的能量是绝对不够的,所以Chiba 恨那,为什么自己不在一开始就想到这个Skill ,直接就能弄死杰顿了,但是现在后悔也已经没有什么用处了,现在还有一个转机,那就是此时的大古….不对,应该说是迪迦,他的能量恢复了没有。

想到这里,Chiba 立马用心灵对话对大古说道:“大古,你听好,快看看你的迪迦现在能不能变身了,神光棒好了没有。”


····· Finding Flowers …

“那就立马变身,然后出现在我的面前吧,然后把你的ability 传给我。”Chiba 一边躲闪着杰顿的Attack ,一边对大古说道。


“这是因为我有一个Skill ,需要满能量,而且我相信这Skill 应该是可以解决掉这个家伙的。”Chiba Kaidō 大古。

“好。”大古说完,立马按下了变声器的按钮,变身成为了迪迦奥特曼,出现在了他们的眼前,接着,迪迦并没有转换自己的颜色,而是立马就将能量传给了Chiba ,然后立马变回了原样,Chiba 的水晶灯便停止了glittering 。

…….. ….. …

“你现在就looks-at 吧,杰顿,你们就looks-at 吧,科学特搜队,looks-at 我是怎么解决掉这玩意的。”Chiba 说完,立马将自己的both hands 摆成手刃,交叉在一起,形成十字形,然后立马射出了光线,但是这光线与普通的斯卑修姆光线不一样,他是彩色的,有着七种颜色,总的来说,是七彩的。

Chiba 也在放出这Skill 的时候yelled “七彩斯卑修姆光线!!”当然,他喊得可能未必有人听得到,他们听到的,可能就是奥特曼的“吓吓”的说话声,这时我们也才清楚,奥特曼的“吓吓”应该是在吼出Skill 的名称,但是未必有得人听得懂。

接着,这七彩斯贝修姆光线打在杰顿怪兽的身上以后,杰顿originally 是想要反射会来的,但是却最终因为七彩斯贝修姆光线的Attack Power 太过于formidable ,导致在打中他以后,杰顿直接burst open ,死了,而Chiba 也在这时变回了原样,和大古聚在了一起。

他们二人变回原样以后就有说有笑的走了,但是他们没发现,在两边的角落里,有两个人,looks-at 这一切。。

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