Ian experimented several times and found that as long as he left the distance of about ten centimeters from the sea lou stone, there would be no effect. Otherwise, even if it is wrapped in cloth, the energy of the sea lou stone seems to be able to penetrate the cloth.

"That's it, otherwise wouldn't the prisoners of those Great Deep Sea Prisons be able to run out and use their Devil Fruit abilities by wrapping their clothes in handcuffs." Ian said to himself.

"Pork poo, po

Suddenly, the CP9 member's phone worm on Ian rang.

"Is it calling me past brainwashing again." Ian looked irritable, and then connected the phone worm.

"Hey, Ian, pack up now, there is a mission to go to the West Sea." Spandyne's voice came out.

Ian was stunned, and immediately said, "Okay, I'll be there soon." "

"Click!" Phone bug hangs up.

"Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have changed, so that's fine."

Ian was relieved in his heart, but instantly became nervous again, because this showed that the Demon Slaying Order was coming soon!

Back in the dormitory of the station, after packing up all the things, Ian the fishing rod must not be able to take away, after all, this thing is too heavy.

Even if there is a fishing task later, he can buy it again, and he can buy better, he now has more than 30 million Baileys from selling sea kings, which is more than enough to buy a fishing rod.


"The gang of fools in the navy can't catch the credit in hand, and the people who have already been caught have fled again, and they were let go by their own people, and now they let me fill in the leaks for them." Spandyne sat in his office chair with an unhappy expression on his face, and even asked him to perform some task in the West Sea, where birds don't.

"To say that I am asked to investigate whether O'Hara's scholars have been studying the blank for a hundred years is actually just a show, whether it is or not, O'Hara will be destroyed this time, who let it be a sacred place in the hearts of archaeologists around the world!" Spandyne sneered.

For so many years, although the government has banned archaeologists from studying the blank hundred years, it has repeatedly banned it, and for those archaeologists, the blank hundred years is ten times greater than the attraction of drugs.

In order to solve this problem once and for all, the five old stars decided to destroy O'Hara, and they could already convict O'Hara by capturing Olvia, but now they were fleeing.

Although the government is dark, it still has to be done as it should be, and it cannot destroy O'Hara for no reason, in that case, what is the difference with the pirates.

In order to have an honest reason, so let Spandyne go to O'Hara to find evidence of those scholars studying the blank hundred years, and then launch the demon slaughter order to destroy O'Hara, so as to give archaeologists around the world a strong warning: the blank hundred years is a forbidden line, and must not be crossed!

"Forget it, after this task is completed, I will probably be in a position~.." Spandyne hummed that he had also completed many tasks over the years and was almost promoted to CP0.

Ian soon arrived at Spandyne's office, and he found that there were more P9 members assembled this time than when he last went to aid the Navy, nearly thirty people!

"Beginning six years ago, the government arrested a group of archaeologists who studied a hundred years of history and tried to subvert the world, and in the end, this group of scholars was suppressed because of their arrest in the Navy, and only one female scholar survived and was captured alive by the Navy." Spandyne said, "But the current scholar escaped from prison again. "

"And our mission this time is to go to O'Hara in the West Sea, which is also the home of the escaped female scholar, we are going to find the evidence of the scholar there studying the blank hundred years of history, and then, launch the demon slaughter order!" Spandyne said coldly.

"Demon Slaughter Order!"

The CP9 members naturally know what the Demon Slaughter Order means, which proves that this place called O'Hara will disappear from the map!

"Ian, I remember you were also the O'Hara's man." Spandyne suddenly said that he had seen Ian's information and naturally knew where Ian was.

"Yes, but please rest assured, sir, my parents are dead, and the people there have nothing to do with me." Ian said in a 'firm' tone.

"That's good, I don't want you to make any unnecessary mistakes because of your soft heart." Spandyne nodded, he had high hopes for Ian, this was his number one henchman in the future, and naturally did not want Ian to make any unforgivable mistakes.

"Let's go!"

Under Spandyne's orders, the crowd soon arrived at the warship that had been prepared in the port.

After getting on the warship, Ian calmed his mind, and then while thinking about what to do next, he exercised and completed the two tasks of 'Push-Up Expert III and 'Leapfrog Jump Expert IIII'.


Even though the government's warships were in good condition, they still did not reach O'Hara in ten days, but they had already passed through the windless belt to the Western Sea.

Coming to the West Sea again, Ian sighed a lot.

In the past ten days, he has not relaxed for half a moment, and he is studying the monthly steps attentively, but unfortunately he has not learned yet.

Eun rejoiced.

After ten days of training, there was no change in his physical attributes, and even Ian did not feel that his physical body had enhanced even the slightest.

"It seems that the current strength has reached the bottleneck of this body, and it may not be possible to enhance the physical attributes through training in the future." Ian frowned, "Let's practice for a while, if there is still no change, then I can only use the strengthening points to enhance my strength in the future." "

He has been deliberately saving strengthening points, that is, he wants to rely on his own exercise to improve his physical genus (Denuo Zhao) sex, but for various reasons, he is often forced to use strengthening points. After his body became stronger, his training effect became worse and worse.

However, although he may no longer be able to improve his strength through his own cultivation in the future, this makes Ian's heart feel relaxed.

In this way, he would not need to think about his cultivation when using the strengthening points in the future, and he could improve as much as he wanted.

Moreover, if it was really useless to cultivate in the future, then he would not have to exercise hard.

Of course, this point needs to be confirmed by him and will be discussed later.

On the sixteenth day of the warship's voyage, 1500 years later, Ian and others finally saw a small island, and on the island stood a large tree, the crown of which was like a giant umbrella, very conspicuous.

This scene in front of him made Ian's heart a little excited.

"I'm back... Robin C. "_

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