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"Fast report: Gong Xu, Luo Chen Qianli chasing the goddess!"

“The fashion dinner meets in a narrow way: Who will hold the beauty?”

“Yang Luyi’s Fashion Dinner is stunningly four”

"Cai Yongsheng, Director of the Economics Department of Guangyao Artists, talks about the status quo of the entertainment industry"


However, it was a fashion dinner. After a night, the gossip news was flying all over the sky. It was also a wave of self-sufficiency. It really was Cai Yongsheng’s acting style.

At the company gathering of Guangyao Media, the top executives and artists gathered together.

"Come here! Everyone respects the director of Cai! I believe that Director Cai will lead us to shine! Toast!"

"Haha has Director Cai, we all know what a real professional agent is! What is Ye Bai’s, it’s been a long time to bring out a Luochen, and Director Cai has only brought the goddess to such a fire in a few days!"

"That is!"

Cai Yongsheng drank blushing neck thick, and his face was proud of the spring breeze. "Oh, don't take that little white face and compare it with me! What does he have? Without the support of the world, I see how he mixes..."

Others have echoed. "Director Cai said that it is too much that Gong Xu and Luo Chen are too confused. This time, it was really fooled by Ye Bai! What are the recent messes? The cover of the magazine that has closed down has actually fallen to the endorsement of women's products..."

"Time will prove everything. One day, Gong Xu and Luo Chen will see who is the real agent, and will definitely come back!"


Just in the glory of the big glory to Cai Yongsheng to hold a celebration feast, "Xiu Se" microblogging announced that the pre-sale volume broke the record, "VIVI" magazine's official microblog quietly released a microblog, released the magazine cover of this issue And pre-sale links...

[#洛辰宫旭VIVI special planning articles# "VIVI" new magic cover blockbuster strong attack! Justice and evil, light and darkness, he and him! Take you on a new journey! VIVI flagship store pre-sale link see: ... @洛辰, @宫旭, @柴永黎, @摄影萧雨彤, invited shape @Felix, @叶白, @诸神时代传媒官博]

Xiao Yuqi sat in front of the computer desk, took a deep breath and pressed the Enter key. "Editor, official blog is good!"

Chai Yongli nodded. "Good."

Xiao Yuxi looked at the more stunning photos on the cover after the post-processing. "I think everyone should like it!"

Although Chai Yongli thinks so, but because he has failed too many times, he has not dared to hold hope...

It has been released for a few minutes. This Weibo is quietly below, only one or two likes.


At night, Ye Hao and other four people are playing the drama in the office. The mobile phone prompts the sound, and it is the Weibo official announcement on the side of VIVI.

"Miyazuki, Luo Chen, let's forward it!" Ye Hao said.

"Oh, OK!"

"it is good."

The two forwarded the microblog of the cover preview as usual, and Ye Hao and Ye Mufan also followed.

Ye Mufan swept the cover and had to admit that the cover of the two boys was really handsome. It was very sensational. With the fan group of Gong Xu and Luo Chen here, this cover should not be bounced. of.

However, the reward for the first cover shot is really not a few dollars, and it can't solve the urgent need. They have to find a way to raise money quickly, otherwise the crew can't start it...

Ye Hao casually glanced at the official blog and said, "Okay, it’s already late, go back and have a rest!"


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