Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 48

"Bellsprout, the whip of thorns to those two" In a jungle, Taiji was directing Bellsprout to deal with Weedle who had three battle strengths left.

And there are two Weedles that have lost their combat capability in the grass beside them.

The green grass is also full of Black spots, which are traces left by the five Weedles firing Poison Sting together.

“Moo ╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄)” Bellsprout immediately threw the one in his hand away.


"Oh!" This Weedle was very unlucky and hit the Poison Sting that was just about to be launched, and let out a painful Growl, which was not meant to be. A lot of physical strength is instantly cleared.

"Woooo~woooo~" The two Weedles who were smashed into the air couldn't help shouting loudly when they saw that they accidentally injured their companions.

"hmph, you are the only two left to dare to provoke, Bellsprout old rule, one whip." For these two Weedle's overestimate one's capabilities, Taiji sneered, decided to send them on the road as soon as possible.

p>“Moo(。ò∀ó。)” Bellsproutth

"pa! pa!" The quick vines made the two Weedles not react at all, and they were swept away again.

"Woo~woo~oh" The stronger whip of thorns this time made the two Weedles unable to get up.

"puchi!" Followed by the combination of Wrap and Absorption, only if you are disabled can you be a good blood pack without Struggle.

At this time, Taiji, who had sprayed the repellent spray on the side, started to deal with his own spills of war.

"pa ta" Bellsprout threw the two Weedles who had lost the combat capability in front of Taiji, and began to guard all around and sky.

It didn't forget Pidgey's lesson.

"It seems that because of the arrival of this small batch of Flying Type Pokémon, the insect is becoming more and more cautious now, and the team size seems to be rising again!"

Taiji side Quickly divide the material, while thinking about the encounters that came in.

In fact, I have found traces of Pokémon 4 times since I came in, but two times, 7-8 insects gathered together.

Only these two times were 5 insect teams, Taiji let Bellsprout shoot.

"But the alertness seems to have also improved, so let's put Sleep Powder at about 10 meters." Taiji thought that Bellsprout's Sleep Powder tactics were unsuccessful both times, and they were all lurking to a range of about 8 meters. was discovered.

He decided that 10 meters would be better. After all, as long as he inhaled, he would slide down, so Bellsprout would be easier to deal with.

Otherwise, like these two times, after resisting two or three attacks, you can find an opportunity to replace one or two first. Fortunately, Bellsprout has learned to absorb, and can save the blood pack to restore the blood.

"Let's go, Bellsprout, you've worked hard just now, let's eat a piece of fresh worm meat." Taiji packed up and gave Bellsprout the last piece of worm meat in his hand.

“Moo✪ω✪” Bellsprout immediately put it in his mouth.

"Okay, but we still have to pay attention to looking for the birds Pokémon, oh, that is the stork and the Pidgey."

"Moo (●—●)" Bellsprout who ate snacks Refreshing nodded.

They searched for more than half an hour, and finally Taiji found a Pidgey in his telescope.

"Go! Bellsprout, try to lurk as close as you can, I'm right here, if I can get a shot, when the time comes you'll tie it up, you know."

Taiji, hiding in a jungle, waved to Bellsprout, indicating it was moving forward.

After all, Pidgey owns the Keen Eye Characteristic Trait. There won't be so many Leafages and bushes in the future. Without these, he would definitely be seen by Pidgey.

But the camouflage of Bellsprout's native plants can be tried and go.

"Moo~moo~moo!" Bellsprout sneaked away from Taiji and started to move slowly with the help of the surrounding environment,

It obeyed Taiji's orders and would inadvertently Look at Pidgey on the branch for a while, and when Pidgey's eyes aren't on the ground, it moves fast.

"Boom?" Pidgey on the branch felt something was wrong, it seemed too quiet! Its eyes began to look around.

"Oops, looks like too much repellent spray is being used, and it's too early." Taiji, who saw Pidgey's move, quickly guessed why, and looked at where Bellsprout was now. , feel no longer waiting.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" After finally encountering a single Pidgey, Taiji decided to go all out and shoot three in a row!

"After all, I still have 42 rounds of ammunition, I can use it!"

"Boom! When he was about to get close, he noticed it, and hurriedly flashed to the left.

"Boom!" I saw a yellow red silhouette moving quickly, dodging three bullets at the crucial moment.

"wc! Spark flashed, it turned out to be a high-level Pidgey" Taiji didn't know whether to complain about his good luck or not.

The high level of strength shows that this Pidgey Aptitude should be good, but a flash of Spark means that his gun can't hit it at all.

"Boom!" Pidgey, who was quickly probing around, found Taiji based on the direction the bullet was shot from.

"Not good, Bellsprout go!"

"hiss~ hiss~"

Taiji saw Pidgey's eyes on him and knew that he had been found He immediately sprayed the expelling spray forward, and at the same time quickly moved forward to take back the Bellsprout who was running back.

"Boom~Boom!" Pidgey, who hated the expelling spray very much, shouted angrily, but decided not to chase after him.

"Hu~hu~ Come out Bellsprout, it's safe!" Taiji, who was running gasping for breath, let out Bellsprout, while he rested against the tree stump.

"Moo? moo moo moo?" Bellsprout who came out asked why he didn't let me shoot just now? Doesn't it slow down when it runs out of Spark? And they didn't find me either!

"Bellsprout, the speed is down, yes, but a simple lift-off is fast for a Flying Type Pokémon.

This Pidgey is about as high as you. Vine Whip limit range, so the probability of you hitting it is very small." After taking a sip of water, Taiji continued to explain to Bellsprout.

"If you don't get entangled, then you have no chance of winning against Pidgey, who is a freshman."

"Moo? moo! (`Δ´)! "Bellsprout was very angry when he told Taiji that he couldn't beat the bird with the same energy as himself!

Touching Bellsprout's head, he continued to explain, "Bellsprout, we must correctly recognize our own shortcomings."

"Remember the formidable power of Gust last time, when After the time comes Pidgey Gust suppresses you, you will most likely lose the combat capability with a flash of Spark."

"Then I will face a Pidgey with a flash of Spark, and I may not be able to get it back. You, I don't want to lose you, Bellsprout!" Said Taiji, and hugged Bellsprout.

“Moo(。・ω・。)ノ♡Moo Moo✪ω✪” Bellsprout, who was hugged by Taiji, was very happy and said that he also likes Taiji very much.

“Haha, then let’s take a break and then set off. After all, there is still a chance to find it again.”

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