Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 2297: Was the woman robbed by the brother?

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"Oh... this... what is this?"

"Yin Heng and Qin Xiyuan???"

"Is Yin Heng not the righteous son of Yin Yuerong?"

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Everyone did not expect that the anecdote of Qin Xiyuan and Si Yehan was still hot a few days ago. Qin Xiyuan’s male partner today is Yin Heng.

What is the plot unfolding?

Almost everyone’s eyes were subconsciously looking towards the night, as if he was green and abandoned by Missy.

Faced with all kinds of strange sights, such as surprise, sympathy, the Secretary of the Night is always like a frost covered with snow, without any expression of expression, as if he is in another world.

Another director on the side of him couldn't help but talk to the secretary of the night. "Director, Miss Qin doesn't like you? How can you be with your brother? This is too much! But don't be too sad." ......"

The summit will be held tomorrow, and the company’s night-time charity, which is going to be the last time in the middle of the bill, has drawn a bit of attention and slowly glanced at the person beside him. “Sad?”

"Oh, needless to say, I understand, I understand! Don't be too sad!" The director's attitude of understanding does not reveal his scars.

No matter who it is, it is not good to be robbed by a woman from her own brother or to take such a woman.


"Miss Qin, you are here!"

"Goddess, you are so beautiful today!"

After Qin Xiyuan and Yin Heng entered the hall, all the talents returned, and they all greeted each other. Their eyes all looked at Yin Heng on the side of her side with an inquiring look.

At this time, a female partner who was familiar with Qin Xiyuan got closer to Qin Xiyuan. "Yuan Yuan, have you not been with the director before? How is today..."

Qin Xiyuan looked at the night of the night, and the result did not see any fluctuations in the other's face. She did not see the regrets she wanted to see, so the look was gloomy again.

Qin Xiyuan’s voice is not too big, just to let the people around him hear it. “I’m talking with the director? Is this a rumor from here? Sorry, I’m not familiar with the director, I have no relationship, I hope you don’t want to. Believe in this irresponsible remark."

Qin Xiyuan finished looking at Yin Heng on the side, and said sweetly: "To introduce to you, Yin Heng is my partner!"

Yin Heng’s face suddenly showed a gentle and petite expression, facing the eyes of a lot of shocked envy, feeling that vanity has been met with unprecedented satisfaction.

Over the years, he finally, completely won the division night cold once! ! !

Qin Xiyuan’s voice directly denied the fact that he liked the night of the night, and also directly announced the relationship with Yin Heng...

For a man, this is simply hitting his face in public.

The celebrity heard a face and hurriedly followed the voice of Qin Xiyuan. "Oh, it turned out to be a rumor. Whoever rumored this kind of thing is really too wicked!"

After saying it, I don’t forget to compliment. "You are already in contact with Yin Heng! It’s really a girl! It’s too good!"

Others have also begun to congratulate the two people. The men who were still admired by Miss Qin in the night are all gloating to see the night.

Yin Yuerong walked to the side of the night, "How about the taste? If you regret now, please ask Miss Qin for forgiveness, maybe it is still too late."

The face of the night is cold and indifferent. "Where is Yin’s thought, my eyes are so low, I will look at Qin Xiyuan."

Upon hearing this, Yin Yuerong was almost mad.

The daughter of the vice president of the arbitration committee, he disliked it, but he looked at the kind of wild girl, and he could still say so confidently!

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