There was a hint of joy, after all, he did not use the Devil Fruit’s ability when he killed this monster, so he returned to the team of the scientific search team with a smile. At this time, Dagu no longer knew what When I was back there.

“How are you?” Chiba asked Dagu inwardly, of course, using the ability of spiritual dialogue.

“I’m okay, I just got some minor injuries,” Chiba also saw, and Dagu was using his hand to cover one of his arms. “But what about you? This monster is strong this time,” Dagu asked.

“Well, it’s really strong, but fortunately, I was killed, didn’t I?” Chiba smiled and looked up at the sky.

“Xing Xing Xing, you are the best, you have the courage to go back there, so that I can become somewhat clock, this monster is not scum.” Da Gu said on the surface expressionless, it is difficult to see that his heart actually said this again .

“That’s not necessarily the case, but this monster has also caused me to struggle. It’s a monster that killed Ultraman, you know? It’s also First-Kage Ultraman,” Chiba said.

Dagu heard this, turned his head in surprise, and looked at Chiba. “What? !!! Then why do you think I played so easily?”

“That’s because I have some other Skills that Ultraman doesn’t have. Although you have some Skills that are good, you can’t always rely on them. You have to rely on my own ability so that my Ultraman strength will be enhanced.” Chiba It is different from Dagu. What is said in my heart, the facial expression changes.

“It doesn’t matter what you say, who knows if it is Max’s originally Skill.” Dagu turned around, glanced at Chiba, and continued to return to their team.

“That’s not necessarily true, I can use those Skills now …” Chiba said with a smile.

鈥滀粈涔堬紵閭d綘婕旂ず缁欐垜鐪嬬湅銆傗€濆ぇ鍙ゆ湁浜涗笉澶浉淇★紝浜庢槸鍥炶繃澶达紝looks-at Chiba 銆?/p>

Chiba smiled, and then stretched out his hand to grow a thin and long needle directly from the hand, which is the same Skill he used when he became Ultraman.

“How?” Chiba looked at Dago.

澶у寮€濮嬫湁浜涗笉澶浉淇★紝鐪ㄥ反浜嗗嚑涓嬭嚜宸辩殑eyes 锛岀劧鍚庡儚鏄獊鐒惰俯鍒帮紝鐒跺悗娌℃湁浜嗗叴瓒g殑looks-at Chiba 锛宻tart to talk 璇撮亾锛氣€滀笉鎬庝箞鏍凤紝璋佺煡閬撲綘鏈夋病鏈夊伔鎽稿彉韬垚楹﹀厠鏂紝鎴栬€呮槸璇达紝鐣欎笅浜嗛害鍏嬫柉濂ョ壒鏇肩殑ability 锛屽埆鍦ㄨ繖鑰嶆垜锛屾垜鐭ラ亾浣犳槸涓嶅彲鑳芥湁杩欎簺ability 鐨勩€傗€?/p>

鈥渉ehe 锛岄偅鎴戦棶浣狅紝閭f€吔鎴戞槸鎬庝箞鎵撴鐨勶紝浣犵湅鐜板湪閮借汉鍒板湴涓婁簡鈥︹€︹€?.鈥濊繖Chiba 鍐茬潃澶у彜鍋氬嚭涓€鍓€ヨ揩鐨勫姩浣滐紝鐒惰€屽氨鍦ㄨ繖鏃讹紝閭e彧originally 鍊掑湪鍦颁笂鐨勬澃椤匡紝鎬吔锛岀獊鐒朵箣闂村啀搴︾珯璧蜂簡韬紝杩欒澶у彜锛孋hiba 锛屽拰閭d竴缇ょ瀛︾壒鎼滈槦team member 锛岀珯鍦ㄥ悗闈㈢殑鏃╃敯杩涳紝浠ュ強鍦ㄥ墠闈㈣鐪嬬殑瀵屽+鏄庡瓙锛屽矖澶у姪锛屼簳鎵嬪厜瀹忥紝鏉戞澗鏁忓か绛夛紙灞佺瓑锛屾病浜轰簡濂藉悧锛燂紒锛侊級鍑犱汉鎯婃剷鐨刲ooks-at 杩欎竴鍒囥€?/p>

“How could this be happening !!!!” Chiba blurt out, gaze at the Jayton monster standing up again, and his heart broke down, but the monster that got up at this moment immediately threw a giant big fire at them. The ball, everyone saw this scene and ran away, but Chiba is still still there, it is true, so many words just said, so much installed *, and now all have become a beautiful bubble.

浣嗘槸Chiba 杩樻槸鍦ㄦ渶鍚庡弽搴旇繃鏉ヤ簡鐨勶紝鍙粬渚濇棫娌℃湁韬查棯锛屽彧鏄粠System Space 閲岄潰鎷垮嚭浜唕ed 鐨勭煶澶达紝杩欏簲璇ュ氨鏄涓夋鍙樿韩浜嗭紝鎬讳箣锛孋hiba 绔嬮┈鎶撲綇浜唕ed 鐨勭煶澶达紝鐒跺悗鐩存帴鍖栦负涓€閬搑ed 鐨勫厜锛岄檷涓村湪浜轰滑鐨勭溂鍓嶃€?/p>

璇村疄璇濓紝Chiba 瀵逛簬鑷繁鍙樿韩鎴愪负First-Kage 濂ョ壒鏇煎拰鏉伴】鎬吔鎴樻枟杩欎欢浜嬶紝杩樻槸姣旇緝鏈夐槾褰辩殑锛岃嚦浜庝负浠€涔堬紝鍥犱负浠栧湪鎬吔鍥鹃壌閲岄潰浜茬溂鐪嬪埌锛屽氨鏄疐irst-Kage 濂ョ壒鏇硷紝琚澃椤跨粰鎵撴浜嗙殑锛屾墍浠ュ灏戯紝First-Kage 鐨刟bility 鍙兘涓嶅浠栵紝浣嗘槸鐜板湪楹﹀厠鏂ゥ鐗规浖鐨勮兘閲忎篃杩樻病鏈夊洖澶嶅畬姣曪紝閭d箞灏卞彧鑳藉鐢‵irst-Kage 濂ョ壒鏇兼潵鎴樻枟浜嗭紝灏卞綋鍋氭槸鍦ㄨ€楁椂闂村惂銆?/p>

浣嗘槸璇村疄璇濓紝Chiba 杩欎箞璇达紝鏄敊璇殑锛屽洜涓哄湪杩欎釜鏃堕棿娈碉紝涓嶆槸閭d釜First-Kage 琚嚮璐ョ殑鏃堕棿娈碉紝鍦ㄨ繖涓椂闂存閲岄潰鐨凢irst-Kage 鍙槸姣旈偅涓猣ormidable 涓€鐐圭殑锛屾墍浠ワ紝鍦ㄨ繖鏃剁殑System 绐佺劧寮瑰嚭锛屽Chiba 璇撮亾锛氣€滐紟锝炲厛鐢燂紝鎴戜滑缁忚繃楠岃瘉锛岃涓轰綘鐜板湪鍙樿韩鐨勮繖涓ゥ鐗规浖搴旇鏄彲浠ユ垬鑳滀粬鐨勩€傗€?/p>

鈥滃晩锛熶负浠€涔堬紵鈥滳hiba 闂亾System 銆?/p>

鈥滃洜涓烘垜浠彂鐜帮紝姝ゆ€吔鏄湪濂ョ壒鏇肩殑鍙﹀涓€鏉imeline 閲岄潰鎵撹耽First-Kage 濂ョ壒鏇肩殑锛屼絾鏄繖娆″嵈涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍥犱负鏌ョ悊杩︽潵鍒颁簡杩欓噷锛屼互鍙婁綘鐨勯害鍏嬫柉濂ョ壒鏇硷紝甯姪First-Kage 濂ョ壒鏇艰妭鐪佷簡璁稿鐨勮兘閲忥紝涔熷氨鍥犱负杩欐牱锛孎irst-Kage 鍙兘浼氭瘮杩欎釜鏉伴】formidable 涓€鐐广€傗€漇ystem 闀跨瘒澶ц鐨勬兂Chiba 瑙i噴閬撱€?/p>

鈥滃摝锛屾槸杩欐牱鍟婏紝鍚綘杩欎箞涓€璇达紝鎴戣寰楋紝鎴戞垬鑳滅殑鍑犵巼杩樻槸姣旇緝澶х殑銆傗€滳hiba 鍦ㄨ繖鏃剁獊鐒舵湁浜嗚嚜淇★紝鐒跺悗鍋氬嚭鍑嗗鎴樻枟鐨勬灦鍔匡紝姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢鐨凜hiba 宸茬粡xiong鏈夋垚绔逛簡銆?/p>


杩欐澃椤跨湅浠栬繖鍓牱瀛愶紝鏈変簺涓嶆弧锛岀珛椹氨鐩存帴涓㈠悜Chiba 涓€涓法big fire 鐞冿紝浣嗘槸Chiba 涔熸槸绔嬮┈涓㈠嚭涓€涓渾褰㈢┖娲炵殑榻胯疆鍏夊湀锛屾墦鍦ㄤ簡涓€璧凤紝铏界劧鎶垫秷鎺変簡涓€閮ㄥ垎锛屼絾鏄偅Flame 杩樻湁涓€閮ㄥ垎锛屾墦浜嗚繃鏉ワ紝浣嗘槸Chiba 绔嬮┈寮勫嚭涓€涓ゥ鐗瑰睆闅滐紝鎸′綇浜嗕粬鐨勭伀鐞傾ttack 锛岀劧鍚庢帴鐫€锛岀珛椹啿浜嗚繃鍘伙紝浣嗘槸杩欐澃椤跨珛椹瑃eleport 鍒颁簡Chiba 鐨勮儗鍚庛€?/p>

鑰孋hiba 璨屼技韪╁埌浜嗕粬浼氬嚭鐜板湪鑷繁鐨勮儗鍚庯紝绔嬮┈鍚戠潃鑷繁鐨勮儗鍚庝涪鍑轰竴涓粍se鐨勫厜绾匡紝榛剆e鍏夌嚎鍦ㄦ墦涓澃椤夸互鍚庯紝鏉伴】寮€濮嬩笉瑕佸懡浜嗕竴鑸殑鐤媯鐨勬棆杞紝韬笂鐨剎iong鑴儴浣嶈涓€涓粍se鐨勭嚎鍖呰9鐫€锛屼絾鏄繖鏉伴】瀵圭潃杩欏厜绾跨洿鎺ヤ涪鍑轰竴涓伀鐞冿紝璁╅偅鍏夌嚎绔嬮┈灏辨秷澶变簡銆傘€?/p>

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