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Therefore, the girl in front of me is not a student of Mdff College at all, but Yin Yuerong deliberately wants to use her to test her attitude.

If you really pretend to be Yi Yun Mo, meet the students of Mdff College, and this student does not know himself, then his acting skills are good, but also have to show their feet.

Yin Yuerong has a trick. From beginning to end, she has only one chance to test her own. It is to kill the three elders. Unfortunately, Yin Yuerong missed this opportunity.

Didn't you start because of the scruples?

Fang Cai Ye heard that this girl who claimed to be Mdff College said that she knew Yi Yun Mo, and she had seen Yi Yun Mo in Mdff College, and Ye Hao almost laughed out loud.

Silly boy...what is easy to cloud, all solutions are illusory.

Yin Yuerong looked at Ye Hao with great interest: "Miss Yi, you said that it is not strange, why you can't recognize you at the MDff Academy, this is not very interesting."

As Yin Yuerong's voice fell, for a moment, many Yinjia guards rushed into the room, leaving a mess around here.

Ye Hao looked at the Yin family guards and did not say much.

"In the end, should I call you Miss Yi, or say, you should call you Miss Nie..." Seeing Ye Hao did not speak, Yin Yuerong turned to Ye Hao, coldly laughed.

In the next second, Ye Hao stood up gracefully from the sofa, with a hint of incomprehensible smile on his mouth, ignoring the Yinjia guards around him and walking slowly toward Yin Yuerong.

Soon, Ye Hao walked to Yin Yuerong: "Why, Yin Deacon likes to help people change their surnames."

I heard the sound, Yin Yuerong just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Hao.

At the moment, the smile on the face of Ye Hao is gathered, with a frosty face, and the sound of cold and cold bones slowly spits out from the mouth: "Yin Yuerong, what do you want to play, it is better to put on a road and put it on the table, I will accompany you. You are so fun."

Yin Yuerong stared at Ye Hao, his brows were slight.

"Yin Yuerong, today I am looking at the face of the night of the Secretary, accepting your invitation, but it is to see you as the mother of the night cold, do not care about you." Ye Hao seems to be the high-ranking superior, " Finally, tell you, in front of me, don't... don't face your face."

Ye Hao said, and passed away with Yin Yuerong, facing countless Yinjia guards, "rolling."

The **** captain glanced at Yin Yuerong, and immediately looked at Ye Hao for a while, and finally let the fun of the road open.

At this point, Yin Yuerong looked as if it could be dripping with water, but soon it was replaced with a smile: "Miss Yi, I think this is a misunderstanding."

"Is it misunderstood, I am not interested, Yin Yuerong, you remember to me, I am only interested in your son, nothing more."

Ye Hao said, and the head did not return to the big stride: "Is it misunderstood, what is your purpose, I am not interested to know, only this time, if you continue to offend, the consequences are conceited."

Looking at Ye Hao leaving the Yin family, Joe looked a little anxious. This time, the lady did try too much. After all, the woman is not a simple character.

After Ye Hao left, Yin Yuerong was full of cold smiles: "If it wasn't her father... Yi Yun Mo, she is already a dead person."

"Mrs, I have to say that the Yi Yun Mo is indeed too arrogant, even if it is the president, it is not necessary to treat the wife with this attitude." After Joe let the Yin family's guards retreat, they turned towards Yin Yue.

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