His corner of the mouth laughed even more, this guy can’t stop now.

“Spinach, I just want to say a word to you. Today, are you going to eat her bento or go to the cafeteria for a buffet.”

I do n’t know why, although little peppers have no friends.

But she and the guy spinach talked very well, so she said that spinach is her only friend in her eyes, she would never let other people, just like that-simply grab it.

Little pepper flashed aggressive in her eyes, she stared at the sound of water fiercely, and looked-at her vigilantly.

And the water sound, after seeing the look of the little pepper, was also slightly frightened and Chan shook.

You know, Chili is famous for his hot temper in this class, and the water tone is a very introverted girl, so the two people are at the same moment when their eyes cross.

Obviously, the water sound felt scared.

That is, at this time, Little Pepper held her fist tightly, and signaled to the water sound, she waved her arm.

It happened that Chiba just saw it.

“Little pepper, what are you doing?”

Surprised, extremely surprised. When Chiba finished saying this, the whole class looked at him. That’s right, no one in the class thought that Chiba would dare to call her the nickname of Little Chili.

To know the little pepper’s nickname, even the Chilong did not dare to call it.

In the class, only Chilong and Chili can match. And the little pepper this girl hates others very much in weekdays, saying her nickname.

There was once such a story, there was a guy who didn’t know what to do. Ran to the side of the small pepper, suddenly said to the small pepper.

It was one, in the afternoon in the evening, there were so many bad Ao years, and a little pepper was found.

But this bad Ao year is also a ninja, looks-at, seems to be quite strong, but it turns out that he is just a fool, nothing more.

The reason why this guy is so arrogant is because his forehead has a Genin logo headband. Yes, he is a real Genin.

Little Pepper is just a student and has not yet graduated from Academy Graduation. Therefore, when everyone saw this scene, they felt that Little Pepper must have had a very big trouble this time.

And the name of Genin in Academy is notoriously bad Ao years. If he finds a small pepper, it must be that he will not get any cheap.

At this time, Chili also saw that Genin, but Chili did not look at him at all.

In particular, this guy’s walking posture is very annoying to Chili, because this guy can’t stop walking, like this kind of person, Chili is the most hated.

However, in order to avoid stir up trouble, the little pepper decided to walk around him, but when the Ao Nian saw the little pepper walk around him, a smile appeared on the corner of the mouth.

In my mind secretly, this little pepper must be afraid of himself, so he became even more arrogant.

“I heard that you are a small pepper!” Yes, this person is still a Genin, relying on himself to have a few great Ninjutsu there, arrogant and brave, ready to bully the small pepper, but a scene that everyone did not expect happened.

Little Chili moves very fast, and as a student, she actually uses a Ninjutsu from Genin, and Ninjutsu from Little Chili is actually a Fire Attribute.

“Fire-Style, the technique of Yanlong bomb.” This Ninjutsu’s Strength is very formidable, especially its temperature can be burned to thousands of degrees Celsius.

Therefore, after the Yan Dragon Bullet Art was released, the provocative Genin was instantly dropped by insta-kill.

Everyone was surprised speechless after seeing this scene, this scene is simply exaggerated.

“What the hell is going on with you?”

Everyone in the audience took a breath in their hearts.

The little pepper actually defeated that Genin, and Ao’s swollen nose had a swollen face.

“我说过,在这个World 上,我最讨厌别人叫我小辣椒的人,要是你再敢叫的话,我就撕烂你这你这张嘴!”

之后那个Genin ,屁滚尿流的就跑回了自己的班级。

····· Asking for Flowers ········



“哎,你们刚才有没有听见?菠菜好像刚才叫小辣椒了。”就在这个时候,班级上的一个girl ,扎着ponytail 辫,对着另外一个best friend talk in whispers 起来。



那个女生glanced at 菠菜,脑袋微微的摇晃着。好像在替他担心一样。


……. …… .. …….


而且很多,对菠菜有好感的student 都在心中暗自为她担心了起来。也就是在这个时候,水音student 赶紧捂住了菠菜的zui巴。


然后对着Chiba 轻声细语的说道。


对于现在所发生的this scene ,在Chiba 的心中,他感觉到了一丝疑惑,这究竟是怎么一回事。

不过我Chiba 还是赶紧推开了水音的手,然后是一年萌逼的样子looks-at 水音,嘴中轻声的说道。

“哦,对了,我忘记告诉你们一件事情了,小辣椒是我昨天晚上,在Academy 里面认识的一位好朋友。”


当Chiba ,说出这句话之后,再次震惊了班上所有的人。

尤其是在Chiba 面前的水音,她的zui巴在这个时候张得特别大。简直都要惊讶的不能说话了。


“问你刚才有没有听见菠菜说,这小辣椒是他的朋友,”一个女student 这样低声细耳的说道。


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