“That seems to be a set of genes and a set of genetic factors.” As a result, Ye Rui brought up a set of 3D graphics similar to the arrangement of genes.

“Genes? Construction of genetic factors? By the way? Is it alive? !!!” Zhengmei turned her head and looked at the looks-at Ye Rui, other people were very surprised when they heard his words.

“Living? Is there life?” Chiba started to talk, asking back.

“Yes, yes, there is life, so this thing is similar to a virus, light virus, you can call him a chaotic virus.” Ye Rui once again opened up an influence, one closer to the camera, and analyzed the monster attached , That light particle, there really is a moving thing “and more than that, each time attached to the monster, there is only one, which also means” five or ninety “smell, this thing should be every light particle Are all independent beings. “

“Chaos virus ?!” Chiba converged this time with the original mood of cracking a joke, love playing treasure, staring at the screen tightly.

“Is there any solution?” Cihui Hui asked Zhengmei.

“I don’t know for the time being, because our awareness of this thing is zero, we can’t judge his origin and all other factors.” Zheng Mei opened wide both eyes.

“So, will the Chaos virus alone disturb the peace of the World without attaching to the monster?” Dagu asked.

“This should not be, because although he is an independent living body, he cannot change his form and can only rely on being attached to an object to act.”

Hearing here, Chiba suddenly thought of something “as you say, he can attach to Ultraman and then control Ultraman?”

“No, it shouldn’t, because they are viruses, so they only seem to be able to attach to monsters. Ultraman’s possibility is relatively small, but it can’t be denied that it is possible.”

At this moment, the headquarters suddenly heard the alarm of a monster coming, and then Ye Rui hurriedly turned on the detector. “The location is located in the bay of Japan. There is a robot-style monster. Hurry up.” Ye Rui faced the victory team. member said.

After speaking, they put on their team uniforms, and Chiba simply didn’t change the team uniforms, but just put on his helmet, and went out with them.

After that, Chiba and Dagu were assigned to a plane, Feiyan XNUMX, and other people went to Feiyan XNUMX.

After getting on the plane, there was silence. Chiba didn’t say a word, and Dagu didn’t start to talk, but he was deadlocked, but Chiba Innate couldn’t help it. “Hey, Dagu, you say, let’s two With your hands, can you solve all the chaos viruses? “

“No, you alone are enough.” Dagu Coldly said, apparently he was anxious about defeating monsters like Max Altman, and Chiba was hard to say anything, so he had to rely on On the chair, continued to stand still.

“I see, so big a robot.” Zheng Mei sighed after seeing the monster.

After listening to Mi Le, he leaned forward and looked at the monster, and then the basic message of the robot popped up in his mind:

Monster Name: Jin Guqiao

Monster height: 55 meters

Monster weight: 48000 tons

Monster Origin: Pedan Star

Monster appearance: Jin Guqiao has a solid alloy Kinoe with golden se, and the whole body consists of four parts (each part can move in the sky or the sea floor). There are cylindrical protrusions on both sides of the head, antenna-like objects on the top, and three antennas on the top; the forehead has a rectangular luminous object, and the middle of the face is shaped like a mouth-shaped object, and the sides are like eyes. Round object; Xiong is headed by two luminescent objects, surrounded by black lines; the abdomen has a launch port, with protrusions on both sides; cylindrical protrusions around the hip, and round objects covered ; Big tui has a pentagonal pattern in front, protrusions at the knees, and the legs are cylindrical. It is a super robot from Pedan Star, with a strong Strength that easily lifts tankers over 100 tons.

“This robot is called Jinguqiao. It is a robot from Pedan Star …” After knowing the monster’s information, Chiba immediately reported to all team members.

However, they found that the attack of the aircraft was completely unsuccessful. Even the Texas Cannon of Feiyan XNUMX still had no effect. Instead, the aircraft was damaged by the robot slap, which prevented them from parachuting and unable to parachute. Control flight.

After seeing Chiba, he immediately said to the aunt, “You get up and drive, I’ll fly a plane, you come to transform, save them, hurry up.”

But Dagu didn’t speak, just said lowly, “You can go on, I don’t need to waste physical strength.”

Seeing Chiba, I wanted to persuade him, but now, Feiyan XNUMX is about to hit the ground, Chiba is helpless, he snaps Max sparks in his left hand, pushes forward, the whole person It became a light, and when it appeared again, it still became Max Altman of whole body red.

“Ultraman, Max Altman.” The people on Feiyan XNUMX exclaimed, because after Chiba turned, they directly caught their plane, placed them on the ground, turned around, looks- at Golden Ancient Bridge.

After Jin Guqiao saw Chiba again, the two eyes immediately emitted light and shot directly at Chiba. Chiba was able to reach out to Xiong, but after the laser hit 5.4 on him, it was not absorbed by it, but directly. Let Chiba be laserdamaged.

“This is ……… what’s going on.” Chiba asked.

At this point, System suddenly popped up, saying “Because the Devil Fruit’s ability you use in Ultraman’s state is too serious to consume, the causality’s ability has disappeared.”

“Ah? !!!” Chiba was very surprised. “So, no matter what kind of ability I can exchange in the future, will this be the case?” Chiba hurriedly asked key questions.

“No, no, after those exchanges, the ability will disappear. Only the ones that our System does not know much about will be like this. You only need not to exchange those unknown coefficients in Pirate King.”

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