After seeing Chiba’s strength, Nine-Tails not dare despise Chiba, facing such Thunderbird Attack, she felt astonished, not dare despise.

The huge Thunderbird smashed across the the sky, causing Space to vibrate and make a roaring sound that sounded deafening and very visually shocking.

Nine-Tails looks-at The huge Thunderbird rushed over, there was no hesitation, opened his mouth, gathered Chakra, formed a Tailed Beast Ball, and strongly bombed the Thunderbird.


Tailed Beast Ball Attack On the thunderbird, a formidable Strength erupted, causing the thunderbird to be defeated and turned into countless lightnings. Scatter was still gliding around countless bright thunder lights, which looked dazzling.

On Sarutobi Hiruzen’s side, when I saw Monkey full power Attack, I still couldn’t take advantage of it and couldn’t suppress Nine-Tails. Instead, I fell into the losing end, but I felt that this was normal.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t hesitate, he rushed out immediately, cast Ninjutsu, turned Monkey into a big iron rod, throbbed in his hands, and beat against Nine-Tails.

However, the strength of Nine-Tails is so formidable, and it is definitely not that easy to want to damage it easily.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen thumping the stick, Strong Attack came over, Nine-Tails didn’t hold it, flicked a tail, strong Attack, and resisted the stick that beat 473.


The Attacks on both sides collided together, immediately producing a roar, and the Strength wave of formidable spread out to the surroundings.

Moreover, Nine-Tails still flicked his tail, attacked Sarutobi Hiruzen, and forced Sarutobi Hiruzen back.

Nine-Tails has a very large body, and Attack is very fast. It can almost suppress Sarutobi Hiruzen, keep him away, and not cause damage to Nine-Tails.

Sarutobi Hiruzen can compete with Nine-Tails, which is already very good. It is impossible to defeat Nine-Tails and suppress Nine-Tails.

Otherwise, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not choose to cooperate with Chiba, after all, they are enemies, but enemies, with resentment in their hearts.

“Sarutobi Hiruzen, aren’t you old and strong isn’t it?” Chiba stood at the top of a building and looked-at forced back out of Sarutobi Hiruzen, said to start, with a sense of banter.

Chiba originally thought that with the strength of Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if he could not defeat Nine-Tails, but against a period of time, there was no problem at all, and it could even be suppressed to a certain extent.

“Take care of yourself first,” said Sarutobi Hiruzen start to talk. Although I was a little upset, I have to admit that I have some gaps with Nine-Tails.

Finished-speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not hesitate to run Chakra again and perform Ninjutsu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen launches Earth-Style · Shadow Clone to form two clones, appears next to him, and rushes towards Nine-Tails.

Soon, the three Sarutobi Hiruzen rushed up and came around the body of Nine-Tails, appeared in different directions, played different Ninjutsu together, and besieged Nine-Tails.

“Fire-Style · Fire Dragon Bullet !”

“Earth-Style·Earth Dragon Bullet!”

“Water-Style ·Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu !”

The three of them played Ninjutsu, the strong Attack Nine-Tails, and they looked very shocking. If they changed to other people, they would not be able to fight against such Attacks.

Seeing three Sarutobi Hiruzens appearing around, Nine-Tails has no tadpoles and has already waved three tails to condense Chakra to form a small Tailed Beast Ball to fight the 3 types of Ninjutsu.


The formidable Strength collided together, and immediately produced a loud roar. The formidable Strength wave spread out, and the space seemed to tremble, like a turbulent wave, sweeping out to the surrounding area, constantly colliding and destroying the surrounding buildings.

Not far from Nine-Tails, there are a lot of residential buildings, but under the impact of this Strength, you cannot lukily escape at all, all are destroyed and turned into ruins.

Fortunately, the residents here have already withdrawn. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to be killed by such a Strength shock.

The attack issued by Sarutobi Hiruzen can actually have some impact on Nine-Tails, forcing Nine-Tails back a distance, but without suffering a huge damage, the fighting strength is still strong.

In contrast Sarutobi Hiruzen, after being counter-attacked by Nine-Tails, it was taken off directly. Although protected by Monkey and not affected by heavy injury, it still affected the performance of fighting strength and suffered some Tremor. Imposing-manner weakened. A lot.

Other ninjas saw this situation, and even Sarutobi Hiruzen could not suppress Nine-Tails, which made them horrified and felt that if they went on like this, they might lose.

Although they do not want to rely on Chiba, in this case, they can only hope that Chiba has a way to reverse the current situation.

However, they still will not give up, they will do their best to stop Nine-Tails, prevent Nine-Tails from approaching the village center area, and prevent Nine-Tails from causing damage to the village.

As Konoha Ninja, their responsibility is to protect the village, and even if they give their lives for it, they will do their part.

“We must stop Nine-Tails. We must not let it destroy the village.”

“Yes, even if we have to give our lives, we need to protect the village.”

Many ninjas sipped and made up their minds. They were no longer afraid as before, and even more avoiding, dare to deal with Nine-Tails.

“If you don’t want to die, get out of me.” Chiba snorted, his voice loud and very majestic.

When I heard Chiba say this, Konoha Ninja was horrified. I couldn’t figure out what Chiba was going to do, turned around and looked-at him, hoping that he would give a reply.

In this case, Chiba is too lazy to explain so much, and has rushed forward to perform Ninjutsu, Attack Nine-Tails.

“Wood-Style · Wood Dragon Jutsu !”

Chiba runs Chakra, both hands quickly seal, and inputs Chakra to the ground.

Soon the ground flipped, and many trees rolled out and quickly condensed to form a huge wooden dragon.

After the dragon appeared, he rushed forward without any hesitation. Attack Nine-Tails wanted to entangle Nine-Tails and absorb Nine-Tails’ Chakra.

After all, the role of the wooden dragon is not Attack, but entangles Nine-Tails and absorbs Nine-Tails’ Chakra, making Nine-Tails Hollow weak, and Attack Power is no longer as formidable. If you want to suppress it, there is not so much. Difficult, it will be a lot easier.

“Wood Dragon Jutsu !”

“He actually uses Wood-Style Ninjutsu!”

“How is it possible, when did he learn Wood-Style Ninjutsu, did he own Wood-Style Kekkei Genkai?”

Konoha Ninja couldn’t calm down when she saw this, and exclaimed. .

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