Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 2245: Want to know the truth?

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"What do I say?" Si Xia was puzzled: "Is it... I am not clear enough, or you have problems with your ears. I said... I want to dominate the independent state, and you only have two ways to go. , surrender, or die, choose your own."

I heard the words of Si Xia, everyone in the room laughed, the president of the martial arts union, the brain was caught by the door, here to say this stupid, whimsical!

"What are you relying on." The patriarch of the family sneered.

However, Si Xia did not answer, but just fell on the body of Yi Shui Han: "Easy to cold, how, come over and help me."

"What do you think." Yi Shuihan asked Si Xia.

"I think..." Si Xia's mouth slightly rose: "You should be happy to help me."

Still waiting for the easy water to continue to open, Si Xia suddenly shook his head and said: "Don't worry about replying to me... Yishui Han, I know your things... I know the truth you don't know, you really think The girl, is the sideline sent to assassinate you..."

"What do you mean."

"Want to know the truth... how, help me, in exchange, I will tell you the truth of the matter." Si Xia laughed.

Still waiting for the easy opening of the water, Si Xia continued: "Yes, I hope you can pay attention to my words, maybe you think you can torture me and ask the truth... I really can't beat you, but I am a madman. If you disagree, this truth, you will never know, how."

As the Xixia voice fell, Yishuihan fell silent.

After a long time, Yi Shuihan nodded and said: "Well, if your truth is really different from what I know, I will help you."

"Yes, Yi Shuihan said a word, I believe you." Si Xia nodded: "You thought that the girl that year, really wants to poison you, and then because I fell in love with you, so I can't bear it. This caused your mother to eat poisonous meals."

"What do you mean." Yi Shui Han blinked.

"Oh, the truth is, that girl, I have never loved you... I am just a dead man who has no emotions and has been trained since childhood. This kind of person has been brainwashed since childhood, and will not be affectionate. Acting according to the order... Do you know that the girl has nothing to do with the sidelines, everything is a conspiracy."

"You fart!"

Jiang Ying screamed and screamed.

However, the people in the sidelines are surprisingly silent. They have not done this before, and they have been biting them for a long time. They have been designing for a long time.

"Jiang Ying, the patriarch, don't be excited, let me slowly say." Si Xia laughed.

"He came to listen to the food, kill him!" After that, a few strong people want to start with Si Xia.

However, the easy water and cold moments are blocked by Si Xia, and several people will be forced to retreat immediately: "Roll!"

"Interesting... In the same year, the scorpion system discovered that it was easy to be cold and cold, and it was marveled by the martial arts rumors of the easy water and cold. If you can get help from the cold water, then return to the independent state, such as the tiger's wings... Unfortunately, Yishui If you don’t eat the cold, you don’t have to deal with it. Soon, the shackles figure out a plan. That’s a blame. Use a beautiful female sorcerer to frame the sideline, the female slain. According to the plan, pretending to be in contact with Yishuihan, at that time, the Yishui cold sinus began to open, where to escape the hands of this perfectly trained female squad, after which Yi Shuihan brought the dead to the home... After that, The dead man was poisoned and poisoned his mother."

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