This person is looking-at painful.

At this time, Lifa suddenly both hands suddenly came out. She stepped forward and began to persuade Chiba.

But this guy Chiba had no intention of doing this at all.

“It is absolutely impossible. Among my partners, there is no word of death at all. As long as I am here, I will never let my companion die!”

“no way!!”

Chiba heard Lifa ’s words, and her heart seemed to be ignited, fuse.

Because of the things she experienced in Blade and Sword, she had enough of her.

Fortunately … this girl used to die like this because of her carelessness and hiding her own rank strength. Don’t let her disappear from this world, so it has become a pain in Chiba’s heart.

And after that moment, he also vowed in his heart that he would never let this kind of thing happen again.

Absolutely not! !!

Chiba once again held up with the arrow in his hand, and was already exhausted by the 14 unbearable body.

There was a serious expression in his eyes, and he was very serious, and his eyes were firm, as if he did not achieve his purpose and never gave up.


Chiba flew towards these guys again with the sword in his hand, and at this time he was different from the Attack style just now, and he directly entered the sword into the gap of the shield.

“What the hell is going on with this guy?”

Chiba’s hand was placed directly into the gap in the shield, and he intended to move it away.

“Ahhhh!” Shouted loudly in the corner of the mouth, and Chiba was completely different at this time.

That is because he is so human, and feels that these knights, including the magicians behind them, are frightened, and the body trembles slightly.

But these guys reacted quickly.

Because in this case, you must keep yourself calm, otherwise you will easily lose money.

“What more can you do there to release the magic!”


That is, at this time, the magicians started to cast the magic, but this time Chiba learned well, she quickly avoided, and the attackers of these magicians did not cause him any damage.

“Dad, you should probably use the magic of magic attributes.”

Suddenly, Xiaojieyi remembered her voice and said to her father.

In this case, if you want to solve everyone in front of you, you may only be able to change one combat style.

The Shadow Fairy is best at this magic Attribute magic. Although this magic changes its appearance, its essence will not change. It just changes the scope of this Attack and the style of Attack.

“I understood!”

That is, after listening to Xiaoyue’s suggestion, Chiba hurried towards Lifa, and he took a few quick steps.

Jumped to the side of Kiritaka Naoya, and spoke to her very anxiously, looking serious.

“I’ll leave it to you …”

After saying this, Chiba rushed up again with his sword in his hand.

Xiaojieyi suddenly was here, and she came to Lifa’s side and said to her quickly.

“If you can, I hope you can release all your magic power to resist the next magic attack.”

Xiaoyue said very seriously, and it had a smell of begging trace.

Lifa felt a little strange, because even if she ran out of all Magic Strength and blocked the next Magic Attack, what else could she change!

But even so, Xiaojieyi prayed very earnestly, and her eyes deeply moved Lifa at this time.

There was absolutely no problem with that praying look.

“I understood!”

Xiaojieyi made a gesture of both hands request.

Although Lifa had some difficulties in her heart, she also had a doubt of faint trace, but since it was Xiaoyue’s request, she must think of all the magic to resist the next Attack.

That is, at this same time, at the same time, the magicians on the opposite side began to chant the curse. After these guys read the spell, the magic attackers rushed. come.

Several large stones were burning and the surroundings were reddish.

It even means burn out!

And also at this time, is Lifa girl planning to use the real style? She uses all her magic Strength for this, defensive magic.

At this time, Lifa saw that Chiba actually started to move in her mouth. He was planning to use magic, and the main thing was that this guy seemed to use a magic attribute magic.

If Lifa remembers it correctly, this type of magic just changes her body condition.

It’s like changing the battle style, and there is not much formidable 957Strength.

“Anyway, let’s stop, let’s fight this magic again.”

Lifa quickly chanted the spell in her mouth, and concentrated all the magic here, then his hand began to wave gently forward, something similar to the white light quickly came to Chiba’s side, And wrap it tightly.

An energy shield is formed, which is also constructed by magic.

After Lifa uses this Skill, all the magic in her body has been consumed, so basically there is no longer any fighting strength.

If Chiba loses blood again, there is no way to recover it.

Also at this time, Lifa could basically say that she had everything in front of the male child in front of her.

If he loses the battle, basically nothing can be said.

At this time, those magicians also flashed a little surprise in their eyes. I did not expect that this time Attack did not cause any damage to Chiba.

The most important thing is to thank Lifa, her magic completely resisted those magic meteorite.

It was because of Lifa’s protection that Chiba successfully completed her spell. .

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