Rao is a martial artist who has learned a lot of martial arts, and he has not been able to react to stop her.

Seeing that the sword stabbed in Lian Fangqing, Guangyuan Emperor screamed madly: "Qing Er" Lian Fang was stunned and screamed and could not help but squat back.

The man wants to make up a sword, and ran out of a small palace girl in a horizontal direction. He called "Yiang Niang" and will hold the Fang Qing with a strong force to hold it. The man can't see it, he will sway, and several ups and downs will disappear. Between the flowers and trees in the distance.

"Catch the Assassin"


The big inner guards have been dispatched, and their steps are divergent. The female eunuchs of the palace screamed and cried, crying into a ball

"Give me a shut up" Guangyuan Emperor screamed and rushed to push the little palace girl who guarded Lian Fangqing, holding the person tightly in his arms, and trembled: "What are you? How are you going to be a doctor?

Xiao Liaozi and her aunt rushed back and said that they had already gone to invite Lian Fangqing, who was nervously carrying the Guangyuan Emperor's arms, and his heart suddenly jumped.

"I, okay" Lian Fangqing breathed a sigh of relief and said gently: "Let them all fall back"

When Guangyuan Emperor saw that she could still speak, her heart was dark, and she suddenly returned to God. She sighed coldly: "You still stay here and do something to watch the fun."

No matter how badly the Qing children are, he does not want them to see and know, and they do not want to hear their opinions.

Although the public wants to stay and inquire about the wounds of the Qing Dynasty, even in the heart, I hope that the Qinggui will be seriously injured. Seeing the emperor angry, who dares not to be interested

Even more afraid of the emperor’s anger and the pool fish, it’s really a big loss.

So they retire, and they walked cleanly in an instant.

The unique lotus priest sorrowed before the departure of Guangyuan Emperor, the poem tonight is the result of her feelings, is a smug work, but also smoothly unsuccessful, not to see the reward ,just this

Cooked duck, flying

Guangyuan Emperor played the Lianyungang, and still warmed up the wind and went to the temple, and the aunts and children, such as Ninger, had already eagerly rushed to rush to lay the soft couch.

"Emperor, I"

"Don't talk to shut up," Guangyuan Emperor hated to interrupt the voice of a woman in her arms.

Lian Fangqing has never seen him send such a big temper to himself, full of power, and suddenly the subconscious is born with coziness, dare not refute, and honestly rely on his arms.

When I entered the temple, Guangyuan Emperor carefully let her lie down. Even Fang Qing glanced at the crowd, saying: "You all retreat."

Although everyone was surprised, they did not dare to say anything.

Lian Fangqing suddenly raised his hand to cover the mouth of Guangyuan Emperor and smiled: "The emperor, you forgot the vest that you let me wear, although it hurts a bit, but it's really okay, just let the tone go, even There is no wound in the flesh."

Guangyuan Emperor really forgot this thing and went back to God. He only felt that he was losing his strength. He said with a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, fortunately, nothing happened."

Lian Fangqing’s heart was sweet and giggled, and he couldn’t help but rush to him and hugged him tightly. He smiled: “Fortunately, the emperor has a foresight.”

"Don't laugh too much" Guangyuan did not hit a place, and took a hard shot on her sleek buttocks. I didn't hate the voice: "You scared me to death, you know you really I almost scared me to death. How dare you make your own ideas and push me away? I am a man, only I protect you, and you are not allowed to do this dangerous thing for me."

Even if I recall the situation at the moment, Guangyuan Emperor still feels deeply afraid.

I saw the moment when the long sword stabbed her, and my heart was instantly stunned by extreme fear, and my apex was followed by a shudder, as if the soul was out.

He didn't even dare to think about it. If she really had an accident, what should he do if he had a thousand miles, but there was no such thing as a person, and what fun?

Even Fang Fangqing is sweet, sweet and sour, and the corners of the mouth are gently lifted uncontrollably.

"I, I am only, instinctive reaction," even Fang Fangqing softly whispered.

The instinctive reaction of Guangyuan Emperor felt that the gas did not hit one place, and she was anxious. One opening turned out to be: "The next time I will not react instinctively"

"" Even Fang Qing stayed, and then "oh".

Guangyuan Emperor came over and sighed: "Qinger, I only want you to be good, then the assassin is so easy to stab me. No matter what happens in the future, promise me, take care of yourself."

"I am just worried," Lian Fangqing sighed softly and finally sighed: "Okay, I remember."

Remember to remember, but if the same thing happens around, she thinks, maybe she will save him, just respond.

"I don't want you to remember." Guangyuan Emperor glared at her and scorned: "I want you to do it or not, see how I can clean you up."

Emperor Guangyuan was a bit irritated, and he was so anxious that he was going to be crazy. However, this little woman was quite unconcerned, but he had to deal with him casually.

But she is not someone else. She is his most beloved woman. She was shocked tonight, and how can he bear to reprimand her?

However, it seems that he does not use it at all, but it does not work at all.

Lian Fangqing "ah", shouted at him, said: "You, you really think about it when you are."

Guangyuan Emperor said: "This time is really clean up"

"Lian Fangqing's face is redder. Was she going to be wrong? She buried her head in his arms, and she was weak and said: "I listen to you."

In the heart of Guangyuan Emperor, this was slightly better. For a moment, he and his aunt screamed softly outside: "The emperor's maiden, the hospital of the hospital, Zhang Yuanju and Qi Tai doctor came."

Lian Fangqing got up from his arms and smiled and said: "I am not good. I am going to see what doctors are going to let them go back. I have a good night's sleep and rest."

"Look at it" Guangyuan Emperor said: "While you have no flesh and blood trauma, it is difficult to protect the internal organs from being hurt by the sword. Moreover, they are also scared and let them look better."

Lian Fangqing did not say anything.

Zhang Yuanjue and Qi Taiyi hand in hand respectfully, the diagnosis and treatment of a couple of people whispered to discuss the back and forth.

It is natural to let the nerves of the stunners.

Whether the five internal organs were injured or not, the two men could not see it for the time being. They only asked if Lian Fangqing had any feelings about where the body had improperly opened the waist and maintained it.

Guangyuan Emperor ordered them to diagnose the disease three times a day from tomorrow, and then said it for a while. The two are busy in unison.


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